Free Coralline Chips

bang guy

I'm going to be scraping the Coralline that resulted from my experiment. If anyone wants some of the chips I will be able to mail some mid-March.
All I ask it for you to cover shipping, Priority Mail USPS, probably $5.00. There will probably be copepods in the water with the Coralline.....
If you are interested mail your name & address to the e-mail address in my sig.


I'll take some for sure!...Let me know when your ready..and where to mail the check...Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!! Chris


I would be willing to take part of that action. Thanks for the offer.
Looked in the 55 tank yesterday and guess what? Dog gone BTA has split again, now I've got 4 :D

bang guy

OK everyone... I need addresses so please e-mail me.
I'm not shipping this week because it's supposed to be really cold. I think the following week should be fine though.


hey bang guy i would like some of that to and would u be willing to sell some of your sand critters also i really need some but if u dont i would like some of the coralline chips anyways i would be willing to give ya some money for your trouble thanks my email is

tahoe ocean

Ohhhh! Me! I'd love some!
But I tried to email you through this site and it won't let me.
Will email to the addy in your sig.
Will pay whatever it takes just to get some of your bugs and would love the algae.
Not to mention that everything breeds in your tank so "maybe it's in the water" heehee:D