Flame this man!!! lol


My buddy the noob filling his new 75 with a garden hose from outside.
Pretty sure it is not RO water, lol

bang guy

No flame from me. An overnight leak test is a great idea. Then drain and fill with quality saltwater.


Active Member
you mean you don't top off with your garden hose?????

Besides I cant flame him I Use tap water and have for years, (I know its not ideal) but you can use it if your smart about it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
....I Use tap water and have for years, (I know its not ideal) but you can use it if your smart about it.
Hehe, that's almost a contradiction in terms...


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Hehe, that's almost a contradiction in terms...

I know, I know.
Hey fogger looks like I saved your friend some trouble I'm getting flamed instead..... LMAO


Active Member
No flaming here, just want all the new hobbyists visiting to know how I feel about toxic water, I mean tap water.


Active Member
I hear you journey man. tap water can be dangerous because of the unknowns in it.
but seeing as I just found a couple grand kicking around I think I am going to buy an RO unit this weekend.


I have high ammonia in my tap water...found out the hard way. RO/DI units aren't all that expensive. I got a 5 stage one for 189.00 shipping included. Works great, just a little on the slow side.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
I hear you journey man. tap water can be dangerous because of the unknowns in it.
but seeing as I just found a couple grand kicking around I think I am going to buy an RO unit this weekend.
nice, how bout kicking some my way?


Active Member
I would but seeing as I'm buying a house we are closing on the 18th) most of it is going to go into renovation. I'm setting aside a few pennys for myself though.

pogi pants

I use tap water all the time. But when you use a chlorine remover with stress reducer, along with ammonia/nitrate/nitrite remover, shouldn't that be fine? :thinking:


Originally Posted by reefkprZ
I know, I know.
Hey fogger looks like I saved your friend some trouble I'm getting flamed instead..... LMAO

thats too funny, he is new and cheap and also too big for me to tell him what he is doing wrong, lol.
Sorry reefkprz