Four new Fillies!


Active Member
Life is filled with surprises!!!
My friend Beth invited me to come with her to our LFS. I hadn't planned on purchasing anything....I've been saving up to purchase my ponies. As we head out she mentions..."I want to stop at the "evil" LFS.(This store tried pass off a extremely dead plate coral as a sponge and tried to sell it to me for $50!)
I promised I'd be good and keep my mouth zipped...I can't stand going in there, listening to the baloney they sell to customers. Example:
Sebae anemones only require low lighting....Gonipora are easy to keep.....not to mention all the dead fish floating......
So we park, head inside, and go into the coral room. As I'm glancing around...
"Rykna!!! They have seahorses!!!!! Beth said."
First thing that goes through my mind is "God have mercy on them!!!"
I went over to look at the horses. The four females were in a 1-2 gallon cramped tank. No hitching posts...nothing...just sparse sand. One was lying one the sand bed gasping, the second was dragging along the bottom in search for food, the other two were huddled in a corner. They were so thin and pale!!!!! I checked the price quick......80 smackers.....
"They're going to die. I told Beth"......I thought a moment....and then told Beth I was going to find a manager. "Be nice. She called after me"
Beth confessed to me latter that she thought that I was going to chew out the manager for the mistreatment of the seahorses and get into some hot water!!!
I found an employee and asked who cared for the seahorses. I was directed to "Jason".
I explained my concerns to him and asked if he had kept seahorses. He had. I then asked if there was a chance that the manger might give me a discount on them, because if they are left here they will die within two days. He nodded and left to find the manager. I went back to watch the little horses. It was a sad site....they didn't have a chance of survival here....they were all so thin...all of them were desperately scanning the sand bed for any signs of food. What chance of a discount did I have???.....
not much.....
Finally Jason returned. "What did the manager say? I asked."
"Fifteen dollars for each seahorse."
I thought I misheard him....$15 each????
"Yep! He replied. "
"Sold, I said, I'll take all four."
I asked him the basic questions about the seahorses...especially when the seahorses were last fed. He told me they had gotten them in last Friday (it was now Tuesday) and to his knowledge no one had been feeding them.

It's been 48 hours since I brought the four girls home. I have them in a 5.5 QT and they will remain there for the rest of January, if not longer. The girls were so hungry they spent the first 30 minutes inhaling mysis. After resting they began to perk up.
Today I've started food dish training. I put a whole cube of mysis soaked in garlic into the dish. After they figured out the food was in the dish all of them spent over a hour in the dish barely moving except for their snouts. The next hour they spent resting on the bottom of the food dish. As of an hour ago they were playing in the flow and searching the bottom for any left overs.
The next week will be crucial for them. When I bought them I gave them all a 50% chance of survival, which is probably generous. I plan to feed them round the clock for the next two weeks. I have some new ideas for treatment.They will all need daily health inspections which may/will include FWD, medication, swabbing off any remaining parasites, etc.
Time to go thaw some mysis! I'll be back with some pictures!!!


Active Member
poor things. do you have meds on hand if you need them? Hope they pull thru for you. What species. How could they not feed them on 4 days.
Originally Posted by Rykna
Example: Sebae anemones only require low lighting....Gonipora are easy to keep.....not to mention all the dead fish floating......
That just makes me feel sick. It's horrible how some LFS stores will take advantage of people just to make a buck and it's the livestock they sell that pay the price. Very sad. Good for you that you rescued those seahorses... I wish you the best of luck!


Active Member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ
poor things. do you have meds on hand if you need them? Hope they pull thru for you. What species. How could they not feed them on 4 days.
Me too! I do have some, I'm going to go make a med trip on Friday. So far I've been applying Neosporin and swabbing off the little parasitic vermin. It's those nasty little worms that claimed Valiant. I'm going to get some methane blue....and some medicated drops for food.
The seahorses were labeled "Yellow Seahorse", which is pretty vague....I thought they were Kuda, but now I'm not so sure...the cornet is higher than I thought it was.
As for the food~ I am very thankful that they have been eating. They've made it through the first 48 hours. They are still very week, but the two larger ones were playing in the flow earlier this evening.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ChaoticDamsel
That just makes me feel sick. It's horrible how some LFS stores will take advantage of people just to make a buck and it's the livestock they sell that pay the price. Very sad. Good for you that you rescued those seahorses... I wish you the best of luck!
I'm praying that they pull through too.



I cringe at LFS like that.You wonder to for the manager to sell the horses to you that cheap,how much does he get them for??$80.00 each...and the poor things were half past dead...makes me sick.Who doesn't feed seahorses for 4 days.

