For those that buy into Al Gore about global warming and hate Bush

aztec reef

Active Member

Originally Posted by renogaw
wasting your breath. personally am done with this thread, and am happy i'm way above sea level :)

Myth 9
Human-caused global warming is causing dangerous global sea-level (SL) rise.
Facts 9
SL change differs from time to time and place to place; between 1955 and 1996, for example, SL at Tuvalu fell by 105 mm (2.5 mm/yr). Global average
SL is a statistical measure of no value for planning purposes. The global average SL rise of 1-2 mm/yr that has occurred over the last 200 years shows little sign of increasing.

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by rbaldino
I don't trust the validity of those numbers. Have you ever seen smog, Aztec? If so, you can't tell me we don't dump an enormous amount of CO2 into the atmosphere. Last time I checked, I'd never seen smog over a melting ice cap.
LAST TIME I CHECKED, heat melted ice, NOT SMOG


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
You have to understand that the Atmosphere plays a BIG role in EARTH's temp. and vise versa. and the Atmosphere is the co2 gases..

Originally Posted by Aztec Reef

The most important players on the greenhouse stage are water vapor and clouds. Carbon dioxide has been increased to about 0.038% of the atmosphere
So which is it, Aztec? Is the atmosphere water vapors or CO2?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
LAST TIME I CHECKED, heat melted ice, NOT SMOG

My point was that I've never seen anything coming off of an ice cap that could be contributing to the greenhouse effect, whereas I've seen a lot of smog around industrialization.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
wasting your breath. personally am done with this thread, and am happy i'm way above sea level :)
Oh, I know. My only real aim here is to get Aztec to waste an enormous amount of his time looking for bogus Web sites that support his beliefs. It's better than having him out on the street.

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by rbaldino
So which is it, Aztec? Is the atmosphere water vapors or CO2?

FYI : water vapors in the clouds= co2 aka green house effect.

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by rbaldino
Oh, I know. My only real aim here is to get Aztec to waste an enormous amount of his time looking for bogus Web sites that support his beliefs. It's better than having him out on the street.
that's right you can't debunk me... yeah i'm better off teaching you scholars some knowledge..
NOW,if water vapors in the clouds= co2 aka green house effect. it works like this, Sunlight enters the Earth's atmosphere, passing through the greenhouse gases(CO2). As it reaches the Earth's surface, land, water, and biosphere absorb the sunlight’s energy. Once absorbed, this energy is sent back into the atmosphere. Some of the energy passes back into space, but much of it remains trapped in the atmosphere by the greenhouse gases, causing EARTH to heat up.
The "green house effect" (its the atmosphere) has always existed and is very important in the climate changes,and to keep earth's temp stable. without it EARTH will not be warm enuff for Humans..

aztec reef

Active Member

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Water vapor=H2O, not CO2...
Much of the rise in CO2 in the Earth's atmosphere over the past 11,000 years (the warmer period following the end of the last major glacial period) occurred prior to the industrial revolution; and much of that rise has been attributed to release of CO2 from the oceans
as they gradually warmed following the end of the last glacial period. The amount of CO2 that the oceans can hold is temperature dependent; and changes in the average temperature of the oceans lags those at the surface of the Earth. when the oceans evaporates it releases co2 into the atmosphere=water vapor..(clouds)
The Earth has experienced a number of glacial / interglacial cycles in its history. They have tended to occur on a reasonably regular cycle for more than 400,000 years. At the end of the last glacial period, about 11,000 years ago, the CO2 level in the atmosphere was about 200 ppm.
The amount of water vapor in an atmosphere is constrained by the restrictions of partial pressures and temperature. Dew point temperature and relative humidity act as guidelines for the process of water vapor in the water cycle. Energy input, such as sunlight, can trigger more evaporation on an ocean surface or more sublimation on a chunk of ice on top of a mountain.
Carbon dioxide is a common example of a chemical compound that sublimates at atmospheric pressure—a block of solid CO2 (dry ice) at room temperature and at one atmosphere of pressure will turn into gas without first becoming a liquid.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rbaldino
Oh, I know. My only real aim here is to get Aztec to waste an enormous amount of his time looking for bogus Web sites that support his beliefs. It's better than having him out on the street.
yea, i had a lot of fun with him and his crazy creationalist ideas in that ufo post. can't do it twice in the same year and stay sane.


