Originally Posted by
Darthtang AW
Not just MARS, the entire solar systems are experiencing a rise in temperature.
But wait....that is caused by the polutants that escaped through the hole in the ozone layer into outer space and is affecting the other planets.....
I love it how my theories get backed-up by science
thanks PRK543..but i said this a hundred times...
GW its just a cycle that our solar system is going through, it goes through phases...sometimes we're closer to the Sun and sometimes we're further from the SUN..
Now, the Sun will keep getting hotter!!!!!!!!NO MATTER WHAT!. that's the course of the Sun..it will keep burning hotter untill it destroys it self...period..
IF the GW where to stop tomorrow, does that mean that the sun got cooler?????? NO, it means that we're further from it..period..
Of course the ENTIRE solar system would suffer effects of the GW. ALL our planets in our solar system orbit around the same fussioning,hotter SUN..
It doesn't matter if polutants escape through the hole in the Ozone layer,into space..Mars or any other planet doesn't have identical atmosphere properties like earth..
The difference is that EARTH has an "unique" atmosphere that keeps the temp stable on EARTH..in other words hospitable for Humans..