I hope they pull through.Great that they are eating


Active Member
Thank God (literally!) that you walked into that store that day! Are we talking about full-size horses or dwarves? I'm guessing from the price tag they are full-sized but for some reason I thought you only had the dwarf species. And the other reason I'm confused is because you said they are in a 5.5 gallon tank. But whatever they are, they are so lucky to have you!!!!
I'm wondering, since they were called "yellow" if they are Reidi's. Can't wait to see pix even though I'm sure it's going to make me cry. Just reading your post got me teary-eyed. Good luck!!!!


Originally Posted by SueAndHerZoo
And the other reason I'm confused is because you said they are in a 5.5 gallon tank. But whatever they are, they are so lucky to have you!!!!
The 5.5 gallon tank if for Quarantine.They will be there for a few weeks and after they are free of parasites and eating well they will probably be moved to a larger display tank Rykna has.
Can't wait to see pics!


Active Member
Wow - it's going to be quite the challenge keeping 4 horses in a 5.5 gallon - they are such pollution machines! My dozen newborn fry keep crapping up the 10 gallon I had them in, but in all fairness I think most of that was due to the food I put in there to try and grow the little buggers.
I would have done the same thing , so glad there eating for you !! Thats the first hurdle you have prazipro ? Thats really good for parasites and deworming....I did that with my kellogis


Well-Known Member
You Officially Rock!!!

I'm so glad you stepped in there when you was definitely meant to be. I know the next month is going to be rough for them (and you!) but I know they have a much better chance of survival now. Can't wait to see pics!! :)


Active Member
Thank you everyone, I'm praying that they pull through too

Here's some pics of the 4:

I'm not sure which species the girls are. I thought they were kudas at first, but I'm not so sure anymore.
I bought PIMAFIX and MELAFIX today. I'm treating them with the MELAFIX along with daily neosporin scrubs.
I'm not sure what else to do except keep feeding them 3-4 times a day, keep up with the meds and baths, and pray.


Active Member
if anyone can get them to pull through, you can
you doing what you did at that store officially makes you one of the good people in this world, of which there are far to few of


Active Member
Originally Posted by mboswell1982
if anyone can get them to pull through, you can
you doing what you did at that store officially makes you one of the good people in this world, of which there are far to few of
Thank you so much! Our world needs a refresher course, "Moral101". Saltwaterfish forum is kind of like an oasis for me. It is such a joy to have a forum that is filled with good people that are willing to help. We all give each other inspiration to go that extra mile


Active Member
Today is Day 5. The second day of the MELAFIX treatment. It's the first day that all four girls are all up and hunting(as much as one can with a bare floor). The two smaller ones are doing better. Their eyes look brighter too. Yesterday they didn't move until I brought breakfast. Even then most of them fed by laying on the bottom of the dish snicking mysis until they were too tired to snick food anymore.


They look like Kelloggi's to me with the high cornets.Glad to see they are still pulling through.I would have done the same thing to try and save them.The things we do for our fishies!lol


Not sure how I missed this thread. Be careful using Pimafix and Melafix. They GREATLY reduce oxygen from the water. Additional airlines must be used in the tank if using either remedy. I've never recommended either to be used due to the oxygen issue and their ineffectiveness.
Unfortunately, neither "remedy" was found to combat/fight off/control/lessen/do anything for bacterial infections or pathogens in general when tested on pathogens in seahorses. Testing was done by a pathologist.
They do indeed look like Kelloggi. I would treat for worms and internal parasites once they are all doing well and seem to be recovering nicely.
Best of luck!


Active Member
It's been 7 days since I brought home the four girls. Much to my delight their health is improving every day. I'm treating them with both MELAFIX and PRIMAFIX. The one thing I am still seeing is tiny little white spots on the girls. I've been swabbing these off and applying neosporin, but haven't been able to kill what ever these little things are. I think that they are the little worms that killed Valiant.
Yesterday I moved the girls into a 10g to ease the med dose. Eating still seems to take a lot of pep out of the girls, especially the two smaller ones. They rest in the food dish for at least twenty minutes before becoming active.
I never had any successful results with these medications:
Malachite Green
Methylene Blue
Metronidazole (flagyl)
Niclosamide and Praziquantel
Combination drugs such as Furan II and Paragon II
Originally Posted by ReefNutPA
Not sure how I missed this thread. Be careful using Pimafix and Melafix. They GREATLY reduce oxygen from the water. Additional airlines must be used in the tank if using either remedy. I've never recommended either to be used due to the oxygen issue and their ineffectiveness.
Unfortunately, neither "remedy" was found to combat/fight off/control/lessen/do anything for bacterial infections or pathogens in general when tested on pathogens in seahorses. Testing was done by a pathologist.
They do indeed look like Kelloggi. I would treat for worms and internal parasites once they are all doing well and seem to be recovering nicely.
Best of luck!
I'm open to any ideas/info for medications. Especially if any of you have had success treating your horses.