For those that buy into Al Gore about global warming and hate Bush


also i would like to add that all the democrat canidates are all talk and no action. none of the democrats or republicans are going to drive hybrid vehicles when they can be driving suv's or sports cars. if they did care so much about the enviornment they would go pitch tents in the forest and eat kashi all day. my point is that its all bs this global warming thing. i mean since the 70's we have thought every year that the world is going to explode and has it? no


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
simplified version barney style: Earth=matter, OCEAN WATER= radioactive H20, AIR= hydrogen SUN= energy, Atmosphere= gases (CO2).
here's what clouds (atmosphere)do.
You still with me?
Earth is matter, I'll give you that...
Ocean water=radioactive?

No... in point of fact our air is composed of many gasses including Hydrogen.
Atmosphere=gasses (CO2). Glad we got that straightened out.
Clouds are not (atmosphere) as you have them labeled.
Aztec, I'm going to ask you again to quit posting links to pure nonsense (youtube). posting a link to a 7 minute video showing kids blowing things up proves nothing, except that you want to waste my time.
Aztec, I've tried to consistently delete the hateful posts that attack you. Having said that, you need to understand that your posts typically do not make sense. I think you posted before that English isn't your first language. If that's the case I respect that, but you need to understand that you are trying to argue with some fairly intelligent people. You might be very intelligent yourself, but that fact is getting lost when you post paragraphs full of improperly used words, mis-directed facts, link upon link of things that aren't relevant to the discussion, and general nonsense.
Your post about human farts is a great example... It's totally irrelevant, and completely wrong. Things burn when they reach their combustion point (your pot and water example). You then go into a discussion about humans being made up of energy, farts are energy, etc. That's so poorly explained it makes everyone quit taking you seriously. Then you somehow compare greenhouse gas to an atomic bomb and tie anti-matter into the discussion.... The last time I checked anti-matter bombs were highly theoretical and no where near being used. But that's my point. You just throw the word "antimatter" into the sentence like it belongs in the discussion.
All people are welcome to post Aztec, but i'm going to start deleting your posts if they contribute nothing to the topic at hand and make no sense. I don't want ot have to keep watching Youtube videos linked from a SWF forum...

aztec reef

Active Member
"Ocean water=radioactive? Air=Hydrogen? No... in point of fact our air is composed of many gasses including Hydrogen.
Atmosphere=gasses (CO2). Glad we got that straightened out.
Clouds are not (atmosphere) as you have them labeled"