Active Member
Whatever, Aztec. All you're doing is copying and pasting from that stupid Web site that you linked to earlier. I don't even think you understand what it is you're copying.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Actually some of what Aztec is saying on this subject does have validity.
Not really. He seems to grasp that CO2 is a greenhouse gas, yet doesn't seem to think that humans or human activity produce CO2 in volumes high enough to increase this effect. Considering that the human population has more than doubled in the last 50 years, that's ridiculous.


Active Member
Water vapor is H2O, not CO2.
The term "Green house gasses" refers to several gasses in the atmosphere including H2O and CO2, among others.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
FYI : water vapors in the clouds= co2 aka green house effect.

Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
You have to understand that the Atmosphere plays a BIG role in EARTH's temp. and vise versa. and the Atmosphere is the co2 gases..

Originally Posted by Aztec Reef

The most important players on the greenhouse stage are water vapor and clouds. Carbon dioxide has been increased to about 0.038% of the atmosphere
According to your numbers, we only have 0.038% of an atmosphere. I'm surprised any of us can even breath.

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by rbaldino
Whatever, Aztec. All you're doing is copying and pasting from that stupid Web site that you linked to earlier. I don't even think you understand what it is you're copying.

Which is it? you want articles or "quotes" to prove my points. If you guys don't believe the links why would you believe what i say personally???
Actually i do know what i'm talking about, in the other hand you seem to be the dark!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
Which is it? you want articles or "quotes" to prove my points. If you guys don't believe the links why would you believe what i say personally???
Actually i do know what i'm talking about, in the other hand you seem to be lost..
See above. I stand by my claim that you don't even understand what it is that you're copying.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Rbaldini, having researched some of what Aztec is trying to bring across. What he is attempting to say (not very well however) in a nutshell is that co2 as a greenhouse gas only accounts for .o38% of ALL the other greehouse causing gasses.
Water vapor attributes 95% of greenhouse gasses. Basically, yes man creates CO2, but CO2 is such a small percentage when compared to the Greenhouse gas H2O/water vapor....
That is it in a nutshell. No one is denying global warming isn't true, The debate is how much Man actually contributes to it in the grand scheme of things.

aztec reef

Active Member
I don't get your question, you're confusing me. Aperently you won't get it any way i explain it..
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
FYI : water vapors in the clouds= co2 aka green house effect.
yes, this is right clouds ARE the atmosphere, in the atmosphere there's water vapor, methane and many other gases.NOW all this gases in the atmosphere =CO2 "green house effect".

Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
You have to understand that the Atmosphere plays a BIG role in EARTH's temp. and vise versa. and the Atmosphere is the co2 gases..
look at the FIRST peragraph! The atmosphere reacts to the amount of co2 levels on the atmosphere thus creating stability on the temp on earth. The less co2 levels the Less the atmosphere interacts.Remenber co2 levels are already in the atmosphere!!

"It's estimated that the Earth's surface would be about -18 °C (0 °F, 255 K) with atmosphere and clouds but without the greenhouse effect and that the (we'll call it "natural") greenhouse effect raises the Earth's temperature by ~33 °C (59 °F). Devoid of atmosphere it would actually be a less cold -1 °C (272 K) because the first calculation strangely includes 31% reflection of solar radiation by clouds (which could obviously not occur without an atmosphere) while clouds actually add significantly to the greenhouse effect - for simplicity, just stick with ~33 °C.
Theoretically, if the planet's surface cooled by radiation alone, then the greenhouse-induced surface temperature would be much warmer, about 350 K (77 °C), but atmospheric motion (convective towers carrying latent and sensible heat upwards and large scale circulation carrying it both upwards and polewards) significantly increase the "escape" of energy to space, leaving Earth's surface more than 60 °C cooler than a static atmosphere would do.
So, despite there being far more greenhouse gas in the atmosphere than required to achieve the current greenhouse effect, and that has been so since before humans discovered fire
, evapo-transpiration and thermals transport heat higher in the atmosphere where radiation to space is increased. This is why Earth remains about 15 °C rather than about 77 °C."


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Rbaldini, having researched some of what Aztec is trying to bring across. What he is attempting to say (not very well however) in a nutshell is that co2 as a greenhouse gas only accounts for .o38% of ALL the other greehouse causing gasses.
Water vapor attributes 95% of greenhouse gasses. Basically, yes man creates CO2, but CO2 is such a small percentage when compared to the Greenhouse gas H2O/water vapor....
That is it in a nutshell. No one is denying global warming isn't true, The debate is how much Man actually contributes to it in the grand scheme of things.
Personally, I think Aztec actually believes that the atmosphere is CO2 and that CO2 comes from water vapor.