For Fox news fans.


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Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/80#post_3302995
I suppose the only relavency behind it is he did it to rile the Black Caucus that holds that event so dear to their heart. Apparently he succeeded, since Rev. Al and his compadres are holding some 'counter event' across the road from his big event. "Striking a cord with the Libs"? How so? If Beck wants to gather his troops, more power to him. However, if you think he's doing this little 'event' because he's concerned about what's happening to this country, you are truly naive. Beck is having this Dog And Pony show for one reason - ratings and $$$$. If he really cared about the problems we're seeing with the economy, he'd man up and run for a national office. Get in where you can REALLY make a differenece. Of course that's something he'd never consider. He couldn't afford the drastic pay cut.
Beck is striking a cord with Americans, otherwise the libs would ignore him. You ever run for office??? It's not for everyone. I ain't going to sit here and say love of country is what drives Beck. But I am not going to say it doesn't, just like I wouldn't say someone like Rachael Maddow isn't in it for the right reasons. I am sure to some extent anyone who does this stuff has some degree of the right motivation.


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Originally Posted by reefraff http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/80#post_3303007
I didn't think you watched FOX, how would you know how they are reporting on it? So far most of their opinion guys I've listened to pretty much say the same thing, they have the right but are making a PR mistake. Expressing an opinion is not vilification. Fox has found some controversial clips of things the Imam has said. Do you think it's wrong for them to report that part of the story?
Because everytime I've hit that channel while surfing over the last couple of weeks, the mosque diatribe is what they're usually talking about. Why is it that almost everytime you do turn one of the cable outlet stations on, someone is yelling or arguing with someone? Sorry, my local news stations report news, period. The first 10 minutes of the broadcast are the top local news stories of the day. They also report any major issues going on in the nation. Then it's weather, and it finishes with sports. Sure the newscasters do a little personal banter with one another over a story, but it's nothing like you see on cable outlets. I think your problem is you read WAY to much into what's being reported. Give me the meat of the story, then move on. I don't really care what some dufus like Beck, Hannity, O'Reilly, or the rest of those loons really think. Why exactly does their opinion matter? Who made them the defacto experts in any controversial issue that plagues this nation?


Active Member
Been listening to NPR this evening and at the hour they reported on Becks rally, they said it was very calm and seemed more like a church picnic and said the message was pretty upbeat. Of course Palin speaking did not receive a positive review which I agreed with. So I hope this event sets the example for further rallies and people with signs featuring M-16's and saying we came unarmed this time will either put down the signs or crawl back to where ever they come from.
I still can't stand Beck though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/80#post_3302854
I'm surprised any of you Righties are even posting today. I figured you'd be sitting in Washington DC with your buddy Glenn Beck screaming "God, Guns, and Glory". I love the fact that Beck is swearing he didn't plan this little rally of his to correspond with the anniversary of MLK's March. Riiight.
I had to work to support the gov't. today. Of my 12 hour shift about 7 hours went to the various taxes I pay. I thank God for my guns every day.


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Originally Posted by reefraff http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/80#post_3303007
I didn't think you watched FOX, how would you know how they are reporting on it? So far most of their opinion guys I've listened to pretty much say the same thing, they have the right but are making a PR mistake. Expressing an opinion is not vilification. Fox has found some controversial clips of things the Imam has said. Do you think it's wrong for them to report that part of the story?
Exactly, just because you have the right does not make it right. I bet the same people for "freedom of religion" would villify me for carrying a gun ( see 2nd Amendment) at a rally. On the otherhand I would not do it, because in that circumstance it would not be "right" to do just because I have the right to do it.


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Originally Posted by stdreb27 http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/100#post_3303135
lol if you think Oreilly is a conservative, you're a loon.
I didn't say what affiliation O'reilly was. I could care less. The point I'm making is none of those idiots that commentate/report on ANY of those stations are worth listening to. If you actually believe anything they say, you're the one who's the loon, not me.


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Originally Posted by oscardeuce http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/100#post_3303100
I had to work to support the gov't. today. Of my 12 hour shift about 7 hours went to the various taxes I pay. I thank God for my guns every day.
Would God approve of you having guns? You mean your hospital is already practicing Socialism? Last time I checked, the only medical facility that was technically owned by the government was the VA Hospital. You pay almost 60% of your income to taxes? Dude, you need to find some tax shelters or get a better CPA.


