For those that buy into Al Gore about global warming and hate Bush


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
but why should we clean our air if there's no such thing as global warming?
i don't believe in global warming and if it is happening it's too late to worry about it now cars are running much cleaner ever since the 80's factory emissions are down 2 stroke engines are all but obsolete, gasoline is refined to a much stricter guideline but i personally do not believe it's global warming climate change i'm ok with but that to me it's in gods hand not ours who are we to battle natural events to remember the big ozone hole scare well it expands and contracts every year no big deal this is the same thing to me no big deal just a way for the environmentalist to stop everyone from living comfortably and make us feel guilty about heating our houses with gifts god gave us natural gas, oil, coal etc to make us able to keep the world going when ever they say we are running out of fossil fuels wa lah new discovery of a large concentration of oil and gas under the north pole but we are still running out and if we are not running out we are killing the planet hogwash...tobin


Active Member
i just wish the enviornmentalists would realize that this all happens in warming has happened before roughly 10000yrs ago. and it will happen again after this one reaches its peak and becomes an ice age....cyclic.
i just wish the enviornmentalists


Active Member
No offense Darth, but I really don't see your point here, other than to just rip Gore and try to make Bush look like a hero. In the grand scheme of global warming, each of their respective residences are insignificant compared to the mass effect that their LEGISLATION would have. If Gore attempts to focus his politics on protection of the environment, then he is protecting the environment... period.
Another great point is how much did Bush pay for his ultra technical house of tomorrow with futuristic technology. I'd like to see the price on that bad boy. For anyone who thinks that Bush paid for his house from his oil profits, you are wrong. Bush ran his oil companies into the ground. That is, until the Saudis came in to invest. I hate to tell you this but, indirectly, the Saudis, the kings of terrorism, paid for Bush's multi-million dollar house. No wonder he has so much loyalty to them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
No offense Darth, but I really don't see your point here, other than to just rip Gore and try to make Bush look like a hero. In the grand scheme of global warming, each of their respective residences are insignificant compared to the mass effect that their LEGISLATION would have. If Gore attempts to focus his politics on protection of the environment, then he is protecting the environment... period.
Another great point is how much did Bush pay for his ultra technical house of tomorrow with futuristic technology. I'd like to see the price on that bad boy. For anyone who thinks that Bush paid for his house from his oil profits, you are wrong. Bush ran his oil companies into the ground. That is, until the Saudis came in to invest. I hate to tell you this but, indirectly, the Saudis, the kings of terrorism, paid for Bush's multi-million dollar house. No wonder he has so much loyalty to them.
what about baseball they could of paid for his house how come nobody is questioning mlb he did own the rangers or the fact he served 2 terms as texas governor who cares he paid for it what he does with his money is his business how does goodwin9 pay for that awesome tank he has who cares it's no one's business...tobin


Active Member
holy run on sentence batman!! :p
the only reason the ozone layer got fixed is because people realized that CFC's were depleting it. guess what, human's stopped using products with CFC's and the ozone layer is repairing itself.
if humans stopped using coal (which has a huge power plant, furnace, and factory usage) then the CO2 levels would plummet. you're right. cars are getting more efficient. did you know though that our american cars cannot be sold outside the united states (into developed countries) because they are too inefficient? did you know that toyota is making cars in america now because it is cheaper to make the inefficient cars for united states use than the cars they can use in japan? did you know that china's efficiency standards are higher than united states efficiency standards, and they are just becoming an industrialized nation?
did you know that in germany they actually have emmisions tests on their chimneys, and if the efficiency on the system is too low (i think they are up to about 92% now) they have to replace the system. did you know that american standards for boiler manufactuers is a minimum of 82% AFUE, which is only burning efficiency, not system efficiency? we are so friggin far behind the rest of the world for one reason only: the natural fuel companies have us by the gonads and if any law maker wants to change it they won't get re-elected.
why should we be worried about CO2 emmisions if there's not a problem with the globe? why make more efficient cars/factories/power plants? if the whole rest of the world is worried about co2 emmisions, there's gotta be a reason. i love chatting with you, but to say you don't believe in global warming is the silliest thing you've ever said.


