Gas Prices


Active Member
I only consider it gouging because it always seems that someone jacks their prices up and eventually the other stores follow. But I agree, why would someone go there right now?


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight http:///forum/thread/384064/gas-prices/100#post_3366973
Nice! What you'll start noticing now, is that alotta gas stations still have limits on their pumps, usually $75 or $100. Gets old to have to pull forward to another pump just to keep filling.
I went inside and paid that $150 and the cashier didnt even blink. Then again, stopping at truck stops has its benefits as well as draw backs. But you dont have to move once you hit the $75 barrier. Hang the pump up and wait for it to reset. Usually after 30 seconds or so you can get your next $75.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Obama is an idiot. Openning up the reserves is a fake and stupid move for several reasons. 1st reason is it would drop the price enough for any of us to care. 2nd is we would just have to replace the reserves at a higher price than we purchased them at..costing us more in the long run due to national debt spending to replace them.
If he truoy cared...he would tell his boy down at the fed to stop devaluing our dollar...he would also stop aqll this oilregulatory talk. These two things are the only reason the price is so high. It is causing more investment in oil futures now...driving up the price of oil. The crap in the middle east has not affected production at all. Since obama has been in office iraq has actually increased their oil production would think this would have dropped the price greatly..but due to the weak dollar this did not occur.
You want to blame someone...blame our current leaders. They are making wall street rich again.
Darth (going amish) Tang


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW http:///forum/thread/384064/gas-prices/100#post_3367067
Obama is an idiot. Openning up the reserves is a fake and stupid move for several reasons. 1st reason is it would drop the price enough for any of us to care. 2nd is we would just have to replace the reserves at a higher price than we purchased them at..costing us more in the long run due to national debt spending to replace them.
If he truoy cared...he would tell his boy down at the fed to stop devaluing our dollar...he would also stop aqll this oilregulatory talk. These two things are the only reason the price is so high. It is causing more investment in oil futures now...driving up the price of oil. The crap in the middle east has not affected production at all. Since obama has been in office iraq has actually increased their oil production would think this would have dropped the price greatly..but due to the weak dollar this did not occur.
You want to blame someone...blame our current leaders. They are making wall street rich again.
Darth (going amish) Tang
His people have said, that a high oil price is good for "going green" initiatives...

darthtang aw

Active Member
That makes perfect sense. Because those initiatives will help reduce the fuel cost in 95% of the vehicles currently on the road now. Ideology...making people stupid for centuries.
Darth (leaded fuel) tang


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW http:///forum/thread/384064/gas-prices/100#post_3367084
That makes perfect sense. Because those initiatives will help reduce the fuel cost in 95% of the vehicles currently on the road now. Ideology...making people stupid for centuries.
Darth (leaded fuel) tang
Remember that was his argument for energy independence during the campaign. We won't produce more. We'll just use less thanks to all my green ideas.


Active Member
It's going to absolutely kill companies that pay for gas as part of salary. How long will companies pay $200+ a week for employees that do a lot of driving? My wife's company is already looking for people to cut. This is going to seal the deal for some people.
California is killing employers with all it's gheigh, tree hugging, go green, save the spotted slug, economy killing, environmental programs and atrocious tax rates.


Active Member
where is all the investigating of price gouging like when bush was in office? glad i got the transmission fix in my little ranger


Active Member
Yesterday I visited a customer to pick up a new design project. This customer builds "tool systems" for the military, Army mostly. The systems ranged from carry-on luggage sized "General Mechanic Tool Kits" to large walk-in shipping containers fitted to be fully self reliant. Drop it on the ground, open the door and flip the switch, instant repair facility supporting up to 16 mechanics.
Humvee needs work, special tool system for that. Abrams need work, special system. Howitzer, small arms, whatever; one for each of those too. Highest quality tools, immaculate organization (thats where I come in, to design the foam tray inserts that holds the tools).
The customer's warehouse was FULL of these systems. Only the BEST for our guys in the field, and rightfully so.
One doesn't normally think of the little things, like mechanic's tools, when gauging the cost of war. We are also involved with other, seemingly trivial, projects that has tremendous impact. Like batteries. An Abrams, for instance, has 7 lead-acid batteries. We are working with a company that is developing a carbon based battery that is lighter and holds a charge much longer. We have seen pictures of acres and acres and acres of dead batteries in theater. Little things folks don't think of normally.
When I saw the millions and millions of dollars worth of tools and their organization systems, all I could think of was:
All this to support the ability some mullah, or sheik, or despot's ability to sell us their oil and take our money. How much more "incremental" costs are there to maintain this arrangement of denying ourselves our own resources and bleeding money to empower those who may not wish us well? Bleeding economic resources that could be used to develop other ways to fuel our continued prosperity?
The price at the pump is only the cost we can see. There is so much more that we don't.


Active Member
In this week's Publix flyer, their is a coupon for a a $50 gas card for $40 with a $25 grocery purchase. I stocked up on these the last time they offered these since they didn't have the $25 requirement.


