Four new Fillies!


Active Member
What an amazing labor of love - what you're doing for these ladies is incredible. Not only do you have the patience and the willingness to do it but you also have the knowledge which is where I am lacking greatly. I wouldn't have a clue where to begin in treating this kind of ailment.
Keep up the good work, even though I'm sure there are times when you think "what have I gotten myself into?!?!?!"

dive girl

Originally Posted by Rykna
They're so cute when they curl up for bed. Usually they all sleep together wrapping their tails together. Especially the two smaller girls. I'm so glad they found me too. The tank has been empty for too long.

Ohhh, that is so sweet! They are sure lucky that you walked in that day!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by confusedfishy
Wow, this thread is so exciting! I've been exploring this forum to learn more about seahorse care before I venture into it myself and wow do I still have alot to learn after reading all of this info.

I do have a question- where do you shop for medications? there are none of these medications at the lfs near me, do you find them somewhere else?
Welcome aboard! I thought I was knowledgeable until I decided to house seahorses. Man I feel like I'm seven years old again when I first started keeping fish;that was 27 years ago. SWF forum is the best bunch of fish folk I have ever encountered. I wouldn't have come this far without them

Finding medications for your seahorse is very hard. Most LFS carry a variety of meds, but you need to be cautious. Seahorses are very sensitive to certain meds. As you read here several meds have already been nixed do to contents and other negative effects. It took me over a month of research and phone calling before I found two stores here in the twins that carried the meds suggested here in SWF. Most of the meds I had no positive results with. It may have been that my seahorse was to ill to recover, or I was using the wrong meds, or the wrong dosage. The meds I've listed above I'm going to try to find today. I have found them on line, but I am not certain that the girls can wait for 1-2 week delivery. But I will not give up as long as the girls are eating and continuing to thrive as much as they can with this parasite.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SueAndHerZoo
What an amazing labor of love - what you're doing for these ladies is incredible. Not only do you have the patience and the willingness to do it but you also have the knowledge which is where I am lacking greatly. I wouldn't have a clue where to begin in treating this kind of ailment.
Keep up the good work, even though I'm sure there are times when you think "what have I gotten myself into?!?!?!"
Thank you Sue! Once you take on seahorses, your commitment to you fish takes on a whole new meaning.
Seahorses are the most unique fish I have ever had the pleasure of sharing my home with. I do not say keeping, because even though all fish have personalities, there is more to a seahorse. The intelligence that flickers in their eyes as they watch you, and the recognition and trust they form with you...takes them far beyond any fish I have ever kept.
As the great Robert Frost wrote:
The Road Not Taken

"I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dive Girl
Ohhh, that is so sweet! They are sure lucky that you walked in that day!!
Seahorses know a sucker when they see one.
I am also very grateful that Beth dragged me into the evil LFS too!!


Active Member
I went med shopping at my LFS and purchased PraziPro. I also came home with something very unexpected. It must be care for sick fish week.
As I was browsing through the meds when a young couple came up besides me and handed Mike, the owner, a fish and asked for $20 store credit. They said he had some kind of illness and didn't want/ or have the time to treat the fish any more. Mike was trying to explain to them that $20 dollars didn't even begin to cover the cost of treating and caring for the fish. I step over and pulled out a $20, I'll take the little guy. The couple said yes and I was the owner of a Juvenile Emperor Angelfish. Mike gave me the meds-the little guy has Hole in the head infection. Most likely caused by poor nutrition and/or poor water quality. So I basically got a $150 fish for $20. When the angel is healthy I'm going to take him back for store credit.
The girls are hanging in there. I gave them the first treatment of PraziPro. They'll need a scrub down tomorrow, I can give them a PraziPro dip too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefNutPA
Have you tried/considered a formalin bath for the external parasites?
I have used it in the past with bad results. I don't like the idea of dipping my fish in formaldehyde, it's kind of like fish chemotherapy.


Active Member
Sadly, I lost one of the girls today. She was the weakest of them all. The other three are hanging in there. I am still very puzzled by their symptoms. One day they all look like they're getting better~their eyes are brighter, their skin is looking healthier....then a day or two goes by....the symptoms come and go. It's hard to tell if they're actually getting better.


Active Member
Awwwwwww, so sorry, Rykna. It's so upsetting to lose one when you've been fighting so hard to keep them alive. Hopefully this will be an isolated incident and the other three will continue to thrive. YOu can at least take comfort in the fact that you did EVERYTHING you could for her.


Active Member
I am too sorry for your loss. I wonder if there are so many losses with kelloggi because of them being a deep water horse. I am wondering if a very tall cold tank would benifit them????


Active Member
Thank you every one for your help and support. Unfortunately, I lost another one this morning. I have come to a conundrum. After almost three weeks there are no definite signs of improvement . The parasites continue to multiply, and the horses are still hanging by a thread.
I've tried Melafix, Pimfex, Prazipro, Rid-fungus, FWD, applying Neosprin; what am I missing?
I've been going over the history of our seahorses survival rate. Why do we continue to loose what we thought was a healthy seahorse? Even when we have a QT tank. The only other place I can think to research is Seahorse breeding farms. Some where between the trip to the LFS and then into our tanks our seahorses must be picking up unwanted pathogens. Perhaps their immune system is effected by poor breeding, similar to the cats and dogs. It could also be caused by poor nutrition.
The Emperor Angel "hole in the head" because by poor nutrition. The Angel was only getting meaty foods- too much protein.
I will continue my search for the source for the cause and the cure for our beloved seahorses.


Active Member
Awwwwwww crap - I'm so sorry. Could it be that they are just too weakened to handle all the treatments that are meant to save them? They must be under so much stress - but nothing compared to what YOU are experiencing, I'm sure.


Sooo sorry. The other 3 aren't getting any better? Wish I could help. All I could do is keep your little horses in my prayers, and pray for guidance for you too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
Sooo sorry. The other 3 aren't getting any better? Wish I could help. All I could do is keep your little horses in my prayers, and pray for guidance for you too.
Thank you for your prayers. There are only 2 left~I'll be praying too.