Active Member
Originally Posted by skipperdz
i just wish the enviornmentalists would realize that this all happens in warming has happened before roughly 10000yrs ago. and it will happen again after this one reaches its peak and becomes an ice age....cyclic.
i just wish the enviornmentalists

but you're not paying attention to the scientists!
back then there were elevated levels of co2 in the air, the ice age happened, and everything cooled down. today's co2 levels will not allow the earth to cool down. period.


Active Member
yeah sometimes i go on i don't use a lot of periods and commas etc. i'm not a big believer in science it's mostly theoretical and one says this and one says that i straight up believe in god and science and god do not see eye to eye so that is where my thought train comes from and no i do not believe in global warming but a climate change i'm ok with as this year intexas our rainfall locally has more than doubled and we normally have at least 40 days of 100 degree + this year only 5 days i think have been over 100 low 90's all summer, and i enjoy our conversations too...tobin




Active Member
Originally Posted by reefernana
He's had to wait to install solar panelling until the law is changed in his town, but it's already planned. And as to the second article, no one can say that the man isn't very, very smart and it's too bad he's not in charge of our country like he should have been.
i'm glad he isn't...tobin


Active Member
Look I was an environmental sciences major...I spent 5 years of my life on this very topic. Personally there are alot of mixed oppinions in many fields on the subject...There are however some things that we pay little attention too that are far more important.
1. Burning coal, oil and just about anything puts lots of other things in the air besides CO2! The particulate emissions are far worse which is what causes SMOG, if you live anywhere near a SMOGGY city you will know what it's like.
2. Stop dumping crap in the oceans and lakes. We are dumping far too much into our waterways polluting our water sources and our food chains. The EPA who is supposed to be issuing permits has WAAAYYYY to many exemptions out there. Like companies in the North who are allowed to dump up to 3 POUNDS of mercury into lakes per year. You should see what we dump into our oceans!
3. We are not conserving our rescources... Countries like China, India, Africa and so on are depleting their own natural rescources so fast that in 20 years they will no longer be able to sustain their building rates
4. All of you who complain and go on about living green and about how AL GORE is using so much....Live the example. Install compact florescent lights in your home. Carpool or take the bus or train, recycle. Buy "green" products, buy organic food. STOP using air conditioning when you can (I personally took the air conditioners out all together). If you don't need a big car, don't own one. I am hard pressed to believe that all of the soccer moms I see out there need a Land Rover or a Hummer. I am sure a nice Volvo station wagon would do just fine. You would be amazed how much you can do yourself.
In essence I am encouraging everyone to practice what they preach to and critisize others for. I am calling you out to go GREEN! I would be more than pleased to have someone respond and tell me they are going to do ONE thing to improve this earth they are not doing now.
I will start with me...I just put on my home depot list a new more energy efficiant ceiling fan for my living room and bedroom (mine are ancient and came with the place, abought time for an improvement.)

ric maniac

Active Member
just some interesting things i learned about a while back
the world goes through a few stages. for few thousand years it gets really cold, then it gets medium, then it gets warm, then it gets hot, then it gets medium then it gets really cold again. this goes on and on. we are just going through the warming stage. the only reason we are hearing about it more now is because we didnt recognize this 100 years ago. we have to learn to live with our inviroment and not complain about it, at least thats my opinion. and as for god/science my opinion is that god created evolution...there everyone's happy lol. but think about it, if god had tried to explain that everyone started out as monkeys to people in the bible times they wouldn't have understood a word of it. so he made it easy on them and said bam! and thats how it happened(kinda like emeral only louder
) just my opinion and im ready to get flamed. i usually try to stay away from these threads so as not to take sides, so i am by no means saying science is better than god, god rocks my world.


Originally Posted by Oceansidefish
In essence I am encouraging everyone to practice what they preach to and critisize others for. I am calling you out to go GREEN! I would be more than pleased to have someone respond and tell me they are going to do ONE thing to improve this earth they are not doing now.
I will start with me...I just put on my home depot list a new more energy efficiant ceiling fan for my living room and bedroom (mine are ancient and came with the place, abought time for an improvement.)
Here, here.........We went all compact lighting over a year ago, and have replaced several appliances with energy efficient ones, drive economic cars and plan shopping only if we are going that way for Dr. appts, changed our fireplace from wood burning to gas (even though that's too much to run now, lol), recycle everything, and many other little things that we believe add up. Not bragging, just saying they're all doable. Thanks for the great post Oceansidefish!


