free tds meter


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
He might be serious, but he's not accurate.
His post was attacking the Mods personally and was therefore deleted. Whereas this thread is quite a bit more constructive and has been allowed to remain.

Sorry to disagree. I was in no way attacking the Mods with the statement I made. YOU may have construde it to be an attack, but that was in no way how it was intended.


Active Member
What I find annoying as a mod is the sarcastic attitude that many people have about "big brother." How did this post get to this?
Cry me a river.

You are not required to be here. But if you are here you are asked to abide by some very basic rules. They are pretty straight forward, and I would ask you, for just a moment, to be in our shoes.
Try volunteering for this, sneaking off from work to mod posts that if you are caught having open (the p o r n - to delete) you will probably be toast. Try reading through all the posts for the language, the insults, the name calling, immaturity, links, etc. And then come to a post like this, with complaints about "big brother." Geez, folks. We're human. NO we are not always consistent because there are many of us, and sometimes we need to make quick judgement calls and err on the side of getting rid of it. Do we have time to mull over the implications and tone of every post? no.
And is anyone really not able to look up other sites? I don't personally see an issue with "google this..." as long as it is not "google this store...." There are a lot of people who found a free TDS meter without posting the link

BTW, most "informational" sites are sponsored by other stores. We are not going to go to every one and see if it has sponsorship or not. It is pretty basic. Do I like it? No. But I follow and uphold it, because I really like this site a whole lot. You may not, and that is fine if you are really not happy here.
If it really truly bothers you to this point, then I'm sorry to hear it. In the scope of the days events, it is pretty small that you are asked not to post links on a saltwater fish board. Really- if you equate this to living in a communist country? That's an insult to people who actually have experienced communism. Come on. Its posting links on a fish board

But in fairness, if you feel strongly about it, you are not obligated to stay. It is a board sponsored by SWF, and this is how they would currently like to see things run, and I respect that just like I think it would be rude to get a bunch of information from a local LFS, and then say "thanks, I'm going to another store."
And I certainly would not expect that LFS to SEND me to another store by advertising their specials!!!
I am not sure why we always end up with these threads. People often greatly dislike mods, and equate them with any issue they feel they have, especially when feeling the victim. If your post was deleted, maybe think why. Maybe it was too quickly done...but maybe it wasn't. Try reading a thread like this from the perspective of people who have to monitor every thread on this board...
In the scope of things, is the sarcasm and the "hurt feelings" and the "woe is me" on links or a deleted post REALLY proportionate? Come on guys, this is how it is, how it has been...maybe not how it will be.
But it is what it is.

Go get your TDS meter and then share your tank keeping experiences with people on the board!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by teen
actually, we pay for the board when we order from them. i highly doubt the owner(s) of take a bit out of their pay check to keep this board running.
im pretty sure that processing fee goes to more than just a styrofoam box and some baggies.

They invest some of their profits back into this board, which many other stores do not do. I don't think we need to get into a semantic argument on this.


Active Member
Sneeking off from work to mod posts? Glad you arent working for me. lol I find an employee wasting my dollar or for the a hobby, they would be fired. lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by nietzsche
sup everyone. everyone order their tds meter?
yeah, I just hope it works correctly and not stamped MADE IN CHINA. Will have to test it for lead.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jonthefishguy
yeah, I just hope it works correctly and not stamped MADE IN CHINA. Will have to test it for lead.

lol. let's hope not! ill wait for them to sell lead test kits so i can get that for free too

ric maniac

Active Member
geeze, the mods are doing their jobs, and we are enjoying our hobby right? if you arent enjoying the hobby you dont belong here, and if you dont believe the mods are doing well, you dont either. i think we should let the mods take a week wait, 1 day off and we can just watch the crap pile up here. but anywho... back on topic. has anyone gotten their tds meter yet? i just ordered ours and i was wondering how well it worked.

ric maniac

Active Member
Originally Posted by jonthefishguy
everyone ordered it just hours ago, so no we have not gotten it yet.
oh, i thought this had been around for a while. just kinda assumed that people said "got mine" as in they received it. mah bad