Active Member
For my wife and I, we make about $60k a year. Using every deduction on the planet, we pay about $2100 in federal taxes. State is another $900. Throw in property tax of $500 for a $60k mobile mansion and then throw in social security, medicare, gas, sales and various other hidden taxes and even being lower middle class, we're probably paying close to 20% of our wages in taxes. So, if someone has worked hard and gone to college and is earning a professional wage, 50-60% tax is probably right. Especially in states with rapacious state taxes, county taxes, city taxes, etc. But this is why I am building the house free and clear. I'm stepping off the tax treadmill by intentionally making and spending less. Now that I think about it, I can see why the Tea Party is growing. The only way to keep the government from taking it, is to quit making it.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/100#post_3303039
Because everytime I've hit that channel while surfing over the last couple of weeks, the mosque diatribe is what they're usually talking about. Why is it that almost everytime you do turn one of the cable outlet stations on, someone is yelling or arguing with someone? Sorry, my local news stations report news, period. The first 10 minutes of the broadcast are the top local news stories of the day. They also report any major issues going on in the nation. Then it's weather, and it finishes with sports. Sure the newscasters do a little personal banter with one another over a story, but it's nothing like you see on cable outlets. I think your problem is you read WAY to much into what's being reported. Give me the meat of the story, then move on. I don't really care what some dufus like Beck, Hannity, O'Reilly, or the rest of those loons really think. Why exactly does their opinion matter? Who made them the defacto experts in any controversial issue that plagues this nation?
Your news source is friggin didn't even know 25% of what was in the healthcare aren't are naive.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/100#post_3303193
I didn't say what affiliation O'reilly was. I could care less. The point I'm making is none of those idiots that commentate/report on ANY of those stations are worth listening to. If you actually believe anything they say, you're the one who's the loon, not me.
lol, says the person who just more or less quoted obama saying, nothing in healthcare would change if you didn't want it to...
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Would God approve of you having guns? You mean your hospital is already practicing Socialism? Last time I checked, the only medical facility that was technically owned by the government was the VA Hospital. You pay almost 60% of your income to taxes? Dude, you need to find some tax shelters or get a better CPA.
Some of the games hospitals play are ridiculous, my brother's hospital basically has someone go in and talk to the patient, they then make an assessment of whether they have any chance of any financial recovery from the patient. then toss it in two stacks, a chance or no change. The no chance people, they just write it off after 90 days, then turn it into the feds where they have a program where the feds pay for it... Close enough for to socialism for me...
As for God and guns, I dunno you tell me, I'm curious to what an agnostic (at least I think that is what you called yourself I may be wrong so no offense intended if I am) would tell me about the God...


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27 http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/100#post_3303258
lol, says the person who just more or less quoted obama saying, nothing in healthcare would change if you didn't want it to...
Some of the games hospitals play are ridiculous, my brother's hospital basically has someone go in and talk to the patient, they then make an assessment of whether they have any chance of any financial recovery from the patient. then toss it in two stacks, a chance or no change. The no chance people, they just write it off after 90 days, then turn it into the feds where they have a program where the feds pay for it... Close enough for to socialism for me...
As for God and guns, I dunno you tell me, I'm curious to what an agnostic (at least I think that is what you called yourself I may be wrong so no offense intended if I am) would tell me about the God...
Show me in the latest heathcare bill that says different. Have you read the thing in its entirety? Doubt it. No, you get your 'information' on what's contained in the bill from these idiots on these cable news outlets I slammed. Read the ENTIRE bill on your own and get back to me with the highlights. Don't cut and paste crap from Fox, CNN, MSN, or anywhere else. Pull up the EXACT bill and provide details. Otherwise, you know just as much about what exactly the new bill will cover than I do.
My wife has been an ICU Nurse for almost 30 years. She's NRVER heard of some program where a hospital can get repayments for unpaid bills from the Feds if a patient has the inability to pay. The only government payments a hospital receives are Medicaid/Medicare payments. That's it. I imagine your brother is jerking your chain just because he knows it sets you off anytime you hear how 'Big Government' is running our lives.
I grew up Catholic. I had 5 painful years attending a Catholic school. I was even an alter boy. Probably was the catalyst for turning me off of religion. Didn't make sense to me. You put your faith into some entity that has never been physically proven to exist. That's what I don't get about religion. People are out there willing to die and give away every single thing they've lived for just because a book or 'someone of the cloth' tells them there's this beautiful afterlife waiting for them. when they die. I live for today, not for something that may or may not occur when I die. Show me PHYSICAL proof of this afterlife, and I'll start attending church everyday to insure I get there.
Isn't one of the 10 Commandments THOU SHALT NOT KILL? What's the primary purpose of a gun? TO KILL. So again, you tell me whether God would approve of you owning a device that the primary purpose is to kill any living being he supposedly created.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mantisman51 http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/100#post_3303208
For my wife and I, we make about $60k a year. Using every deduction on the planet, we pay about $2100 in federal taxes. State is another $900. Throw in property tax of $500 for a $60k mobile mansion and then throw in social security, medicare, gas, sales and various other hidden taxes and even being lower middle class, we're probably paying close to 20% of our wages in taxes. So, if someone has worked hard and gone to college and is earning a professional wage, 50-60% tax is probably right. Especially in states with rapacious state taxes, county taxes, city taxes, etc. But this is why I am building the house free and clear. I'm stepping off the tax treadmill by intentionally making and spending less. Now that I think about it, I can see why the Tea Party is growing. The only way to keep the government from taking it, is to quit making it.
Trust me. My wife and I make quite a bit more that $60K/year, and I don't pay anywhere near 60% of my income to taxes. I think my last tax return showed I had an effective tax rate of 15.55%. I have no State Income Tax, and my Property Taxes for my home are around $12,000 (less than 8% of my income. Don't retire in Texas).


