Foxface Opinions?


OK...we bought a Foxface today & he's coming Monday with our LFS service guys. They recommended the Foxface over a Yellow Tang for our tank because it's more docile. We currently only have 2 Green Chromis. We also have a Dragonette (sp?) coming Monday.
I never hear anyone talk about a Foxface. I know they're poisionous to touch...that's why I'm having the LFS service guy put it in the tank.
From what I've read, there's nothing bad, but I figured this is the REAL place to ask...
Let me know if you have an experience or knowledge good/bad!


I've had a foxface for about 4 months now, they are great, truely awesome fish. You won't regret your purchase...
just make sure you have plenty of algae for it to munch on. if not use nori sheets or seaweed selects or something to supliment its diet.
Heres mines.

murray bmf

Only thier barbs on the top and maybe bottom are poisoness. I had one for over 2 years before he died and he was a cool fish. Mine also ate brine shrimp, but was a great "community" fish and never caused any problems. Great choice! I will always reommened a fox face


Originally Posted by steelrain
I've had a foxface for about 4 months now, they are great, truely awesome fish. You won't regret your purchase...
just make sure you have plenty of algae for it to munch on. if not use nori sheets or seaweed selects or something to supliment its diet.
Heres mines.

Thanks for sharing your picture! So pretty! The one I chose was the most "yellow" of the group they had in the tank...they put him in his own tank until they can deliver him on Monday. Other than our 2 Green Chromis, it's our first real fish! :) Yee-hawww!


Originally Posted by steelrain
I've had a foxface for about 4 months now, they are great, truely awesome fish. You won't regret your purchase...
just make sure you have plenty of algae for it to munch on. if not use nori sheets or seaweed selects or something to supliment its diet.
I did get some Seaweed Selects green sheets & some frozen Formula Two. The LFS said that should do for the Foxface...thanks for the advice!


Active Member
i had one in my tank then when i started converting it to a reef tank he would nip at some of my LPS corals.... so i had to fish him out and take him back


I've had my foxface Lo for about 6 months. Fun fish. Mine is reallly fat


He came today & I just love him already! Such a neat fish...keeps popping his dorsal fins (?) up when my Green Chromis come near...not too sure of them yet!
He does have this rice-sized cauliflower-lumpy-like growth on the end of his back bottom fin...I called the LFS & they said it's probably some cyst thing? They said I could try to pull it off...told them I didn't want to touch the fish...they said their service guy would pull it off the next time he's here.


Active Member
Originally Posted by steelrain
I've had a foxface for about 4 months now, they are great, truely awesome fish. You won't regret your purchase...
just make sure you have plenty of algae for it to munch on. if not use nori sheets or seaweed selects or something to supliment its diet.
Heres mines.

Beautiful fish Steel. Gotta be Arty or 81's? S/F


Active Member
You are paying for a service,and they brought you a fish with lymphocystis ?And they are giving you a dragonet for a newly set up tank?I recommend that you please research dragonets carefully before you consider keeping one.At least allow 10 months for your tank to mature.The foxface should be ok,and the lymph should fall off as long as a good varied diet is offered,and water quality is kept high.I would also consider another person to help with your set up...or just do the research and do it yourself.Foxface are not poisonous...their spines are venomous...just avoid the spines.They become very friendly,and will approach you to be hand fed.


