I don't get your question, you're confusing me. Aperently you won't get it any way i explain it..
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
FYI : water vapors in the clouds= co2 aka green house effect.
yes, this is right clouds ARE the atmosphere, in the atmosphere there's water vapor, methane and many other gases.NOW all this gases in the atmosphere =CO2 "green house effect".
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
You have to understand that the Atmosphere plays a BIG role in EARTH's temp. and vise versa. and the Atmosphere is the co2 gases..
look at the FIRST peragraph! The atmosphere reacts to the amount of co2 levels on the atmosphere thus creating stability on the temp on earth. The less co2 levels the Less the atmosphere interacts.Remenber co2 levels are already in the atmosphere!!
"It's estimated that the Earth's surface would be about -18 °C (0 °F, 255 K) with atmosphere and clouds but without the greenhouse effect and that the (we'll call it "natural") greenhouse effect raises the Earth's temperature by ~33 °C (59 °F). Devoid of atmosphere it would actually be a less cold -1 °C (272 K) because the first calculation strangely includes 31% reflection of solar radiation by clouds (which could obviously not occur without an atmosphere) while clouds actually add significantly to the greenhouse effect - for simplicity, just stick with ~33 °C.
Theoretically, if the planet's surface cooled by radiation alone, then the greenhouse-induced surface temperature would be much warmer, about 350 K (77 °C), but atmospheric motion (convective towers carrying latent and sensible heat upwards and large scale circulation carrying it both upwards and polewards) significantly increase the "escape" of energy to space, leaving Earth's surface more than 60 °C cooler than a static atmosphere would do.
So, despite there being far more greenhouse gas in the atmosphere than required to achieve the current greenhouse effect, and that has been so since before humans discovered fire, evapo-transpiration and thermals transport heat higher in the atmosphere where radiation to space is increased. This is why Earth remains about 15 °C rather than about 77 °C."