For Fox news fans.


Active Member
Just wondering if anyone else has heard of Bin Talal?
It appears he is the largest stock holder in the parent company that owns Fox News outside of the Murdoch family and also appears to be a major financer of the proposed mosque near ground zero. He also seems to be the sugar daddy for Fiesel Abdul Rauf who is the person in charge of getting the Mosque built. So in a round-about way the profits this guy gets from his stocks and the profits Fox news makes could be financing this mosque.
Saw the story on the Daily Show, but did a little more research before posting and it seems to be a real story. With the way Fox has been covering this story it really does not seem too fair or balanced to me and along with the Taliban trained terrorist monkey story a few weeks ago should be enough for most people to at least question the validity of anything they report on.
I am just wondering where the conservative outrage is on this one and why you still watch Fox since they are obviously hiding something big here or where now that the story is out. Sounds like a protest and boycott of Fox should be in order IMHO.


Active Member
Wait a second. You are saying because a holder of News Corp stock supports this mosque it should somehow slant their coverage? If that's the case you'd think they would be soft balling it like NBC has. Speaking of NBC do you see any connection between their ridiculous coverage of Obama with all the green initiatives that have benefited their parent company, GE and the administration allowing GE capital to consider itself a bank so they could get tarp funding?


Active Member
Reef, don't deflect it back to MSNBC. Fox is the newsource for the right-wing in this country and at the same time one of the major stockholders is financing the mosque and they fail to report the connection. That is the point, there is a conflict of interest here and with 24 percent of America thinking Obama is a secret muslim you can't honestly tell me that conservatives should not have a major problem with this guy and his connection to Fox.
I don't think morally they can be in business with this guy and then report the way they do, most people would call that hypocrisy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fishtaco http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans#post_3301569
Reef, don't deflect it back to MSNBC. Fox is the newsource for the right-wing in this country and at the same time one of the major stockholders is financing the mosque and they fail to report the connection. That is the point, there is a conflict of interest here and with 24 percent of America thinking Obama is a secret muslim you can't honestly tell me that conservatives should not have a major problem with this guy and his connection to Fox.
I don't think morally they can be in business with this guy and then report the way they do, most people would call that hypocrisy.
Oh, so you only hold fox to that standard, I get it.
You do understand that anyone with money is free to buy stock right? Wonderful system we have here, even a working class slug like me can buy stock.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans#post_3301576
Oh, so you only hold fox to that standard, I get it.
You do understand that anyone with money is free to buy stock right? Wonderful system we have here, even a working class slug like me can buy stock.
No I think all the 24 hour news places are whack and the fact still remains that Fox has stopped just short of reporting who the money trail leads to when covering the 911 mosque story and I wonder how anyone can take anything they say seriously. Did you see the Fox and Friends story about the Taliban trained terrorist monkeys, they actually reported this as real news. Now we have 24 percent of Americans afraid of death by monkeys.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fishtaco http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans#post_3301577
No I think all the 24 hour news places are whack and the fact still remains that Fox has stopped just short of reporting who the money trail leads to when covering the 911 mosque story and I wonder how anyone can take anything they say seriously. Did you see the Fox and Friends story about the Taliban trained terrorist monkeys, they actually reported this as real news. Now we have 24 percent of Americans afraid of death by monkeys.

Dont watch Fox and Friends or any of the other morning shows very often. It's something more like the view than a news program but I suspect you mean them making fun of this story
The reason the money trail on the Mosque hasn't been reported is as far as I know, THERE IS NONE YET. Also so far the Imam has not agreed to disclose proposed donors. I guess FOX could take a page from Keith Oberman and just make up a list



Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans#post_3301584
Dont watch Fox and Friends or any of the other morning shows very often. It's something more like the view than a news program but I suspect you mean them making fun of this story
The reason the money trail on the Mosque hasn't been reported is as far as I know, THERE IS NONE YET. Also so far the Imam has not agreed to disclose proposed donors. I guess FOX could take a page from Keith Oberman and just make up a list

