FishyGurl's 125G Tank Diary!!! =)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kevin34
the rock you got was uncured right? So your tank is cycling now?
ya see im not sure what to expect for this tank.. i had 50 pounds of base rock added around 6/21/08 i think then the 50 pounds of live rock that came in from (so it should have to recure a little) on 6/26/08 then i added the other 85 pounds or so that i had in my 72 gallon so that should be cured rock on july 1st i think
also i added 40 pounds of non live sand and 20 pounds of live sand..
so am i going to have a cycle? thats 50 out of 185 pounds of live rock that was shipped, and 20 out of 60 pounds of "live sand" (just that bagged stuff) added to the tank.
tanks params as of today


Active Member
Your tank should cycle with what you have in there. If your ammonia is already at .25 then it is probably just starting. Keep checking your levels once or twice a week


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kevin34
Your tank should cycle with what you have in there. If your ammonia is already at .25 then it is probably just starting. Keep checking your levels once or twice a week

ya my mom wants me to check them once a day till the cycle is over lol..


Hey fishygurl, what exactly are those led's. like tech specs, what color, wattage. we kinda have the same size of tank size i am going to get rid of mine and i want to COPY YOU!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by NRR15
Hey fishygurl, what exactly are those led's. like tech specs, what color, wattage. we kinda have the same size of tank size i am going to get rid of mine and i want to COPY YOU!!!

aww thanks!
hmm well im not sure what u meant by color the LED's that are built in it are blue.. lol
anyways i will just tell u exactly what the lighting is..
72 inch professional series
hqi metal halide fixture with compact flourescents and lunar lights
by coralife
includes- 72 inch long hqi metal halide fixture with compact flourescents and lunar lights
3 150 watt 10,000k hqi double ended metal halide lamps
4 96 watt true actinic 03 blue square-pin compact flourescent lamps
4 1 watt lunar blue-moon glow 470nm LED lamps
and then it goes on saying there are on off switches for all lights and built in fans and stuff
hope that helped


it helps thanks. 470nm wow! well i am on the hunt for some of those now i have looked at some of ice caps led's but i havent seen them installed yet. anyways thanks


Active Member
Originally Posted by NRR15
it helps thanks. 470nm wow! well i am on the hunt for some of those now i have looked at some of ice caps led's but i havent seen them installed yet. anyways thanks
no problem, good luck on finding them


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltyfish808
tanks looking great! I can not wait till my 125 has rock and sand in it

ya i know how you feel!!! ive been watching kevins 125 being built and get rock and sand in it along with a few others and it was killin me cuz i wanted mine set up! lol it seems a lot of people are setting up 125 gallons
I wish I would have had the space to go larger but my closet only let me do so much! Mine should be up and running by next weekend I hope


Active Member
Originally Posted by FishyGurl
ya i know how you feel!!! ive been watching kevins 125 being built and get rock and sand in it along with a few others and it was killin me cuz i wanted mine set up! lol it seems a lot of people are setting up 125 gallons
I have noticed a lot of younger people setting up tanks. I am only 16 and I have a friend the same age who is setting up a 75 (shinobi9119). I dont know how old you are but i think you are young too lol. And there is also clownfish11, alix, etc. lots o' youngins lol its cool


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kevin34
I have noticed a lot of younger people setting up tanks. I am only 16 and I have a friend the same age who is setting up a 75 (shinobi9119). I dont know how old you are but i think you are young too lol. And there is also clownfish11, alix, etc. lots o' youngins lol its cool
ya ik!!! we are taking over!!! lol no but its cool to see younger people that are setting them up, i dont know like anyone that is setting up a saltwater tank other than me, actually the people i know with freshwater only have 10 gallons or smaller lol


Active Member
ok so im back from going up north and im kinda dissapointed, i want my cycle to get over with!!! it seems like its taking so long...
anyways here are the params
am-0 maybe .25


Tanks looking good . I have one ? Is the tank leveled or is your doors on the stand need adjusted.In some of your pic's i notice they seemed out of line.Don't want you to spring a leak after all that work.


Active Member
Originally Posted by FishyGurl
ok so im back from going up north and im kinda dissapointed, i want my cycle to get over with!!! it seems like its taking so long...
anyways here are the params
am-0 maybe .25
Ya it can take awhile. I think my DT cycled in about a month. But hey, I bet your tank will finish its cycle before my QT