For Fox news fans.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/40#post_3302377
And where did you get all this 'accurate' information that paints Obama in this light you depict? FROM THE INTERNET AND REALITY-STYLE MEDIA. Like I said, if someone tells you something enough times, you'll believe it.
What is news......someone telling you something............last I heard this is how we all learn...someone tells you something. if you don't get your info from the internet and "reality" style media, then where do you get it...I would love to known your sources since they are so different than ours...enlighten us.....I to wish to be as informed as you.......wait when we were discussing the bill you didn 't know half of what we were commenting on...I had to pull it from the bill and show you...and you still didnt nevermind....I don't want top live in your alternate "reality".
Technically the healthcare bill in it's current fashion is more akin to Facism with a slight Marxist twist.....with the goal being complete social program such as welfare which is true socialism.
The auto bailout........ok...lets use the logic you are supportting for the murdoch/muslim angle. If this prince is in bed with Murdoch and has controlling interest in what is reported, then by default Obama and the government also are in bed with the auto industry and have controlling interest in them since they are invested as well.....Your logic...not mine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/40#post_3302377
And where did you get all this 'accurate' information that paints Obama in this light you depict? FROM THE INTERNET AND REALITY-STYLE MEDIA. Like I said, if someone tells you something enough times, you'll believe it.
From Obama himself!
Read his book, listen to his words.
He said "spread the wealth" to Joe the plumber.
Not the internet, not Fox News, not NBC, but from Obama himself.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/60#post_3302420
From Obama himself!
Read his book, listen to his words.
He said "spread the wealth" to Joe the plumber.
Not the internet, not Fox News, not NBC, but from Obama himself.
Yes he did say that. But did you understand the context in which he was making that statement? He wanted to increase the taxes on individuals who make more than $250,000/year. Why? Because individuals whose income are in the Top 10% have the majority of the tax breaks and opportunities to "hide" their income from Uncle Sam. Would you oppose a Flat Tax style taxing dtructure in this country? Everyone pays the same, regardless of their income? I would. Will that ever happen? Not likely. So the alternative is to make the wealthy pay the taxes they should. To me, that's his definition of "spread the wealth". But of course, your little media outlets don't see it that way. Fox News, CNN, MSN, all of them, twist words and phrases in order for them to meet their agenda and prove their viewpoints. Look what the media did to that FDA women (or whatever position she had) because they took a comment of hers out of context at an NAACP rally. She gets fired for it. Fox News chastised Michelle Obama for supposedly making some statement at the same rally, and when you heard the ENTIRE context of her statement, you saw that it was misinterpreted and blown completely out of proportion. I honestly believe only 20% of what is printed or reported from mainstream media and internet outlets. To back my opinion or stance on a subject, I try to find information that is "Net Neutral" that's primarily only states the facts, or provides a generalization of the content of the conversation. Is even that type of content 100% accurate? Probably not. But it's better than reading conspiracy theories, or "I got my facts from this brother's second cousin who knows someone that has a friend who is an Uncle to the guy that mows the lawn of the person that knows the individual who made the comment."


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/60#post_3302405
What is news......someone telling you something............last I heard this is how we all learn...someone tells you something. if you don't get your info from the internet and "reality" style media, then where do you get it...I would love to known your sources since they are so different than ours...enlighten us.....I to wish to be as informed as you.......wait when we were discussing the bill you didn 't know half of what we were commenting on...I had to pull it from the bill and show you...and you still didnt nevermind....I don't want top live in your alternate "reality".
Technically the healthcare bill in it's current fashion is more akin to Facism with a slight Marxist twist.....with the goal being complete social program such as welfare which is true socialism.
The auto bailout........ok...lets use the logic you are supportting for the murdoch/muslim angle. If this prince is in bed with Murdoch and has controlling interest in what is reported, then by default Obama and the government also are in bed with the auto industry and have controlling interest in them since they are invested as well.....Your logic...not mine.
I honestly haven't seen the last iteration of the healthcare bill. I was still under the impression that if you currently have health insurance, and you are satisfied with it, nothing for you will change. How is that Socialist or Marxist?
Obama and the Feds aren't hiding anything about the auto bailouts. They've been completely upfront and specific in what they are trying to accomplish with that program. They had, or still have a financial investment in regards to having a majority interest in GM, but so what? It's called PROTECTING YOUR ASSETS. That's what banks do every day when they LOAN money. You got a mortgage? The bank holds the lien on that property in case you default on the loan. That's all the Feds are doing with GM. Your skewed logic is you make it sound as if Obama and his cronies are PERSONALLY holding the title on GM. The people holding the 'lien' on GM is YOU AND ME. WE THE PEOPLE are supposed to be the Federal Government. The money that GM is borrowing is YOURS AND MINE. We elected these officials in Washington to be are representatives to make these decisions for us. I guess you'd feel better if before the Government spends a single dime on any initiative or program, that it gets put up for a vote by all eligible voters in this country? Hey, no problem. Close the House and Senate tomorrow, and we'll just spend every waking moment sitting at polling stations voting on every aspect of our life.


