For Fox news fans.


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Originally Posted by reefraff http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/60#post_3302835
So a Muslim doesn't have a right to own stock in the highest rated cable TV news network because it happens to be the least left wing radical? I think the real irony here is people trying to smear fox for reporting a story that MIGHT go against the wishes of a big stock holder in the company.
Sure he can. But the whole point Fishtaco was trying to convey is that it's IRONIC that this guy owns stock in a media outlet that has pretty much flamed this whole mosque debacle. Fox News has villified the Muslim groups that want to build this NY mosque, yet a major stockholder is someone whose also backing the building of said mosque. Again, ironic.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/80#post_3302840
Sure he can. But the whole point Fishtaco was trying to convey is that it's IRONIC that this guy owns stock in a media outlet that has pretty much flamed this whole mosque debacle. Fox News has villified the Muslim groups that want to build this NY mosque, yet a major stockholder is someone whose also backing the building of said mosque. Again, ironic.
Fox villified the group? Reporting FACTS is now vilification? OK, whatever.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/80#post_3302841
Fox villified the group? Reporting FACTS is now vilification? OK, whatever.
Villification in a sense that pretty much every commentator and analyst on Fox News is against the building of the mosque in some form or fashion. How many of the people who have programs on Fox have given their full support to building the place? Do they report this story with an unbiased neutral approach, or do they provide their personal viewpoints on the subject?


Active Member
I'm surprised any of you Righties are even posting today. I figured you'd be sitting in Washington DC with your buddy Glenn Beck screaming "God, Guns, and Glory". I love the fact that Beck is swearing he didn't plan this little rally of his to correspond with the anniversary of MLK's March. Riiight.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/80#post_3302854
I'm surprised any of you Righties are even posting today. I figured you'd be sitting in Washington DC with your buddy Glenn Beck screaming "God, Guns, and Glory". I love the fact that Beck is swearing he didn't plan this little rally of his to correspond with the anniversary of MLK's March. Riiight.
I think that rally would be a real eye-opener for the conservatives here.
Fishtaco (pissy again because my back is sore)


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/80#post_3302854
I'm surprised any of you Righties are even posting today. I figured you'd be sitting in Washington DC with your buddy Glenn Beck screaming "God, Guns, and Glory". I love the fact that Beck is swearing he didn't plan this little rally of his to correspond with the anniversary of MLK's March. Riiight.
What? Do people now have to check their calendar before scheduling an event lest it coincide with some particular event in history? Just like the Fox stock ownership it's a "astroturfed" controversy by the left.