lol, the ocean had its origin from the prolonged escape of water vapor and other gases from the molten igneous rocks of the Earth to the clouds surrounding the cooling Earth. After the Earth's surface had cooled to a temperature below the boiling point of water, rain began to fall and continued to fall for centuries. As the water drained into the great hollows in the Earth's surface, the primeval ocean came into existence. The forces of gravity prevented the water from leaving the planet. Radioactivity is the process in which an unstable atomic nucleus loses energy by emitting radiation in the form of particles or electromagnetic know what radiation means? just because you don't see it in the ocean it doesn't mean it isn't happening..
NOW, all water even RAIN contains dissoled chemicals, you just don't taste them cause they're in really low amounts..There's chemicals all over the atmosphere and yes clouds are part of the atmosphere and the atmosphere reacts with EARTH"S elements and chemicals.DUH.. when the SUN(energy) evaporates water from the ocean it reacts and releases gasses into the atmosphere.
Radioactivity is the process in which an unstable atomic nucleus loses energy by emitting radiation in the form of particles or electromagnetic waves.Nearly all objects in the universe emit, reflect or transmit some light. The distribution of this light along the electromagnetic spectrum is determined by the object's composition. Several types of spectra can be distinguished depending upon the nature of the radiation coming from an object:
AIR; is actually hydrogen too, i was just saying that hydro its also a chemical element that air has.!!you wanna get specific: yes it also has h20 in the form of vapor just like it also has hellium,methane,neon,Hydrogen
and most important CO2 and not to mention many other gases...
when the air, atmosphere,ocean,EARTH reacts with the SUN's energy it releases many other gases into the air.including CO2,thus how the Elements from EARTH's surface & earth's atmosphere + the Energy of the SUN. = Green house effect Naturally..
"When it comes to Anti-matter, the annihilation effect converts the particle or particles that are opposite the anti-particle. An example is the electron and positron. They annihilate each other completely and the resultant energy is high end gamma ray radiation. If, on the other hand, there is a hydrogen ion and a positron, the end result is a proton (maybe a neutron, depending on the isotope) and gamma radiation. With anti-MATTER it depends on the particles used. Interesting enough, If you reverse the process, by starting with the high end gamma ray radiation, you can create electron/positron pairs. This is much much harder to do. To figure out the output (or input) energy, use Einstein's energy equation: E=mc2."
Actually i haven't seen any Intelligence from the people posting hatefull coments or anyone else(at least not This topic)and that's their Nature, and i'll accept that!)..Although i have seen great writting and good bs talking, but no good points..
Yes, english is my third language, i speak it, i understand it, and i try to write it..So i need an ENGLISH grammar class ok, that's on the list!!
Now can someone please prove me wrong!
All i'm saying is that Earth = matter(chemicals and elements), all this elements get air borned by the evaporation of the oceans,and radiation due to the SUN's(energy) Last time i checked the clouds took care of that reaction..and thus why it rains!!Even a volcanic errupsion, releases a bunch of elements into the AIR=atmosphere..
EARTH is chemistry, so if you don't know chemistry

