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Originally Posted by nissan577 http:///t/390234/gearing-up-to-rebuild-125g/120#post_3470953
Yes they are
Man it been long. How you been?
been busy, lifes kind of hectic like usual, I actually took a break from marine tanks after the big crash (ato failure) but now I am ready to get back into the swing of things again. starting off ok wish I could have afforded all new sand but such is life.
Originally Posted by nissan577 http:///t/390234/gearing-up-to-rebuild-125g/120#post_3470953
Yes they are
been busy, lifes kind of hectic like usual, I actually took a break from marine tanks after the big crash (ato failure) but now I am ready to get back into the swing of things again. starting off ok wish I could have afforded all new sand but such is life.