Active Member
I love Fishtaco and and Bionic-glad you guys stand your ground. It's nice to have a rib-poking exchange without the drama. BTW, as I've posted before, even though I think I'd agree with Beck 85% of the time I can't stand the guy. All his "the sky is falling cause Obama's president" schtick is tiresome. And I find it LOL funny he pulls out a chalk board and gives his "dissertation", when I don't believe he's been to a college campus-other than to protest something.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/80#post_3302851
Villification in a sense that pretty much every commentator and analyst on Fox News is against the building of the mosque in some form or fashion. How many of the people who have programs on Fox have given their full support to building the place? Do they report this story with an unbiased neutral approach, or do they provide their personal viewpoints on the subject?
Are they an opinion show? Are they journalists? Are the shows you are referencing any different than The View? are they discussing aspects of the story or are the "reporting it"? Are they journalists? See the difference yet? Of course you don't.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/80#post_3302874
Are they an opinion show? Are they journalists? Are the shows you are referencing any different than The View? are they discussing aspects of the story or are the "reporting it"? Are they journalists? See the difference yet? Of course you don't.
Actually, that's the point I'm trying to make. Cable News Outlets are 'all of the above'. They rarely report facts on those shows. My local news, and the Big Three national news outlets primarily report the 'facts', rarely straying off to voice their own personal opinions. Those outlets are believable, cable outlets aren't. That's why I rarely watch them. I come across them while channel surfing, and sometimes stop for five minutes to see what vitriol they're spewing and ranting about for the day. Unless there's a major breaking news story going on, everything else on those shows is crap.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/80#post_3302862
What? Do people now have to check their calendar before scheduling an event lest it coincide with some particular event in history? Just like the Fox stock ownership it's a "astroturfed" controversy by the left.
Come on. Do you honestly believe Beck just pulled that date out of his rear and said, "Hey, this looks like a convenient date to hold my rally." NO ONE at Fox or in his staff bothered to look at a calendar and say, "Mr. Beck, do you realize the significance of the date you picked?" The guy's been advertising this little get together for months. I thought he was doing this '9/12 Initiative" of his for the same purpose. I hear that's now been dumped. If you think this was just some random pick of a day, then you're either very naive, or you're blinded by the guise Mr. Beck espouses during his daily rants.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/80#post_3302874
Are they an opinion show? Are they journalists? Are the shows you are referencing any different than The View? are they discussing aspects of the story or are the "reporting it"? Are they journalists? See the difference yet? Of course you don't.
I see the difference Darth, but how many people hanging on Beck and Palins every word in D.C. do? My guess is not many.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/80#post_3302945
Come on. Do you honestly believe Beck just pulled that date out of his rear and said, "Hey, this looks like a convenient date to hold my rally." NO ONE at Fox or in his staff bothered to look at a calendar and say, "Mr. Beck, do you realize the significance of the date you picked?" The guy's been advertising this little get together for months. I thought he was doing this '9/12 Initiative" of his for the same purpose. I hear that's now been dumped. If you think this was just some random pick of a day, then you're either very naive, or you're blinded by the guise Mr. Beck espouses during his daily rants.
What's the big deal? Try Googling August 28th 2009 lincoln memorial. No events planned that I could find. I am not aware of any other group that complained because they were planning an event there for the 48th anniversary of the speech. It doesn't appear anyone did anything there for the 47th. Seems to me that Beck must be striking a cord if all you libs get your panties in such a bunch over everything he says and does.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/80#post_3302854
I'm surprised any of you Righties are even posting today. I figured you'd be sitting in Washington DC with your buddy Glenn Beck screaming "God, Guns, and Glory". I love the fact that Beck is swearing he didn't plan this little rally of his to correspond with the anniversary of MLK's March. Riiight.
I thought he said he did pick it for that reason? He dang sure was playing it up like he did it for a reason. Although at the time I wasn't listening very closely. So don't take my word for it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/80#post_3302968
What's the big deal? Try Googling August 28th 2009 lincoln memorial. No events planned that I could find. I am not aware of any other group that complained because they were planning an event there for the 48th anniversary of the speech. It doesn't appear anyone did anything there for the 47th. Seems to me that Beck must be striking a cord if all you libs get your panties in such a bunch over everything he says and does.
I suppose the only relavency behind it is he did it to rile the Black Caucus that holds that event so dear to their heart. Apparently he succeeded, since Rev. Al and his compadres are holding some 'counter event' across the road from his big event. "Striking a cord with the Libs"? How so? If Beck wants to gather his troops, more power to him. However, if you think he's doing this little 'event' because he's concerned about what's happening to this country, you are truly naive. Beck is having this Dog And Pony show for one reason - ratings and $$$$. If he really cared about the problems we're seeing with the economy, he'd man up and run for a national office. Get in where you can REALLY make a differenece. Of course that's something he'd never consider. He couldn't afford the drastic pay cut.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/80#post_3302943
Actually, that's the point I'm trying to make. Cable News Outlets are 'all of the above'. They rarely report facts on those shows. My local news, and the Big Three national news outlets primarily report the 'facts', rarely straying off to voice their own personal opinions. Those outlets are believable, cable outlets aren't. That's why I rarely watch them. I come across them while channel surfing, and sometimes stop for five minutes to see what vitriol they're spewing and ranting about for the day. Unless there's a major breaking news story going on, everything else on those shows is crap.
The main networks inflict their own opinion all the time...dan rather..anyone anyone...bueller.
And I can guarantee your local news always reports an opinion piece...they are no different....just not on 24 hours a day...that is the difference....
they report facts on the cable stations...but They also report based off their views...or the views of their viewers...after all it is still about ratings...ALL NEWS DOES THIS! whenyour local news is reporting on global warming do they include the FACT that their thousands of scientist that disagre with the global warming topic? No they don't. Do they report that water vapor is a more significant factor as a greenhouse gass than they don't....EVERY PIECE only discusses is that not reporting the "facts" based off of opinion or political view?

darthtang aw

Active Member
I can turn on any news program and essentially hear the same crap. Fox...atleast reports from a different angle. So we listen to FOX and get the other side of the report...we get both sides, since every other news program reports the other stuff and fox gives is the rest that is left out. So in the end...who is more informed...Me or the guy arguing for the healthcare bill who still doesn't know what it is in it?


Active Member
Wasn't Roger Ales instrumental in starting Fox news? So I think it only reasonable they would have a conservative leaning. But, they do usually have both sides represented in most issues. Also, to be frank, I cannot even describe my disgust at the main stream media before Fox news. Every story they ran had a blame America first slant. I really watch Fox news because I know they aren't going to twist every single story into a "how America caused it" diatribe-like NBC/ABC/CBS/CNN. And yes, I think blind patriotism is a whole lot better than blind anti-Americanism. And I also like the fact that I have an option to Democrat good, Republican bad nonsense all the mainstream media have. So I accept that Fox is somewhat biased-it is a refreshing change from the leftist bias of the mainstream.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/80#post_3302851
Villification in a sense that pretty much every commentator and analyst on Fox News is against the building of the mosque in some form or fashion. How many of the people who have programs on Fox have given their full support to building the place? Do they report this story with an unbiased neutral approach, or do they provide their personal viewpoints on the subject?
I didn't think you watched FOX, how would you know how they are reporting on it? So far most of their opinion guys I've listened to pretty much say the same thing, they have the right but are making a PR mistake. Expressing an opinion is not vilification. Fox has found some controversial clips of things the Imam has said. Do you think it's wrong for them to report that part of the story?