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/100#post_3303199
Would God approve of you having guns? You mean your hospital is already practicing Socialism? Last time I checked, the only medical facility that was technically owned by the government was the VA Hospital. You pay almost 60% of your income to taxes? Dude, you need to find some tax shelters or get a better CPA.
The Democrat way, jack taxes up on honest working people then use expensive CPA's and offshore tax shelters to avoid paying them yourself


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/100#post_3303039
Because everytime I've hit that channel while surfing over the last couple of weeks, the mosque diatribe is what they're usually talking about. Why is it that almost everytime you do turn one of the cable outlet stations on, someone is yelling or arguing with someone? Sorry, my local news stations report news, period. The first 10 minutes of the broadcast are the top local news stories of the day. They also report any major issues going on in the nation. Then it's weather, and it finishes with sports. Sure the newscasters do a little personal banter with one another over a story, but it's nothing like you see on cable outlets. I think your problem is you read WAY to much into what's being reported. Give me the meat of the story, then move on. I don't really care what some dufus like Beck, Hannity, O'Reilly, or the rest of those loons really think. Why exactly does their opinion matter? Who made them the defacto experts in any controversial issue that plagues this nation?
Your local station reports the news they want you to hear in the way they want you to hear it. The great thing about Fox is the way they bring people from both sides of issues to debate major topics. That "yelling" back and forth gives you the chance to hear both sides of the issue from different perspectives.
While you might not care what some dufus thinks they have millions of followers, that's what makes their opinion count more than yours or mine. They must be doing something right.


Active Member
No, that shows the sad state of affairs in this country if you have millions of people who sit around all day listening to some dufus give his personal opinion on a subject, and they actually believe what he says is true simply because he says it is.
My local news reports what I want to hear? How do you figure that? A drunk driver crashes his car killing several people. Is that my local news telling me a lie, or fabricating a story about drunk driving? My local news reports on the Beck Rally in Washington. They make no statements about what was discussed at the rally, but simply informing me the rally occurred. How exactly is that "news I want to hear". My local news distributes factual information about local and national events. Sure, they do their little 'exposes' to garner ratings during ratings sweeps, but for the most part, they report news and events that occur in my surrounding area. I guess they have an agenda when they report there's major construction going on one of my major thoroughfares, and it may affect my travel if I use that route.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/100#post_3303286
Trust me. My wife and I make quite a bit more that $60K/year, and I don't pay anywhere near 60% of my income to taxes. I think my last tax return showed I had an effective tax rate of 15.55%. I have no State Income Tax, and my Property Taxes for my home are around $12,000 (less than 8% of my income. Don't retire in Texas).
Ahem, FICA/Self employment taxes alone are 15%. Say property taxes are another 7 (ouch!). even with good write offs and creative accounting your effected Fed tax rate has got to be around 10% but for the sake of argument let's say you are at 30% with income, employment and property taxes. Now look at your car tags, utility bills, sales taxes etc. It adds up pretty fast.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/379731/for-fox-news-fans/100#post_3303294
No, that shows the sad state of affairs in this country if you have millions of people who sit around all day listening to some dufus give his personal opinion on a subject, and they actually believe what he says is true simply because he says it is.
My local news reports what I want to hear? How do you figure that? A drunk driver crashes his car killing several people. Is that my local news telling me a lie, or fabricating a story about drunk driving? My local news reports on the Beck Rally in Washington. They make no statements about what was discussed at the rally, but simply informing me the rally occurred. How exactly is that "news I want to hear". My local news distributes factual information about local and national events. Sure, they do their little 'exposes' to garner ratings during ratings sweeps, but for the most part, they report news and events that occur in my surrounding area. I guess they have an agenda when they report there's major construction going on one of my major thoroughfares, and it may affect my travel if I use that route.

You have the very same system at your local news station they do on the cable networks. Some producer will decide what is really news and a writer will create a script for the talking head to read.


Active Member
+1 Reef. A good example is KVOA 4 in Tucson airing stories every night of how 1070 was going to split up hard working families-then giving an expose of blurred faces who were the "faces of the immigration battle". All to whip up sentiment against the law. Not one story, that I've seen, of us who live on the border having our fences cut and mountains of garbage the illegals leave behind. Nope, just the poor, oppressed "undocumented immigrants". Cause they're not illegal, just undocumented, hard working people...who just happen to be breaking the law. Just one example of the non-judgemental local media. But I would bet the same stories are happening at pretty much every local news media outlet around the country, but there's no liberal bias in local news, right?


Active Member
One great example locally was the last Governor's race. Teaser was "Law enforcement supports Ritter". Read about the same headline in the newspaper. Law enforcement equaled the Denver Chief of Police and 2 DA's from small counties west of the Divide, true story. I thought the Chiefs union or something had endorsed the guy, wasn't even that. Nope, just 3 individuals but anyone who didn't pick up the paper and actually read beyond the headline and first paragraph, about 3/4 of the people who bother to read the paper according to a study I read years ago, you were left with the idea a lot of law enforcement people endorsed the guy.