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefernana
He's had to wait to install solar panelling until the law is changed in his town, but it's already planned. And as to the second article, no one can say that the man isn't very, very smart and it's too bad he's not in charge of our country like he should have been.
Most crooks are smart. Overhype a crisis so you can sucker people into buying credits from you that may or may no result in some of your power coming from alternative sources.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefernana
Here, here.........We went all compact lighting over a year ago, and have replaced several appliances with energy efficient ones, drive economic cars and plan shopping only if we are going that way for Dr. appts, changed our fireplace from wood burning to gas (even though that's too much to run now, lol), recycle everything, and many other little things that we believe add up. Not bragging, just saying they're all doable. Thanks for the great post Oceansidefish!
I am glad I am not the only one! I will admit I am not perfect, I will be the first to admit we own a ten year old truck (my husband is a custom automotive painter and uses it to transport tanks, fenders or bikes). But anything you can do you should do! You should be applauded. Although we all have this nasty little tank habit :) Talk about energy bills


Originally Posted by Oceansidefish
Although we all have this nasty little tank habit :) Talk about energy bills
I won't tell anybody if you don'!

aztec reef

Active Member
Actually, humans are NOT GW's primary cause . period..
There is no scientific consensus that global warming is a problem or that humans are its cause. Even if current predictions of warming are correct, Proposing treaty restrictions would do little environmental good and great economic harm.
Much of the environmental policy now proposed is based on myths..
Yes we all know Global warming is real,(and its on right now) yet it is not human made. the earth has warmed between 0.3 and 0.6 degrees Celsius since 1850, global satellite data, the most reliable of climate measure-ments,
show no evidence of warming during the past 18 years. Even if the earth's temperature has increased slightly, the increase is well within the natural range of known temperature variation over the last 15,000 years. Indeed, the earth experienced greater warming between the 10th and 15th centuries - a time when vineyards thrived in England and Vikings colonized Greenland and built settlements in Canada.
I don't agree that humans highly influence global climate because the evidence supporting that theory is weak and lame.
Global warming is just a climate condition..period.. its how the Sun is fussioning right now, No humans can change that! A Gallup poll found that only 17 percent of the members of the Meteorological Society and the American Geophysical Society think that the warming of the 20th century has been a result of greenhouse gas emissions - principally CO2 from burning fossil fuels.
Only 13 percent of the scientists responding to a survey conducted by the environmental organization Greenpeace believe catastrophic climate change will result from continuing current patterns of energy use.
More than 100 noted scientists, including the former president of the National Academy of Sciences, signed a letter declaring that costly actions to reduce greenhouse gases are not justified by the best available evidence.
While atmospheric carbon dioxide has increased by 28 percent over the past 150 years, human-generated carbon dioxide could have played only a small part in any warming, since most of the warming occurred prior to 1940 - before most human-caused carbon dioxide emissions.
You could actually ride out this warm phase for 25 more years, without making any changes on your lives and still humans won't have an effect on the Environment..
There's no hurry!!
So the sea levels are rising!! woop tee doo.. sea levels have risen more than 300 feet over the last 18,000 years, Rising sea levels are natural in between ice ages. So instead of fricking out about global warming put your energy in coming up with new ideas on how to keep co2 stable according to the earth's climate.. Don't think too hard cause you aint doing much to change it!!!


Active Member
tobin, it may not be warmer where you are, but when antartica is dropping ice into the ocean, when all the glaciers are melting, when the snow caps on mountains are melting, when the arctic cap is melting, when iceland is melting, there is proof the world is getting warmer.
aztek: try telling the people who are going to be flooded out of florida, new york, and almost every other beach town area "whooptido" once all this ice melts off the land and drops into the ocean.
i'm not an environmentalist per se. i do believe we're in for a world of trouble though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
but you're not paying attention to the scientists!....
"There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gasses is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth. "
Taken from the global warming petition. Signed by over 17,000 scientists. The petition and 8 page study can be found at the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Peer reviewed study