My generator has an 8 gallon gas tank. I am finding I am using a half of a tank a day when I have a full day, so I am spending about $30 every two days to make this thing run. The guy who built my bus was SUPPOSED to put in a shoreline that would run everything, but once again, he didn't do what he said he would. I can plug it in, but won't have any use of my water if I do, so what's the point.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MyLady http:///forum/thread/384064/gas-prices/120#post_3367331
My generator has an 8 gallon gas tank. I am finding I am using a half of a tank a day when I have a full day, so I am spending about $30 every two days to make this thing run. The guy who built my bus was SUPPOSED to put in a shoreline that would run everything, but once again, he didn't do what he said he would. I can plug it in, but won't have any use of my water if I do, so what's the point.
Should be a reasonably simple task to correct. My trailer has a outlet but instead of being the source of AC power it is where it enters the trailer. If I am using the shore line I plug one cord into it and if I am using the generator I plug the other cord into it. It's a cheap system with no expensive parts to fail.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MyLady http:///forum/thread/384064/gas-prices/120#post_3367331
My generator has an 8 gallon gas tank. I am finding I am using a half of a tank a day when I have a full day, so I am spending about $30 every two days to make this thing run. The guy who built my bus was SUPPOSED to put in a shoreline that would run everything, but once again, he didn't do what he said he would. I can plug it in, but won't have any use of my water if I do, so what's the point.
So, um, run the gene and wash the dog. Then stop the gene and plug in to do the rest.
Actual bathing time for a full groom on a dog, 33%.


Yeah no thanks hun, I'm not constantly running out of the rig leaving the pet in their while I switch from gene to shoreline. The gene has a 210 outlet in it that runs the water which is why I can't plug that into a clients home. Otherwise, at this point with prices the way they are I'd say forget the gene.


Active Member
With gasoline prices skyrocketing, Bachmann was asked her view of President Obama’s handling of the ongoing turmoil in the Middle East.
“I don’t think the president has handled this well at all,” she responds.
“There is incredible instability in the Middle East. President Obama’s policies have made us more vulnerable than ever due to our dependence on foreign oil. And what is he doing? He’s approved only one [oil drilling] lease — and that one was in the last week — since he’s come into office.
“As soon as he took office his new ******** Secretary Ken Salazar canceled 77 leases. And now that oil is trading at over $100 a barrel, it is time that we open up American energy interests. We need to go for shale oil or natural gas. We have 25 percent of the world’s coal. So we need to access our own energy so we can become less dependent on these unstable regions.
“Remember the president’s current energy secretary, Steven Chu, said that we want the United States to have the same price of gasoline as Europe has. When he made that comment, Europe had gas at $8 a gallon. This is exactly what the ambition of the Obama administration is, because they want to move people toward green energy.
“Well, I’m for all energy. Let’s access all energy in the United States. No one is helped by having gasoline at $8 a gallon. I think that’s a very unwise strategy on the part of the Obama administration.”


Active Member
Originally Posted by mrdc http:///forum/thread/384064/gas-prices/120#post_3367350
With gasoline prices skyrocketing, Bachmann was asked her view of President Obama’s handling of the ongoing turmoil in the Middle East.
“I don’t think the president has handled this well at all,” she responds.
“There is incredible instability in the Middle East. President Obama’s policies have made us more vulnerable than ever due to our dependence on foreign oil. And what is he doing? He’s approved only one [oil drilling] lease — and that one was in the last week — since he’s come into office.
“As soon as he took office his new ******** Secretary Ken Salazar canceled 77 leases. And now that oil is trading at over $100 a barrel, it is time that we open up American energy interests. We need to go for shale oil or natural gas. We have 25 percent of the world’s coal. So we need to access our own energy so we can become less dependent on these unstable regions.
“Remember the president’s current energy secretary, Steven Chu, said that we want the United States to have the same price of gasoline as Europe has. When he made that comment, Europe had gas at $8 a gallon. This is exactly what the ambition of the Obama administration is, because they want to move people toward green energy.
“Well, I’m for all energy. Let’s access all energy in the United States. No one is helped by having gasoline at $8 a gallon. I think that’s a very unwise strategy on the part of the Obama administration.”
...and so many people don't like her.


Active Member
The Obama administration wants affordable green energy.
"Affordable" not because alternate energy sources are efficient, but because oil prices are made artificially high.
Also remember that our "Energy Secretary" <snicker> Steven Chu, was also the one who said we all should paint our roofs white to help fight global warming.


Active Member
Making the gas prices artifically high to "move people" to greener cars is like putting a sin tax on alcohol and cigarettes. I havent stopped smoking since packs of smokes went over $8 a pack here in NY. I did have lots of fun spending $4 a pack in georgia though. People will still drive, but I think we will turn to the smaller, more fuel efficent cars. Kinda like what happened in the late '70s.


Active Member
I would go a lot further then that. All artificially high gas prices do, is separate the have's from the have not's. Look at the countries where gas is ludicrous, at like $8/$9 per gal. The wealthy still drive their Range Rovers, S-Class/7-series, Ferrari's, etc. If you want to say "you can still have you're ineffiicent, vehicles, you can still do so, you just gotta pay" then do it at a price they can afford it. Not just where the wealthy can.