For Fox news fans.


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Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/20#post_3302256
This mosque debacle is a lose-lose situation for New York. I guarantee you that if they go forward with building that place, the New York crazies will burn the place down in a month. If I were a practicing Muslim in New York, I wouldn't get within a mile of that place with my family. It's destined for disaster before it even gets built.
Unfortunately I think you are right. I kind of wonder if that is really what the backers of this are looking for. I mean that Imam has said some pretty interesting things, I am not convinced he is the reasonable moderate he claims to be. If he is one things for sure, he isn't overly bright when it comes to public relations.


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Originally Posted by reefraff http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/20#post_3302274
Have you? I'd say having centers at Harvard and Georgetown are points in his favor. Seems to do a lot of charity work as well. Got a credible link about him being tied to terrorists or is it just tha fact he is Muslim that offends you?
Reef this whole post has been a question to why the Fox faithful are not offended by it and has nothing to do with me. As far as links, I always make other people do their own research because people on the internet always link to bias sites, I can for example link any number of websites that will provide proof the Obama is a secret muslim and it is still wrong. I have found a couple links that claim this guy has a direct link to Murdoch and has had Fox change the wording in at least one story which is interesting. I'm just trying to figure out what the litmus test is that conservatives apply before something is too Muslim because even though I don't think you, darth or streb27 think Obama is a secret muslim, many conservatives do. I was also commenting how when covering this story Fox news has stopped just short of exposing who the money man is behind the Mosque in the footage I have watched. It's all been about the irony of it all and honestly I think maybe a break from watching Fox everyday might do you some good, because defending a right-wing cable network like I insulted your mother is a little creepy IMHO.


Active Member
someone help me out here? How why should we be upset again? Because a really rich muslim owns 6-7% of Newscorps?


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Originally Posted by Fishtaco http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/40#post_3302281
Reef this whole post has been a question to why the Fox faithful are not offended by it and has nothing to do with me. As far as links, I always make other people do their own research because people on the internet always link to bias sites, I can for example link any number of websites that will provide proof the Obama is a secret muslim and it is still wrong. I have found a couple links that claim this guy has a direct link to Murdoch and has had Fox change the wording in at least one story which is interesting. I'm just trying to figure out what the litmus test is that conservatives apply before something is too Muslim because even though I don't think you, darth or streb27 think Obama is a secret muslim, many conservatives do. I was also commenting how when covering this story Fox news has stopped just short of exposing who the money man is behind the Mosque in the footage I have watched. It's all been about the irony of it all and honestly I think maybe a break from watching Fox everyday might do you some good, because defending a right-wing cable network like I insulted your mother is a little creepy IMHO.
I've posted on here several times that I would rather think Obama was a secret Muslim than someone who sat in rev Wright's church 20 years. I am not hung up on religion. George Mitchell is one of the ever decreasing Democrats I like and respect, he happens to be Muslim.
I searched and didn't find any mainstream links to stories about this guy linked to RM nor funding for this Mosque, thats why I asked for links. I haven't seen any credible evidence Obama is a Muslim. I do believe he was raised as such to some extent because there is evidence to support that. That means nothing, I was raised Mormon and Southern Baptist, neither of which I would claim to be since my teenage years. Obama never talked about his early religious training but I would have seen it as a positive, him understanding the religion an culture of those who seek to attack us.


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Originally Posted by stdreb27 http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/40#post_3302317
someone help me out here? How why should we be upset again? Because a really rich muslim owns 6-7% of Newscorps?
The bloggers only have this to throw out, I'd say the left is running scarred. Did you see, even David Letterman made a crack against Obama. Someone mentioned Obama's vacation and Dave says "When his one term is over he will have plenty of time for vacation". I don't think you can make a credible prediction this far out but I will say if we double dip and hit 10 percent unemployment, even for a couple months he's done.


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Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/20#post_3302027
I never said I put my trust in the guy. I said I liked his platform and viewpoints as to how we could get ourselves out of the hole we dug ourselves in during the last two years of the Bush regime. His concepts looked good on paper, but until you have the opportunity to actually implement those plans, you never know how they'll turn out. Your problem is, you want instantaneous results. Obama admitted going in that it would takes years before you saw positive results from his plans. The Republicans and Conservatives don't want to accept that. If you have some Grand Plan that you think will turn our economy and employment statistics around in 6 - 12 months, by all means bring them up and run for office. I could honestly care less who the Figure Head is sitting in the Oval Office when that occurs.
What concepts "look good on paper"? The tried and failed socialist policies of the USSR? It seems to me they are rehashing the failed policies of the past. Redistribution worked so well the USSR does not even exist any more. Wilson and Tedy Roosevelt tried and failed.
We need to get back to the small gov't we had. Fewer laws, but enforce what we have. Do we need health care reform that reforms little but makes 1200+ pages of new beaurocracy? Gov't wastes so much money in their effort to prove we need them. Get out of my way and I will make it on my own with my own hard work, faith, and yes even charity. Cut the beaurocracy by 50% before raising taxes and see how much you save. The "jobless recovery" is only in the private sector, gov't employment (and pay) is heading through the roof.