Active Member
The top 10% of wage earners pay the majority of taxes in this country. The top 1% of wage earners pay 20% of the taxes on 12% of the income. Top 5% pay 60% of the taxes on 37% of the income. Top 10% pay 70% of the taxes on 48% of the income. You want to know why the middle class is getting squeezed? the bottom 50% of wage earners pay less than 3% of the taxes or nearly 13% of the income.
So what exactly wasn't fair about the Bush tax cuts??? Seems to me it's the poor who aren't paying their fair share. I'd be glad to see a flat tax. Never happen because it prevents politician from using the tax code to bribe people.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/60#post_3302522
I honestly haven't seen the last iteration of the healthcare bill. I was still under the impression that if you currently have health insurance, and you are satisfied with it, nothing for you will change. How is that Socialist or Marxist?
Sure nothing will change...unless the company I work for finds it cheaper to pay the "tax fine" to not carry insurance and then how do I keep what I have?

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/60#post_3302531
The top 10% of wage earners pay the majority of taxes in this country. The top 1% of wage earners pay 20% of the taxes on 12% of the income. Top 5% pay 60% of the taxes on 37% of the income. Top 10% pay 70% of the taxes on 48% of the income. You want to know why the middle class is getting squeezed? the bottom 50% of wage earners pay less than 3% of the taxes or nearly 13% of the income.
So what exactly wasn't fair about the Bush tax cuts??? Seems to me it's the poor who aren't paying their fair share. I'd be glad to see a flat tax. Never happen because it prevents politician from using the tax code to bribe people.
You forgot to add this is after deductions and such.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/60#post_3302522
Obama and the Feds aren't hiding anything about the auto bailouts. They've been completely upfront and specific in what they are trying to accomplish with that program. They had, or still have a financial investment in regards to having a majority interest in GM, but so what? It's called PROTECTING YOUR ASSETS. That's what banks do every day when they LOAN money. You got a mortgage? The bank holds the lien on that property in case you default on the loan. That's all the Feds are doing with GM. Your skewed logic is you make it sound as if Obama and his cronies are PERSONALLY holding the title on GM. The people holding the 'lien' on GM is YOU AND ME. WE THE PEOPLE are supposed to be the Federal Government. The money that GM is borrowing is YOURS AND MINE. We elected these officials in Washington to be are representatives to make these decisions for us. I guess you'd feel better if before the Government spends a single dime on any initiative or program, that it gets put up for a vote by all eligible voters in this country? Hey, no problem. Close the House and Senate tomorrow, and we'll just spend every waking moment sitting at polling stations voting on every aspect of our life.
Except in your mortgage example I chose to deal with that bank for my house. The bank can not tell me who can live there...who can work on the home...and what remodelling I should do....gee....see the difference yet.
As for a true, bad idea. But i do want those voted into office to do the will of the people. 60 percent against healthcare and auto bailout. If the people are against it, then your idea is bad or you have not done a good job of explaining why it is needed. End of story....they are in office to enact OUR WILL!! Not theirs. atleast domestically...on the foreign all means do what you think best as you have more info on that than we can ever hope to get....but domestically listen to us....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/60#post_3302549
Except in your mortgage example I chose to deal with that bank for my house. The bank can not tell me who can live there...who can work on the home...and what remodelling I should do....gee....see the difference yet.
As for a true, bad idea. But i do want those voted into office to do the will of the people. 60 percent against healthcare and auto bailout. If the people are against it, then your idea is bad or you have not done a good job of explaining why it is needed. End of story....they are in office to enact OUR WILL!! Not theirs. atleast domestically...on the foreign all means do what you think best as you have more info on that than we can ever hope to get....but domestically listen to us....
No, that's the job of the Homeowners Association you're forced to join after you move into the neighborhood. GM and Chrysler chose to work with the Feds. It was either agree to their conditions, or go bankrupt and shut the doors. Equity firms do hostile takeovers of companies all the time. Is that Capitalism or Socialism?


