Free Green Moray in south central PA


no there damsels. and you dont even have the 300 set up so how would you give him a better home, plus your selling it. And i have plenty of room for a bigger tank, but i will not be going to the big big tank till i buy my own house. the 200 plus is not going to be my biggest tank buy far. so he will have time to grow in the 200 plus then he is off to the big tank, probably 500 plus. as far as this conversation is, im done so i will not be responding to you anymore, thanks jason


Active Member
wow he was just trying to be helpful and give it a big place to live and you have to be RUDE I feel sorry that you cant be nice. But im glad you are not going to respond and maybe you wont come back. Because that is just plain rude and a bad thing to do to someone that is just trying to help someone out. Maybe if you pay attention you would see that your the one thats in the wrong in this one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Littlebuck
cant wait untill he eats everything in ur tank

Well, I dont hope it eats everything in his tank but it's certainly gonna be one of those "I told you so" situations.
reeftank27, I wasnt being rude. If you'll read my original post, in this thread, asking about taking it, you'll see where I was planning on keeping it.
I hope it works out for you...I really do. But, unfortunately, it's not going to, as a 500gal. tank (as big as that is) is still not big enough.
But, you know it all and everything is fine, so far. We'll leave it at that.
The invitation is still open though. Here's my email. Give me a buzz when, in a few months, it's too much for you to handle and I'll be happy to take him.


little buck you need to mind your own business. had nothing to do with you and if you read all the other stuff youd see that he was being a jerk IMO. thats all, and thats real mature of you to say i hope he eats everything in your tank, what are we in 5th grade, have a great day little boy.


Originally Posted by AW2
Well, I dont hope it eats everything in his tank but it's certainly gonna be one of those "I told you so" situations.
reeftank27, I wasnt being rude. If you'll read my original post, in this thread, asking about taking it, you'll see where I was planning on keeping it.
I hope it works out for you...I really do. But, unfortunately, it's not going to, as a 500gal. tank (as big as that is) is still not big enough.
But, you know it all and everything is fine, so far. We'll leave it at that.
The invitation is still open though. Here's my email. Give me a buzz when, in a few months, it's too much for you to handle and I'll be happy to take him.

We've all seen nasty exchanges on the board. If you ask me, this isn't one of them. AW2, you're a class act IMO. Maybe I'm missing something, but I haven't seen anything to warrent the response you got.
Green Morays are wonderful captives. However, they grow very quickly and become problems almost overnight. Much like nurse sharks in the "shark world." If someone has the tank and is willing to risk life and limb to keep one, go for it! :joy:


looks like girlfreind is scard of the monster so it looks like the moray might have to go, seeing if aw2 wants him after all, EATS HIS OWN WORDS. cough cough. let me know aw2


I don't really have a card to play here, but the above was, if anything, entertaining. I just saw your pictures and thought I would put a worst case scenario here: The Green eats everything in the tank and then has a go at the catfish. Another good rule of thumb is never have a small cat in a preditory aquarium if there are preditors that could potentially mistake the cat for food. Their pec and dorsal fins can lock and get lodged in the throat of that green (or whatever preditor) and kill it.
You've got a problem there. Hope you find a remedy.