Originally Posted by promisetbg
You are paying for a service,and they brought you a fish with lymphocystis ?And they are giving you a dragonet for a newly set up tank?I recommend that you please research dragonets carefully before you consider keeping one.At least allow 10 months for your tank to mature.The foxface should be ok,and the lymph should fall off as long as a good varied diet is offered,and water quality is kept high.I would also consider another person to help with your set up...or just do the research and do it yourself.Foxface are not poisonous...their spines are venomous...just avoid the spines.They become very friendly,and will approach you to be hand fed.
Thank you for your advice. I asked the LFS about the Dragonet because I did question the maturity of our tank. They said it was "mature enough" for these reasons:
1. We have 130 lb. of liverock, & that's enough for 1 dragonet
2. Our liverock was cycled when we bought it (although our tank still cycled, so I'm not sure what exactly that meant)
3. The service guy said we have an unusual amount of copopods
4. With the size of our tank/live rock, the dragonet would be fine in a younger tank
5. I could buy the copopods they sell at the lfs if I felt there was a problem
Now with all that in mind, do you still feel that our tank is too young? I never want to buy a fish just because the salesman wants to make a sale, you know? And I questioned him pretty hard before I purchased him. I even told the LFS guy that I would take his card & come back in a few months to buy the dragonet (once our tank was older) so that he would get his sales credit! He still stuck with the thought that 1 dragonet in our 100gal/130lb live rock tank would be fine.
As far as the Foxface goes, we were at the LFS Saturday & I picked out the Foxface I wanted. They put him in a separate tank, & I didn't notice anything on his fins...and I looked him over carefully, so I"m confident it wasn't there Saturday. I called the LFS yesterday after they brought him & I noticed the lymphocystis. The Fish Manager said that it wasn't on Foxface when they bagged him for delivery that morning...I asked if it just sprouts up in a few hours? Said not likely, so they probably just didn't see it. I did call right away, & they have a 7 day guarantee for fish they deliver.
The LFS Fish Manager told me that they lymphocystis would either fall off with time & good food (we have green algae sheets, Frozen Formula Two, Marine Quisine, & Mysis Shrimp that he's eating currently), or it could be pulled off. She suggested I wait until the service guy comes back in 2 weeks if I didn't want to pull it off myself...let him do it.
That's what I know so far. I thought I was doing good....oh my...
Any opinions about the dragonet given the above details?


Active Member
I have worked at an LFS for almost two years...I would not sell you the dragonet...yet.
I would explain to you that certain animals need a mature tank...such as starfish,clams,tangs,sps corals,and dragonets...this includes scooter blennies{misnamed} and spotted and green mandarin gobies{also misnamed}.
I wish dragonets were expensive,less would die in this hobby.Set up a refugium in the meantime...and purchasing pods to replenish the supply is always a good idea,several times a year.


So would you suggest I take him back? Or replenish the copepod population? Do you feel that a refugium as an absolute need with a dragonet? Thanks for the advice!!!


Active Member
You already have him,I did'nt know that.I would recommend taking him back...but if you do decide to keep him,at least do not compromise his pod availability by adding a wrasse,anthias..or any other fast swimming fish that will also eat pods.
I do believe adding a refugium that is free of predation is the way to go.You may also want to see if you can get the mandarin to eat mysis shrimp and cyclop-eeze to supplement him some.He will still search for pods all day.
I have a refugium,alot of pods,and still add pods several times a year just as a good measure.
Look at how much energy they expel flapping those butterfly fins of theirs...they can eat alot of pods!


:) I *think* I saw him eat a mysis this morning...was watching him eat & he was spitting out sand. Then he took something off of a rock, & spit a bit back out, & it was it was either a mysis or something from the Marine Quisine frozen food that I put in.
I will absolutely keep on top of the pods population so he has a good food source. He is just beautiful!


Oh...forgot to add...the only fish we have are 2 Green Chromis, 1 Foxface (who may be going back to the LFS today because he's got cloudy eyes & we've only had him less than 24 hrs), & are interested in getting a Percula. That's I think his pod population will be pretty much his!


Active Member
as far as fox faces go they are great in a community tank.I kept a majestic for 4 yrs 1 of which she had no lower jaw.unfortunatly she passed away this spring due to not being able to compete for food with my sailfin tang.for his deit I have listed a post of foods that I have found my foxface and tangs to do very well with.btw I now have the biclolored foxface.the post is long but I hope it to be helpful.I have kept my bi colored for little over a year now.they like meaty foods such as mysis and other meaty foods but need viggies in his diet.please look for the post on fish disccusions tang and herbavour diet for a list of good foods.these fish are only hearty with proper this is not a reef safe fish they will eat corals and pollups.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crazyzeus1
Oh...forgot to add...the only fish we have are 2 Green Chromis, 1 Foxface (who may be going back to the LFS today because he's got cloudy eyes & we've only had him less than 24 hrs), & are interested in getting a Percula. That's I think his pod population will be pretty much his!
for the cloudy eye I suggest treating him with melafix for a few day feed him veggie flakes(Omega ONe) in AM .emerald entrese in PM .as a mid day snack I use seaweed selects.with this diet you should have a very happy foxface