Active Member
I hope he doesn't get elected for a second term. I hope he gets ousted by one of these right-wing Tea Party nut jobs. Then when the economy and unemployment STILL doesn't improve, maybe all the Obama haters/naysayers will shut their pie holes, and all the Lefty Liberals can sit there and say, "I told you so!


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/40#post_3302339
The bloggers only have this to throw out, I'd say the left is running scarred. Did you see, even David Letterman made a crack against Obama. Someone mentioned Obama's vacation and Dave says "When his one term is over he will have plenty of time for vacation". I don't think you can make a credible prediction this far out but I will say if we double dip and hit 10 percent unemployment, even for a couple months he's done.
I guess if I owned 6% of New's Corpse (get the Obama joke?) they'd be coming after me because I go to the same extremist denomination of church palin went too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/40#post_3302341
I hope he doesn't get elected for a second term. I hope he gets ousted by one of these right-wing Tea Party nut jobs. Then when the economy and unemployment STILL doesn't improve, maybe all the Obama haters/naysayers will shut their pie holes, and all the Lefty Liberals can sit there and say, "I told you so!
The only problem is, these nutjob tea party people advocate something that already worked once. (see 1980s)


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/40#post_3302341
I hope he doesn't get elected for a second term. I hope he gets ousted by one of these right-wing Tea Party nut jobs. Then when the economy and unemployment STILL doesn't improve, maybe all the Obama haters/naysayers will shut their pie holes, and all the Lefty Liberals can sit there and say, "I told you so!
If the economy dips again he may have to get past Hillary in a primary first


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/40#post_3302340
What concepts "look good on paper"? The tried and failed socialist policies of the USSR? It seems to me they are rehashing the failed policies of the past. Redistribution worked so well the USSR does not even exist any more. Wilson and Tedy Roosevelt tried and failed.
We need to get back to the small gov't we had. Fewer laws, but enforce what we have. Do we need health care reform that reforms little but makes 1200+ pages of new beaurocracy? Gov't wastes so much money in their effort to prove we need them. Get out of my way and I will make it on my own with my own hard work, faith, and yes even charity. Cut the beaurocracy by 50% before raising taxes and see how much you save. The "jobless recovery" is only in the private sector, gov't employment (and pay) is heading through the roof.
What part of his policies are 'Socialist"? It's been shown MULTIPLE times the health care reform is not based on socialized medicine. That's called MEDICARE. The bailouts to the auto makers were LOANS. There are no government officials on the Boards of GM and Chrysler. The stimulus packages were designed to infuse the economy, and get people spending again. Instead, the Republicans did a media blitz campaigning all the negativity behind the programs, and the American people fell for it and stuffed their money back into their pockets. Businesses ran scared because the Tea Party says the "Sky Is Falling, and we're doomed", so they quit growing their companies, and stopped hiring. It's amazing what impact the media and the Internet has on the stability of our government and economy. Just look at the discourse and disagreements you see on this forum. Ten years ago, you never had this capability to start mainstream upheaval and generate rumors and half-truths about someone or some government entity. You only heard about these issues on the Big Three networks, or you local newspaper. You want to get this country out of the doldrums and a near-Depression? Turn off these reality-style 'news outlets' and quit reading second-hand and third-hand internet stories and blogs, and actually go out and get first-hand accounts of what's really going on in this country. Maybe then, people would see it's not as bad as what Glenn Beck, Hannity, Olbermeir (whatever that MSN dufus' name is), or that ditz on MSN is telling you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/40#post_3302352
What part of his policies are 'Socialist"? It's been shown MULTIPLE times the health care reform is not based on socialized medicine. That's called MEDICARE. The bailouts to the auto makers were LOANS. There are no government officials on the Boards of GM and Chrysler. The stimulus packages were designed to infuse the economy, and get people spending again. Instead, the Republicans did a media blitz campaigning all the negativity behind the programs, and the American people fell for it and stuffed their money back into their pockets. Businesses ran scared because the Tea Party says the "Sky Is Falling, and we're doomed", so they quit growing their companies, and stopped hiring. It's amazing what impact the media and the Internet has on the stability of our government and economy. Just look at the discourse and disagreements you see on this forum. Ten years ago, you never had this capability to start mainstream upheaval and generate rumors and half-truths about someone or some government entity. You only heard about these issues on the Big Three networks, or you local newspaper. You want to get this country out of the doldrums and a near-Depression? Turn off these reality-style 'news outlets' and quit reading second-hand and third-hand internet stories and blogs, and actually go out and get first-hand accounts of what's really going on in this country. Maybe then, people would see it's not as bad as what Glenn Beck, Hannity, Olbermeir (whatever that MSN dufus' name is), or that ditz on MSN is telling you.
I think business are running scared because they have no clue what is coming down the pipe... Remember when AT&T and some other major corps came out saying that the new "health bill" would cost them millions more. Then got called to congress about the lies?