Active Member
nope, i'm looking to see mine arive hopefully before thanksgiving, but probably after it.
I don't personally see an issue with "google this..."
then why was my post deleted?
I think it would be rude to get a bunch of information from a local LFS, and then say "thanks, I'm going to another store."
unfortunately this happens ALL the time, in every industry. unfortunately price seems to be the base of peoples decisions. service comes a LONG second. fortunately for the hobby, there are forums that people can ask questions of. SWF offers great prices and pretty good service (free shipping, better warranties, etc) so they really shouldnt be scared of competition.
actually, we pay for the board when we order from them. i highly doubt the owner(s) of take a bit out of their pay check to keep this board running.
actually, not everyone orders from this site, so yea, id bet a lot of money comes out of their store to keep it up.
BTW, most "informational" sites are sponsored by other stores.
why doesnt "sponsor" some sites as well? why aren't they a sponsor on --? think of how much money they are not making because they are not advertising like the 2 dr's do, or MD, or PS, etc? i click on the links on -- almost daily just to see what they are about.
i realize the mods have a tough time. on the flip side, you don't have to do it either. i appreciate what you guys do. i've always gone with the ok no links rule (yes, there is nothing i've "agreed to" saying i cannot post a link, but ok they dont want links). just irked me that my post was deleted when i didn't do anything i've not done before, and now no one wants to own up to it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ric maniac
geeze, the mods are doing their jobs, and we are enjoying our hobby right? if you arent enjoying the hobby you dont belong here, and if you dont believe the mods are doing well, you dont either. i think we should let the mods take a week wait, 1 day off and we can just watch the crap pile up here. but anywho... back on topic. has anyone gotten their tds meter yet? i just ordered ours and i was wondering how well it worked.
i enjoy my hobby without this website, regardless. i have never purchased any livestock from here. all my purchases come from other websites where they have great service where someone will instantly help me without waiting around or being told by people with no experience what i should do
example, i had a maxima clam that was receding into its shell and looking bad. you think this website will tell me what to do? no. "list all parameters and get back to us." instead i go places where i know someone is going to tell me whats up and what i should do. i ended up saving the clam btw
theres a reason why so many people look down on this website. i got a PM from a real knowlegeable person and who has a great reputation who told me couldnt stand this website because of what goes on here.
as for why i still post here? sometimes it kills me that people post threads and no one answers because they have no clue whats going on or arent being given the right info. this website seems to be dominated by the same handful of people with no experience and it seems like itll stay like that
no offense to those who really know whats going on and do try to help out. /end of rant


well everyone has to remember first and foremost that this website is a buisness!!! I have never been in any type of buisness that allows advertisements to other buisness that sell simliar products its not good buisness pratice to allow this. All the other websites that people want to link to have one thing in common they DO NOT sell products. They get their funding from stores like advertiseing on their forums. If I remember right if you link to other BB's on their sites its moderated out why it deverts their traffic!! same thing here.
secondly this BB is offered as a service to hobbiests NOT a free for all advertisment to other sites that are in competition of If this wasnt a store first and foremost I bet the rules would be different.
These are the Rules of this board and I expect no less. as a hobbiest I have many different ways to get information I dont have to post links to get that information or to relay that information. I accepted those terms when I signed up on this site almost 6 years ago as did everyone else that has signed up. I am part of all these other boards that everyone wants to bring up I have almost 9000 posts here les than 1000 combined in all the other fourms that I am part of.
this website has come along way in that time and I am proud to be part of it. and Its still growing and changing as with anything in this hobby But there are rules to this site and the others aswell. If you take the time to read some of the other BB's rules and regualtions they are pretty much the same as here with some haveing more restrictions aswell. one goes as far as not religous or political discussions we allow that here with some descression.
So its all up to us as individuals where we are going to post and call our home on the net but each one has rules that we must abide by,


Originally Posted by fishyCPA
Are we allowed to talk about our LFS, or our LFS by name - that is where the competition is.
as long as you dont supply websites to those store or bash a particular store we normally allow these types of discussions.


I agree that any link posted that could be detrimental, or take away business from SWF should not be allowed. However, I have found several products online I think would be beneficial to many members here that SWF doesn't sell. Some of them in particular are on the **** site. I just bought a nice hang-on fan setup from someone there that I know many members could use on their tanks. If SWF doesn't sell fan assemblies, and has no intentions of ever selling them, why does it hurt to post a link to that bid so other members can take advantage of it? I imagine that just gives more work for the mods - they have to go to the link to verify it's something that SWF doesn't sell, or intend to sell. But, I've seen many great opportunities lost simply because I couldn't post a link to a great product I think everyone could use, and save a lot of money at the same time.
As far as hosting this BB on their site - I really don't think it costs that much more to host this forum. Most BB's are canned applications that are installed on the same server that hosts the main web page. Once it's set up, there very little maintenance, if any, required. I guess the hosting company could be charging SWF 'hit' charges, but if that were the case, they'd be limiting the number of posts any one member could make. Bottom line, if we don't like the rules they've made to play in their sandbox, we can always go to another playground.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rudedog40
Bottom line, if we don't like the rules they've made to play in their sandbox, we can always go to another playground.

and the only other sites are either low hit sites, or people that go there are such jerks it isn't worth going.
if my reef club wasn't on the biggest BB on swf, i would never visit it.