For those that buy into Al Gore about global warming and hate Bush


Active Member

Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
yes, this is right clouds ARE the atmosphere, in the atmosphere there's water vapor, methane and many other gases.NOW all this gases in the atmosphere =CO2 "green house effect".

CO2 is Carbon Dioxide, Aztec, not a combination of all the seperate gases floating around in the atmosphere.

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by rbaldino
CO2 is Carbon Dioxide, Aztec, not a combination of seperate gases.
what's the CO2 properties????? in other words how is it made?? other than burning fossils, or man made...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
what's the CO2 properties????? in other words how is it made?? other than burning fossils, or man made...
Carbon dioxide is a chemical compound composed of two oxygen atoms covalently bonded to a single carbon atom. It is a gas at standard temperature and pressure and exists in Earth's atmosphere as a gas. It is currently at a globally averaged concentration of approximately 385 ppm by volume in the Earth's atmosphere, although this varies both by location and time. Carbon dioxide's chemical formula is CO2.
In general, it is exhaled by animals and utilized by plants during photosynthesis. Additional carbon dioxide is created by the combustion of fossil fuels or vegetable matter, among other chemical processes.
Carbon dioxide is an important greenhouse gas because of its ability to absorb many infrared wavelengths of the Sun's light, and because of the length of time it stays in the Earth's atmosphere. Due to this, and the role it plays in the respiration of plants, it is a major component of the carbon cycle.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
...FYI : water vapors in the clouds= co2 aka green house effect.
Wrong... just plain wrong. 100% incorrect.
CO2 is ONE of the "greenhouse" gasses. It is a gas.. Much like Oxygen, Nitrogen, etc.
CO2 is not, in any way, related to water vapor. Water is H2O. CO2 is a molecule consisting of 1 Carbon atom and 2 Oxygen atoms. H2O is made of 2 atoms of Hydrogen and 1 Oxygen atom.
They are completely different things.

aztec reef

Active Member
Journey, in order for the green house effect to work there has to be co2/other gases + h20 + an Energy souce and they have to bond/react together..aka green house effect..
Now, when the atmosphere evaporates h20 from the ocean,The ocean releases c02 in the air(atmosphere)..creating air borne gases= 1 of them being carbon dioxide..
NOW, since the oceans are getting warmer and phyto is a food source for the ocean, (And we all know that phyto likes cooler water)... phytoplankton growth rates go down and along with them the amount of carbon dioxide these ocean plants consume. That allows carbon dioxide to accumulate more rapidly in the atmosphere, which would produce more warming. GET it?
kind of like when you use an IRON, you use H20 for vapor, the plug-in = the Energy.
NOw, what happends when your IRON gets too hot with water in it? It steams!! right? have you ever seen an iron steam? well, there you go that's the Green house effect..............


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
Journey, in order for the green house effect to work there has to be co2/other gases + h20 + an Energy souce and they have to bond/react together..aka green house effect.
I really don't think you know what the greenhouse effect is, Aztec. It has nothing to do with bonding and reacting; it's about the way various gases in the atmosphere trap/reflect the sun's radiation and heat the planet. One of the most efficient greenhouse gases (the one doing most of the "greenhouse" work, is CO2, something humans are contributing to the atmosphere in ever increasing volumes.

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by rbaldino
I really don't think you know what the greenhouse effect is, Aztec. It has nothing to do with bonding and reacting; it's about the way various gases in the atmosphere trap/reflect the sun's radiation and heat the planet. One of the most efficient greenhouse gases (the one doing most of the "greenhouse" work, is CO2, something humans are contributing to the atmosphere in ever increasing volumes.

chemistry 101

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Your argument is evolving Aztec...
ok, there's phases,i can look it up and show you a fancy article..
but here it is my style

what happends when you boil water in the stove? It boils right? goes in to the air(surface) now, after the water evaporates what happends?. the pot burns..cause there no hydrogen(h20) left.if you keep burning the pot, then you'll start to get airborne gases wich will give you the green house effect..
Have you ever wonder why your farts are flamable? cause 1 Energy being the lighter and humans are made of water and energy(food).lol. Now the energy of the lighter reacts with the gas energy(fart) and it explodes!! know the Atomic bomb? that's the green house effect energys multyplied by 100,000,000,0000,000,000,0000,0000 times released in 1 second, reacting with an antimatter!!!!
It's the case of a matter reacting with 1 split second...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
ok, there's phases,i can look it up and show you a fancy article..
but here it is my style

what happends when you boil water in the stove? It boils right? goes in to the air(surface) now, after the water evaporates what happends?. the pot burns..cause there no hydrogen(h20) left.if you keep burning the pot, then you'll start to get airborne gases wich will give you the green house effect..
Have you ever wonder why your farts are flamable? cause 1 Energy being the lighter and humans are made of water and energy(food).lol. Now the energy of the lighter reacts with the gas energy(fart) and it explodes!! know the Atomic bomb? that's the green house effect energys multyplied by 100,000,000,0000,000,000,0000,0000 times released in 1 second, reacting with an antimatter!!!!
It's the case of a matter reacting with 1 split second...
