Free Green Moray in south central PA


Active Member
I'm still waiting also...dont know if you saw my messages above, about paying for shipping and not making you provide a live arrival guarantee.


Originally Posted by AW2
I'm still waiting also...dont know if you saw my messages above, about paying for shipping and not making you provide a live arrival guarantee.
worst comes to worst i'll do that but let me see what i can do local pickup first.


Originally Posted by psusocr1
if he is still available when my cycle is done i will be at your front door!
what size tank is it


hi, i could come and get him, give me a call and we can work somthing out, im like 330 hours away, here is my phone number and email address. 607-341-1269 thanks jason i could come when ever is good for you


thursday before 11 or after 3 would be best i can have him out and in a bucket to tranport. i'll call you night sorry about the times i have a business lunch meeting tomarrow and will be working from home the other times. best bet from johnson city is 81 south all the way and we can meet at the Mcdonalds off exit 24 scottland.


sorry you feel that way, why do you think that he is going to a inadiquate housing? 125 for a couple of months then 220 or bigger.


Active Member
Because, this species is going to max out around 10", as thick as a basketball and very capable of taking off a hand. Nothing less than 900 - 1000 gallons is going to be adequate for such a monster.
Once it outgrows that 200gal. tank, the likelyhood that someone is going to take it is very, very slim.


it will never reach its full potential in a home aquarium. and if it ever did get that big i could always give it to an aquarium. baltamore has been know to take large things and so has the boston aquarium. Its nice to see that your worried about the animal but i assure you for now it will be more than happy. i have a sealed tank so he will have no chance of excape. i have wanted a green ever since i missed one at the lfs. i'm just happy to be getting him.


Active Member
Them, not reaching their full size, in a home aquarium is completely false. At the very minimum, if given the proper habitat, you're going to have an 8' Moray on your hands.
And, just to be on the safe side, I'd call the Baltimore Aquarium and ask, beforehand, if they'll take it...99.999% of the time, public aquariums WILL NOT take animals due to not having enough room and also worrying about diseases.
I'm not saying that you wont give this guy a good home, for the time being, so please please dont think I'm directing this towards you personally...trying to say you wouldnt take care of it. I just dont want you to be stuck with this monster and have no means of upgrading to a tank large enough and then the specimen be stressed, get sick and eventually die, if someone such as myself, can give it a proper home for it's entire life.


they are going to be 5 damsels and i have a snowflake that my girlfreinds brother is taking and i have southern cal stingray.