I actually had no trouble finding the money trail when I did a little research actually, it was the second site that came up on my search. Again you don't need to even bring Oberman into it, I am well aware he is an attack dog for the left and won't defend him anymore than I would defend anyone on Fox news for being anything other than a bias tool for the far-right.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fishtaco http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans#post_3301586
I actually had no trouble finding the money trail when I did a little research actually, it was the second site that came up on my search. Again you don't need to even bring Oberman into it, I am well aware he is an attack dog for the left and won't defend him anymore than I would defend anyone on Fox news for being anything other than a bias tool for the far-right.
Money trail for the mosque? It isn't even built yet.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fishtaco http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans#post_3301596
I feel I have provided more than enough evidence here to prove Fox news is a secret muslim new org. and I would like to think the same 24 percent of Americans who still think Obama is a muslim would agree with me.
So far all you've proven is the quality of the drugs in Oregon is excellent



Active Member
Fox News biased? Where did you get that? They also recently reported that News Corp, which owns Fox News, recently donated $1 Million to the Republican Governors Association. How can Fox News have an unbiased and impartial view on any political debate when they have a major Republican outfit in their back pocket? If they want to be known for being a "News Neutral" organization, why not donate to the Democratic Party as well?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans#post_3301663
Fox News biased? Where did you get that? They also recently reported that News Corp, which owns Fox News, recently donated $1 Million to the Republican Governors Association. How can Fox News have an unbiased and impartial view on any political debate when they have a major Republican outfit in their back pocket? If they want to be known for being a "News Neutral" organization, why not donate to the Democratic Party as well?
Same way they did back in 2006 when the owner of the company held a fundraiser for Hillary Clinton.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans#post_3301710
Same way they did back in 2006 when the owner of the company held a fundraiser for Hillary Clinton.
Again with the MSNBC stuff, I think we all understand that they are the counter-balance to Fox, what I don't get is how you are using them as an excuse for what Fox does to make it okay while at the same time making them the bad guys. Logical thinking should tell you if you think what MSNBC is doing is bias and lies, then you have to understand Fox is doing the same thing and not watch either. The reality is that both Fox and MSNBC give their perspective viewers that warm fuzzy feeling that only comes when you are getting your ego stroked and are being told your way of thinking is correct.
As far as the money trail, stop being naive about that, that mosque is in the planning stage and you are acting like that costs nothing in NYC?
No matter how you want to try and slice it here Reef, some of the money for that mosque is going to be coming from the profits of a right-wing news orginization, if you can't see the irony in that, I will just give up trying to make you understand.
I was also straight yesterday when I posted, it was still early in the day and I do have my standards.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fishtaco http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans#post_3301742
Again with the MSNBC stuff, I think we all understand that they are the counter-balance to Fox, what I don't get is how you are using them as an excuse for what Fox does to make it okay while at the same time making them the bad guys. Logical thinking should tell you if you think what MSNBC is doing is bias and lies, then you have to understand Fox is doing the same thing and not watch either. The reality is that both Fox and MSNBC give their perspective viewers that warm fuzzy feeling that only comes when you are getting your ego stroked and are being told your way of thinking is correct.
As far as the money trail, stop being naive about that, that mosque is in the planning stage and you are acting like that costs nothing in NYC?
No matter how you want to try and slice it here Reef, some of the money for that mosque is going to be coming from the profits of a right-wing news orginization, if you can't see the irony in that, I will just give up trying to make you understand.
I was also straight yesterday when I posted, it was still early in the day and I do have my standards.
Did you even bother to read the MSNBC link? All it is was a story about the Murdoc fundraiser. I can post the same story from the Times or CNN if you'd like.
I hold stock in a lot of companies, so what? It says more about the integrity of FOX that they are willing to push the Mosque story if that guy who holds like 7% of their stock is also a backer of the Mosque, still waiting for a link to the list of donors....... You don't seem to understand, him owning Newscorp stock means he likes the company, not that the company likes him.