When Matter & antimatter i "react" of all the elements and chemicals are made into Energy!! (at the speed of light) Now, if you want to find out the Energy produced by such reaction do this: Multiply the matter & antimatter particles in kilograms by the speed of light squared.that will give you the results in joules..In other words EARTH's green house gas effect, THis has been going on since the birth of EARTH its nothing new..And yes it doesn't explode because the elements/chemicals on earth bond together and create clouds in the atmosphere, not only does it create clouds, all this gases released Naturally make the "unique atmosphere" on EARTH.
Of course earth won't explode, thus why we have ATMOSPHERE, did you know that the SUN releases a power source(gas) called Helium 3
(its a gas,that powers the SUN, its how the SUN fussions) this gas gets blocked by the atmosphere so that we don't BURN>>> thus why EARTH doesn't reach the point of COMBUSTION!!!

aztec reef

Active Member
"Ocean water=radioactive? Air=Hydrogen? No... in point of fact our air is composed of many gasses including Hydrogen.
Atmosphere=gasses (CO2). Glad we got that straightened out.
Clouds are not (atmosphere) as you have them labeled"
lol, the ocean had its origin from the prolonged escape of water vapor and other gases from the molten igneous rocks of the Earth to the clouds surrounding the cooling Earth. After the Earth's surface had cooled to a temperature below the boiling point of water, rain began to fall and continued to fall for centuries. As the water drained into the great hollows in the Earth's surface, the primeval ocean came into existence. The forces of gravity prevented the water from leaving the planet. Radioactivity is the process in which an unstable atomic nucleus loses energy by emitting radiation in the form of particles or electromagnetic know what radiation means? just because you don't see it in the ocean it doesn't mean it isn't happening..
NOW, all water even RAIN contains dissoled chemicals, you just don't taste them cause they're in really low amounts..There's chemicals all over the atmosphere and yes clouds are part of the atmosphere and the atmosphere reacts with EARTH"S elements and chemicals.DUH.. when the SUN(energy) evaporates water from the it reacts and releases gasses into the atmosphere.
Radioactivity is the process in which an unstable atomic nucleus loses energy by emitting radiation in the form of particles or electromagnetic waves.Nearly all objects in the universe emit, reflect or transmit some light. The distribution of this light along the electromagnetic spectrum is determined by the object's composition. Several types of spectra can be distinguished depending upon the nature of the radiation coming from an object:
AIR; is actually hydrogen too, i was just saying that hydro its also a chemical element that air has.!!you wanna get specific: yes it also has h20 in the form of vapor just like it also has hellium,methane,neon,Hydrogen
and most important CO2 and not to mention many other gases...
when the air, atmosphere,ocean reacts with the SUN's it releases many other gases into the air.including CO2,thus how the Elements from EARTH's surface & earth's atmosphere + the Energy of the SUN. = Green house effect Naturally..
"When it comes to Anti-matter, the annihilation effect converts the particle or particles that are opposite the anti-particle. An example is the electron and positron. They annihilate each other completely and the resultant energy is high end gamma ray radiation. If, on the other hand, there is a hydrogen ion and a positron, the end result is a proton (maybe a neutron, depending on the isotope) and gamma radiation. With anti-MATTER it depends on the particles used. Interesting enough, If you reverse the process, by starting with the high end gamma ray radiation, you can create electron/positron pairs. This is much much harder to do. To figure out the output (or input) energy, use Einstein's energy equation: E=mc2."
Actually i haven't seen any Intelligence from the people posting hatefull coments or anyone else(and that's their Nature)..Although i have seen great writting and good bs talking, but no good points..
Yes, english is my third language, i speak it, i understand it, and i try to write it..So i need a grammar class ok, that's on the list!!
Now can someone please prove me wrong! on my theories.
All i'm saying is that Earth = matter(chemicals and elements), all this elements get air borned by the evaporation of the oceans,and radiation due to the SUN's(energy) Last time i checked the clouds took care of that reaction..and thus why it rains!!Even a volcanic errupsion, releases a bunch of elements into the AIR=atmosphere..
EARTH is chemistry, so if you don't know chemistry

When Matter & antimatter i "react" of all the elements and chemicals are made into Energy!! Now, if you want to find out the Energy produced by such reaction do this: Multiply the matter & antimatter particles in kilograms by the speed of light squared.that will give you the results in joules..In other words EARTH's green house gas effect, has been going on since the birth of EARTH its nothing new..And yes it doesn't explode because the elements/chemicals on earth bond together and create clouds in the atmosphere, not only does it create clouds, all this gases released Naturally make the "unique atmosphere" on EARTH.
Of course earth won't explode, thus why we have ATMOSPHERE, did you know that the SUN releases a power source called Hellium 3 (its a gas,that powers the SUN, its how the SUN fussions) this gas gets blocked by the atmosphere so that we don't BURN>>> thus why EARTH doesn't reach the point of COMBUSTION!!!

