Hi all,
There was a question about what will be sent out. I am giving away Coralline chips to members of Saltwaterfish.Com. This has nothing to do with the store I'm just donating coralline to members to either give them a starter culture of coralline or add diversity.
Coralline is a calcarious (calcium carbonate based) algae that encrusts rocks. Some people like the purple/pink look of the rocks, I like the fact that undesireable algae doesn't grow where coralline has gained a foothold.
The experiment was a one month period of time where I didn't scrape the algae off a single pane of glass to measure growth rate. Here's a picture indicating the color and texture of the coralline you will be receiving. In addition, this pane of glass has accumulated quite a following of copepods. There will be no way to avoid getting copepods along with the coralline, an added bonus.