Active Member
lol seems fair and balanced to me, they have both sides making money on something different in the news... But it just goes to show that it is the left that is the intolerant, whose full of prejudice...


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27 http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans#post_3301819
lol seems fair and balanced to me, they have both sides making money on something different in the news... But it just goes to show that it is the left that is the intolerant, whose full of prejudice...
No doubt there. Sarah Palin is stupid because she's a conservative. One who's been elected mayor, appointed to a very important state board and won a governor's race against a fairly popular incumbent. They call those of use who opposed Obama racists despite the fact the great majority of us could list numerous votes and support for certain policies during his legislative career to justify our opposition yet they couldn't do the same to explain their votes for him. They go to court to have a landmark cross removed from the hill above a veterans cemetery on separation of church and state grounds yet when Obama sends a Imam overseas to talk about Muslim life in American all that's heard is a chorus of crickets.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans#post_3301859
No doubt there. Sarah Palin is stupid because she's a conservative. One who's been elected mayor, appointed to a very important state board and won a governor's race against a fairly popular incumbent. They call those of use who opposed Obama racists despite the fact the great majority of us could list numerous votes and support for certain policies during his legislative career to justify our opposition yet they couldn't do the same to explain their votes for him. They go to court to have a landmark cross removed from the hill above a veterans cemetery on separation of church and state grounds yet when Obama sends a Imam overseas to talk about Muslim life in American all that's heard is a chorus of crickets.
No, Sarah Palin is stupid when it comes to her knowledge of national politics. I have no doubt she was a very good mayor, and did quite well for the State of Alaska when it came to making sure the needs of her citizens were given a priority over anything else. Considering she grew up there, that's not surprising. However, she's a complete failure when it comes to the national arena. She's out of her element, and the strong-arm tactics she used when she held offices in Alaska don't work when trying to deal with people in other parts of the country.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans#post_3301981
No, Sarah Palin is stupid when it comes to her knowledge of national politics. I have no doubt she was a very good mayor, and did quite well for the State of Alaska when it came to making sure the needs of her citizens were given a priority over anything else. Considering she grew up there, that's not surprising. However, she's a complete failure when it comes to the national arena. She's out of her element, and the strong-arm tactics she used when she held offices in Alaska don't work when trying to deal with people in other parts of the country.
How would you know if her "strong arm" tactics would work on the national level or not, she wasn't elected. Personally, Palin wouldn't make my top 20 list as a presidential candidate but I would love to see her in the Congress or Senate. Of course if she were to expand her world view my opinion of her presidential abilities, which I place ahead of Obama right now, would rise a whole lot. I think she would do well on domestic policy but foreign policy, not so much



Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans#post_3301995
How would you know if her "strong arm" tactics would work on the national level or not, she wasn't elected. Personally, Palin wouldn't make my top 20 list as a presidential candidate but I would love to see her in the Congress or Senate. Of course if she were to expand her world view my opinion of her presidential abilities, which I place ahead of Obama right now, would rise a whole lot. I think she would do well on domestic policy but foreign policy, not so much

Because any national politician whose tried to use those kind of tactics with their constituents has never had a long successful tenure in office. I surely don't want some representative telling me it's "my way or the highway". You put her in Congress, and she'll alienate the majority of the people she works with. She talks a good talk (if you can actually figure out the message she's trying to convey), but I'd bet no other Senator or Congressman would want to have her associated with any bill they're trying to pass. There's too many people in this country like me that don't trust her, and don't buy into her little 'schtick'.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans#post_3302000
Because any national politician whose tried to use those kind of tactics with their constituents has never had a long successful tenure in office. I surely don't want some representative telling me it's "my way or the highway". You put her in Congress, and she'll alienate the majority of the people she works with. She talks a good talk (if you can actually figure out the message she's trying to convey), but I'd bet no other Senator or Congressman would want to have her associated with any bill they're trying to pass. There's too many people in this country like me that don't trust her, and don't buy into her little 'schtick'.
Yet you plce your trust in Obama is our economy doing by the way? Unemployment go down yet?