darthtang aw

Active Member
Wait a Minute.
Isn't Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf The guy pushing for this Mosque to be built. From what I am reading the "guy in bed with murdoch" is donating some money to help with the construction....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/40#post_3302358
Wait a Minute.
Isn't Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf The guy pushing for this Mosque to be built. From what I am reading the "guy in bed with murdoch" is donating some money to help with the construction....
That is what I don't get, now if Foxnews was running around advocating the mosque be built, and all their opinion commentary shows were doing the same thing, there might be something to talk about.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/40#post_3302352
What part of his policies are 'Socialist"? It's been shown MULTIPLE times the health care reform is not based on socialized medicine. That's called MEDICARE. The bailouts to the auto makers were LOANS. There are no government officials on the Boards of GM and Chrysler. The stimulus packages were designed to infuse the economy, and get people spending again. Instead, the Republicans did a media blitz campaigning all the negativity behind the programs, and the American people fell for it and stuffed their money back into their pockets. Businesses ran scared because the Tea Party says the "Sky Is Falling, and we're doomed", so they quit growing their companies, and stopped hiring. It's amazing what impact the media and the Internet has on the stability of our government and economy. Just look at the discourse and disagreements you see on this forum. Ten years ago, you never had this capability to start mainstream upheaval and generate rumors and half-truths about someone or some government entity. You only heard about these issues on the Big Three networks, or you local newspaper. You want to get this country out of the doldrums and a near-Depression? Turn off these reality-style 'news outlets' and quit reading second-hand and third-hand internet stories and blogs, and actually go out and get first-hand accounts of what's really going on in this country. Maybe then, people would see it's not as bad as what Glenn Beck, Hannity, Olbermeir (whatever that MSN dufus' name is), or that ditz on MSN is telling you.
Obama said it himself: "redistribution". That my friend is as Marxist as it gets.
As to health care, it sets up the fall of the current system to be taken over by the sigle payer, gov't option. It does not include a gov't option, but is making it so difficult it almost forces that to happen.
As to the loans I've heard the term "gov't ownership" from all three media outlets. Ownership does not equal a loan in my mind. Did Obama not demand the resignation of the chief of GM and get it?
Did the loans prevent the bankruptcy, no. Did the massive gov't spending keep unemployment below the PROMISED 9%....NO!!!! what a waste of money.
Where in the whole Constitution is there a"bail out" or even Medicare? Medicare was (just) barely Constitutional when it was still YOUR money. It WAS voluntary ( supposidly so is the income tax). Now, they've opened the lock box to buy pork for re-election. What was my money for my "golden years". Has become a bridge to nowhere and pork barrel spending.
You still don't get the whole Obama thing do you!? Listen to what the man has said, read his books and you will see the Marxist he really is. Heck he even stated in one of his books he would side with Islam against the US. Things like that make us wonder what side he is on.
They talk about this "hole" we are in. I thought when you found yourself in a hole, the first thing to do was stop digging. With spending the way it is that is not stopping.
BTW they are reproting the fed is thinking of making interest rates 0%. Wow, are we that close to default. I'm glad I have some gold, silver and plenty of ammo.
I just love that article Bionic, they don't get it. Gov't spending and the economy is not getting better. They made the problem, they are not the answer.


Active Member
Our government already had socialist elements before Obama. Our tax code, Social Security, CHIPs, Welfare, etc. are all socialist programs. Obama in fact did more our health care system into the realm of socialism. As the Deuce pointed out any redistributive policy is socialist and the Democrats have been pushing it hard.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/40#post_3302367
Obama said it himself: "redistribution". That my friend is as Marxist as it gets.
As to health care, it sets up the fall of the current system to be taken over by the sigle payer, gov't option. It does not include a gov't option, but is making it so difficult it almost forces that to happen.
As to the loans I've heard the term "gov't ownership" from all three media outlets. Ownership does not equal a loan in my mind. Did Obama not demand the resignation of the chief of GM and get it?
Did the loans prevent the bankruptcy, no. Did the massive gov't spending keep unemployment below the PROMISED 9%....NO!!!! what a waste of money.
Where in the whole Constitution is there a"bail out" or even Medicare? Medicare was (just) barely Constitutional when it was still YOUR money. It WAS voluntary ( supposidly so is the income tax). Now, they've opened the lock box to buy pork for re-election. What was my money for my "golden years". Has become a bridge to nowhere and pork barrel spending.
You still don't get the whole Obama thing do you!? Listen to what the man has said, read his books and you will see the Marxist he really is. Heck he even stated in one of his books he would side with Islam against the US. Things like that make us wonder what side he is on.
They talk about this "hole" we are in. I thought when you found yourself in a hole, the first thing to do was stop digging. With spending the way it is that is not stopping.
BTW they are reproting the fed is thinking of making interest rates 0%. Wow, are we that close to default. I'm glad I have some gold, silver and plenty of ammo.
I just love that article Bionic, they don't get it. Gov't spending and the economy is not getting better. They made the problem, they are not the answer.
And where did you get all this 'accurate' information that paints Obama in this light you depict? FROM THE INTERNET AND REALITY-STYLE MEDIA. Like I said, if someone tells you something enough times, you'll believe it.