Free Green Moray in south central PA


i would like to talk to you one on one to find out what this animal is like, so if you could please call me the next time you read this and get a chance. thanks jason 607-341-1269


Active Member
Just make sure you dont keep that ray, or any other fish for that matter, with that Green...unless you consider the fish disposable. lol


i'll be calling you in a bit just a FYI the feeding thats he's on is this every other night is feed night and i alternate one night 4 16/20 count jumbo shrimp and the othernight 8 squid tails. he'll go through a 2lb bag of shrimp and a 2 lbs of squid a month. you can see my hand to left in the one picture and the of him in the pipe that is 4 inch pvc. BTW these were taken in jan of 05 and has grown since then. plus he will kill the ray hes in his own tank for that reason.



Active Member
Thanks for posting the new pics. Those put him in a whole different perspective, size the first pic, he doesnt look that big.
Still, keep me in mind, if you would.


hi, ill be leaving around 9 tomorrow morning and i should see you around 4or so, if you could just call me and give me the directions again that would be great, ill bring a cooler to put him in and ill bring a heater and a pump. talk to you soon thanks jason


doing good, ill post pic tomorrow when the lights are on, he is roaming the tank right now. doesnt look interested in the ray yet, cross my fingers.


just make sure you have egg grate covering the top and that its weighted down other wise he will lift it off.


Active Member
Let me know when you're ready to get rid of him, after he does away with your ray. lol I'll still take him.


Active Member
How big is your ray ? If you don't want to see it become dinner I WILL PAY YOU FOR SHIPPING TO 80260 . Your ray would get a good home (300)where it won't be food .


i think he'll be fine, and you would be the last person i would ever give the eel 2 aw2. if i change my mind ill keep you in mind, where do you live mitzel?


Active Member
Originally Posted by reeftank27
i think he'll be fine, and you would be the last person i would ever give the eel 2 aw2. wouldnt be a good idea to actually give it to someone that actually has the proper habitat for it. lol
I'm sorry...did we get off on the wrong foot or something? Have I done/said anything to make you irritated at me or something? :notsure:


he is doing good, i have glass canopy duct taped down, there is no way he is getting out, i had a tess get out the first night i had him and i said i would never let that happen again, he pushed everything i had on the top of the tank right off very stong eel. I thought he was dead and i went to grab him and he almost got me, put him back in and 3 days later he was all better. but the green morey is by far my favorite eel. thanks again jason


it says you couldnt even get your 300 in the basement, and that was your biggest tank and secondly you dont believe in tops for aquariums? all eel, i repeat all eels try and get out at one point in time. dont get to cocky or you will loose one. i have lost a couple of small ones and almost the big one, and i understand that you care for the best interest of the eel but you came across like a real jerk. thats why i said that you would be the last person i would give it too. if i miss interpreted it im sorry but thats the way i took it.


Active Member
Not a jerk, at all...I'm actually a really nice guy.
And...not to sound "cocky", as you put it...I know exactly what I'm doing and you have no idea what you've gotten yourself into. I have a very extensive knowledge of moray species and what you have is a monster.
Adult morays are alot different than juveniles. Keep adults happy with top water quality, plenty of rock work, fed on a regular basis and they're happy just where they are. I've had both of my Morays, as well as others in the past, in tanks with no tops...for years (not weeks, not months...years) and have never had one attempt at escaping.
You say your other fish and ray are "doing just fine" but please, dont be afraid to post here on the board and let us know when that Green eats them. It's not a matter of's only a question of WHEN.
The 300gal. will not fit into my are correct. That doesnt mean I dont have any place to set it up. And, as far as the build those on site.
Hopefully, since I'm a "jerk" and even if you needed to, you wouldnt send the Green to me, I just hope that you've thought far enough ahead and have enough room in your house for a massive tank, for the Green alone...or, you've got someone in mind that can give it a proper home.