Active Member
Wow, 2 forums is all I subscribe to and both forums are on fire with this subject. I find it disgraceful that conservatives would even debate the subject AGAINST the mosque. I think it is despicable that there are muslims in this country that want to build this mosque because everyone knows this is a shrine to the attacks. It is that simple. I find it more appalling that there are conservatives AND liberals who want to stop it. Freedoms always cut both ways. This is no different than the LDS church making it hard (or impossible) for a non-LDS church to be built in Salt Lake City close to the temple. Or the Catholic church from trying to stop a protestant church from being built close to Notre Dame. Both things have happened and it was just as wrong for the same reason. Just because we don't like the message, doesn't diminish someone else's right to express it. Muslim, Christian or Jew. And anyone who calls themselves a conservative (which I proudly do) and says they love the Constitution and freedom and opposes these people (no matter why they are doing it) from expressing their religious freedom is proving they really aren't that conservative or pro-Constitution as they claim.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/60#post_3302522
I honestly haven't seen the last iteration of the healthcare bill. I was still under the impression that if you currently have health insurance, and you are satisfied with it, nothing for you will change. How is that Socialist or Marxist?
O hell, I guess you believe everything obama says...
Originally Posted by mantisman51
Wow, 2 forums is all I subscribe to and both forums are on fire with this subject. I find it disgraceful that conservatives would even debate the subject AGAINST the mosque. I think it is despicable that there are muslims in this country that want to build this mosque because everyone knows this is a shrine to the attacks. It is that simple. I find it more appalling that there are conservatives AND liberals who want to stop it. Freedoms always cut both ways. This is no different than the LDS church making it hard (or impossible) for a non-LDS church to be built in Salt Lake City close to the temple. Or the Catholic church from trying to stop a protestant church from being built close to Notre Dame. Both things have happened and it was just as wrong for the same reason. Just because we don't like the message, doesn't diminish someone else's right to express it. Muslim, Christian or Jew. And anyone who calls themselves a conservative (which I proudly do) and says they love the Constitution and freedom and opposes these people (no matter why they are doing it) from expressing their religious freedom is proving they really aren't that conservative or pro-Constitution as they claim.
I don't think you're reading this properly. Apparently we're supposed to be upset because a Muslim owns 6% of newscorps. And somehow this is some big conspiracy or something.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mantisman51 http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/60#post_3302578
Wow, 2 forums is all I subscribe to and both forums are on fire with this subject. I find it disgraceful that conservatives would even debate the subject AGAINST the mosque. I think it is despicable that there are muslims in this country that want to build this mosque because everyone knows this is a shrine to the attacks. It is that simple. I find it more appalling that there are conservatives AND liberals who want to stop it. Freedoms always cut both ways. This is no different than the LDS church making it hard (or impossible) for a non-LDS church to be built in Salt Lake City close to the temple. Or the Catholic church from trying to stop a protestant church from being built close to Notre Dame. Both things have happened and it was just as wrong for the same reason. Just because we don't like the message, doesn't diminish someone else's right to express it. Muslim, Christian or Jew. And anyone who calls themselves a conservative (which I proudly do) and says they love the Constitution and freedom and opposes these people (no matter why they are doing it) from expressing their religious freedom is proving they really aren't that conservative or pro-Constitution as they claim.
I want to stop it. I don't want the government to stop it. Every person I've personally talked about this with feels the same way. I know there are some who want the government to do something but I doubt they are even close to a majority of either side of the political spectrum.


Active Member
Okie doke. That makes more sense. I thought I was missing something here. So for clarity: 1) Fox news is pushing the anti-mosque hysteria. 2) They are partially owned by one of the sponsors of the mosque? So the lefties are saying that Fox is evil for biting the hand that feeds them? That makes no sense, so it makes perfect sense that the lefties are trying it. It's been a looong week. And this is a good chuckle. When I'm working on my house tomorrow, it'll make me laugh.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27 http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/60#post_3302627
O hell, I guess you believe everything obama says...
I don't think you're reading this properly. Apparently we're supposed to be upset because a Muslim owns 6% of newscorps. And somehow this is some big conspiracy or something.
Now that was funny. I guess you believe everything Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh say. And I'm sure you'll vote for that ditz Palin if she does decide to run for some national office (Cayman Islands, here I come).
A Muslim owning 6% of the parent company that owns the most Ultra Conservative news outlet on cable TV? I wouldn't call it upsetting. I'd call it irony. Wonder if Rush knows about this. He'd probably say that Obama got his 'Muslim bretheren' to purchase this stock so he could have an purposely drive Rush up the wall.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/60#post_3302680
A Muslim owning 6% of the parent company that owns the most Ultra Conservative news outlet on cable TV? I wouldn't call it upsetting. I'd call it irony. Wonder if Rush knows about this. He'd probably say that Obama got his 'Muslim bretheren' to purchase this stock so he could have an purposely drive Rush up the wall.
Keep smoking that peace pipe.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/60#post_3302680
Now that was funny. I guess you believe everything Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh say. And I'm sure you'll vote for that ditz Palin if she does decide to run for some national office (Cayman Islands, here I come).
A Muslim owning 6% of the parent company that owns the most Ultra Conservative news outlet on cable TV? I wouldn't call it upsetting. I'd call it irony. Wonder if Rush knows about this. He'd probably say that Obama got his 'Muslim bretheren' to purchase this stock so he could have an purposely drive Rush up the wall.
So a Muslim doesn't have a right to own stock in the highest rated cable TV news network because it happens to be the least left wing radical? I think the real irony here is people trying to smear fox for reporting a story that MIGHT go against the wishes of a big stock holder in the company.