florida joe tagged me... ask me anything


Active Member
Hey there, welcome aboard!
Why do you change your avatar so often?
Is there an afterlife?


Active Member
Originally Posted by alix2.0
mmkay =)
Favorite TV show.
House or Scrubs?
Why do you ask everyone the question above???
Do you know what you want to be when you grow up?
Am I making a false assumption that you are not yet an adult?
Don't you hate smelly people?
Why do people smell? I mean, some people need to get into the habit of showering once a year...
Is it apathy or a medical condition


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
Hey there, welcome aboard!
Why do you change your avatar so often?
Is there an afterlife?
i get bored really fast. my avatar changes with my mood, or something random around me. like one time my stapler broke, so i changed my avatar to a stapler. idk.
i dont believe that there is. i would like to, i just dont see it. im kind of more comforted by the thought that there isnt one. my friend just died recently (two weeks ago yesterday) and i feel better believing that shes not in pain anymore. i think oblivion is as nice an "afterlife" as i can imagine.
Originally Posted by PEZenfuego

Favorite TV show.
House or Scrubs?
Why do you ask everyone the question above???
Do you know what you want to be when you grow up?
Am I making a false assumption that you are not yet an adult?
Don't you hate smelly people?
Why do people smell? I mean, some people need to get into the habit of showering once a year...
Is it apathy or a medical condition

House. FTW.
inside joke/argument with camfish.
a child.
yeah, its pretty grody.
they dont use enough butt soap.
apathy. unless it really is a medical condition, because that would make it a medical condition.


Active Member
WOOT! Somebody mentioned me haha.
When did this thing start?
How long has it been?
What kind of phone do you have? (I need a new one haha)
Are you offended to get this emoticon
What is your favorite (or most tolerable) subject in school?
Are you going to graduate early?
Favorite movie?
Earliest memory?
Sorry to hear about your friend. I can only imagine how hard that must have been. Prayer be with you.

al mc

Active Member
Of all the avatars you have had which is your favorite?
What advice can you give to a father of an eleven year old girl?

coral keeper

Active Member
Whats your favorite color? Do you have any kids? Are you married? How old are you? Do you like comedy shows? Do you watch late night comedy shows? Whats your favorite fish? Whats your favorite corals? Whats your favorite invert? Who are you going to pick next? Do you like Quails? Do you like Chickens? Do you like Ducks? Do you like coffee? Do you like to read? What does this sign mean? <3 Do you like Obama? Whats your favorite food? Which do you like more? Reef or FOWLR? Do you like garlic? Do you like sports? If so, what kind? What happened to CFR and Guapo? Were you ever abducted by aliens? Do you like beef? Are you a vegetarian?


Active Member
What do you have that is lucky? Like rabbit's feet, underware, pens, pencils, sox, etc.
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Whats your favorite color? Do you have any kids? Are you married? How old are you? Do you like comedy shows? Do you watch late night comedy shows? Whats your favorite fish? Whats your favorite corals? Whats your favorite invert? Who are you going to pick next? Do you like Quails? Do you like Chickens? Do you like Ducks? Do you like coffee? Do you like to read? What does this sign mean? <3 Do you like Obama? Whats your favorite food? Which do you like more? Reef or FOWLR? Do you like garlic? Do you like sports? If so, what kind? What happened to CFR and Guapo? Were you ever abducted by aliens? Do you like beef? Are you a vegetarian?
You already know the answer to like half of these haha.


Active Member
Sorry to hear about your friend.
So it looks like Rotarymagic is banned again. Do you think it is three strikes and you're out for good?


Active Member
Originally Posted by makoshrk2
How does a blenny hitchhike in a piece of live rock, and live out of water that long??
idk, maybe there way some water in there somewhere. if my memory is correct, i think someone on here once got a mandarin that way.
Originally Posted by camfish
WOOT! Somebody mentioned me haha.
When did this thing start?
How long has it been?
What kind of phone do you have? (I need a new one haha)
Are you offended to get this emoticon
What is your favorite (or most tolerable) subject in school?
Are you going to graduate early?
Favorite movie?
Earliest memory?
Sorry to hear about your friend. I can only imagine how hard that must have been. Prayer be with you.
week or two ago. snakeblitz33 started it.
since what?
samsung sch u-740.
i like all my classes. science would probably be my favorite. or english. thats not counting electives though.
HAH definently not.
party monster.
sitting on my grandparents steps crying on my 4th birthday.
thank you.
Originally Posted by sepulatian

Have you solved the Viking mystery yet??
its not a mystery. and its not my fault that im the only one who sees the light!
Originally Posted by funkysean5

Are you thinking about soap right now?
lets pretend i am.
Originally Posted by Al Mc
Of all the avatars you have had which is your favorite?
What advice can you give to a father of an eleven year old girl?
idk... probably one of my various pics of alison.
pick your battles.
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
where is it you want to 'take off to'' when you blow outta your town?
"I don't have to run away and live on the street. I can run away and I can go to the ocean, I can go to the country, I can go to the mountains. I could go to Israel, Africa, Afghanistan..."
heh. idk. ive kinda wanted to check out the washington state grunge scene, but i dont know if i could deal with all that rain or being that far north. i also want to go somewhere tropical, but im not into hurricanes. maybe somewhere in southern france or spain. or new zealand. idk.
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper

Whats your favorite color? Do you have any kids? Are you married? How old are you? Do you like comedy shows? Do you watch late night comedy shows? Whats your favorite fish? Whats your favorite corals? Whats your favorite invert? Who are you going to pick next? Do you like Quails? Do you like Chickens? Do you like Ducks? Do you like coffee? Do you like to read? What does this sign mean? <3 Do you like Obama? Whats your favorite food? Which do you like more? Reef or FOWLR? Do you like garlic? Do you like sports? If so, what kind? What happened to CFR and Guapo? Were you ever abducted by aliens? Do you like beef? Are you a vegetarian?
yes, 6 and a half.
i like graham norton.
graham norton.
that ive ever had? copperband butterfly.
sun coral/dendros.
my conch, or shrimp.
its a closely guarded secret.
dont know, dont care.


Active Member
Originally Posted by camfish
What do you have that is lucky? Like rabbit's feet, underware, pens, pencils, sox, etc.
You already know the answer to like half of these haha.
i have this ring, (i loove silver) and i absolutely flip if i dont have it at all times. i dont know if i consider it lucky, but i royally eff everything up if i dont have it.
Originally Posted by spanko
Sorry to hear about your friend.
So it looks like Rotarymagic is banned again. Do you think it is three strikes and you're out for good?
thank you.
i have no idea. what did he do this time?
Originally Posted by florida joe

when you blow out of town what is it you take off