aztec reef

Active Member
"Ocean water=radioactive? Air=Hydrogen? No... in point of fact our air is composed of many gasses including Hydrogen.
Atmosphere=gasses (CO2). Glad we got that straightened out.
Clouds are not (atmosphere) as you have them labeled"
lol, the ocean had its origin from the prolonged escape of water vapor and other gases from the molten igneous rocks of the Earth to the clouds surrounding the cooling Earth. After the Earth's surface had cooled to a temperature below the boiling point of water, rain began to fall and continued to fall for centuries. As the water drained into the great hollows in the Earth's surface, the primeval ocean came into existence. The forces of gravity prevented the water from leaving the planet. Radioactivity is the process in which an unstable atomic nucleus loses energy by emitting radiation in the form of particles or electromagnetic know what radiation means? just because you don't see it in the ocean it doesn't mean it isn't happening..
NOW, all water even RAIN contains dissoled chemicals, you just don't taste them cause they're in really low amounts..There's chemicals all over the atmosphere and yes clouds are part of the atmosphere and the atmosphere reacts with EARTH"S elements and chemicals.DUH.. when the SUN(energy) evaporates water from the it reacts and releases gasses into the atmosphere.
Radioactivity is the process in which an unstable atomic nucleus loses energy by emitting radiation in the form of particles or electromagnetic waves.Nearly all objects in the universe emit, reflect or transmit some light. The distribution of this light along the electromagnetic spectrum is determined by the object's composition. Several types of spectra can be distinguished depending upon the nature of the radiation coming from an object:
AIR; is actually hydrogen too, i was just saying that hydro its also a chemical element that air has.!!you wanna get specific: yes it also has h20 in the form of vapor just like it also has hellium,methane,neon,Hydrogen
and most important CO2 and not to mention many other gases...
when the air, atmosphere,ocean reacts with the SUN's it releases many other gases into the air.including CO2,thus how the Elements from EARTH's surface & earth's atmosphere + the Energy of the SUN. = Green house effect Naturally..
"When it comes to Anti-matter, the annihilation effect converts the particle or particles that are opposite the anti-particle. An example is the electron and positron. They annihilate each other completely and the resultant energy is high end gamma ray radiation. If, on the other hand, there is a hydrogen ion and a positron, the end result is a proton (maybe a neutron, depending on the isotope) and gamma radiation. With anti-MATTER it depends on the particles used. Interesting enough, If you reverse the process, by starting with the high end gamma ray radiation, you can create electron/positron pairs. This is much much harder to do. To figure out the output (or input) energy, use Einstein's energy equation: E=mc2."
Actually i haven't seen any Intelligence from the people posting hatefull coments or anyone else(and that's their Nature)..Although i have seen great writting and good bs talking, but no good points..
Yes, english is my third language, i speak it, i understand it, and i try to write it..So i need a grammar class ok, that's on the list!!
Now can someone please prove me wrong! on my theories.
All i'm saying is that Earth = matter(chemicals and elements), all this elements get air borned by the evaporation of the oceans,and radiation due to the SUN's(energy) Last time i checked the clouds took care of that reaction..and thus why it rains!!Even a volcanic errupsion, releases a bunch of elements into the AIR=atmosphere..
EARTH is chemistry, so if you don't know chemistry

When Matter & antimatter i "react" of all the elements and chemicals are made into Energy!! Now, if you want to find out the Energy produced by such reaction do this: Multiply the matter & antimatter particles in kilograms by the speed of light squared.that will give you the results in joules..In other words EARTH's green house gas effect, has been going on since the birth of EARTH its nothing new..And yes it doesn't explode because the elements/chemicals on earth bond together and create clouds in the atmosphere, not only does it create clouds, all this gases released Naturally make the "unique atmosphere" on EARTH.
Of course earth won't explode, thus why we have ATMOSPHERE, did you know that the SUN releases a power source called Hellium 3 (its a gas,that powers the SUN, its how the SUN fussions) this gas gets blocked by the atmosphere so that we don't BURN>>> thus why EARTH doesn't reach the point of COMBUSTION!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
in a nutshell, barney style
I have a question for you, Aztec. Considering that English is your third language and that you write it so poorly, how am I supposed to believe that you even understand all these pages you're linking to? Instead of combing the net for sites that you think support your beliefs, I suggest you find a local college and sign up for an ESL class. None of the stuff you post is ever going to convince me (or anyone else) of your viewpoint, so like I said, do something else with your time.

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by rbaldino
I have a question for you, Aztec. Considering that English is your third language and that you write it so poorly, how am I supposed to believe that you even understand all these pages you're linking to? Instead of combing the net for sites that you think support your beliefs, I suggest you find a local college and sign up for an ESL class. None of the stuff you post is ever going to convince me (or anyone else) of your viewpoint, so like I said, do something else with your time.
lol, i think you need to go Back to college. classes to consider are(but not limited to): Astronomy,chemistry,biology,archeology,marine biology,physics, other words Natural science!!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
lol, i think you need to go Back to college. classes to consider are(but not limited to): Astronomy,chemistry,biology,archeology,marine biology,physics, other words Natural science!!!!!!

If those were the classes you took, then you need to ask for your money back. In fact, that school needs to be shut down.