GGGGGRRRRRRR!! My parents are driving me OFF THE WALL!



Space... I just got home and read what is happening. I guess even you sort of expected this to happen. Sorry to hear about it. Just understand that things will be tough for a while but you'll get through it.
If I can bore you with my story... my dad died when I was a kid. Needless to say that this was devastating to my family at the time. I remember going to school and not having a dad. Things were tough for a while. Eventually, my mom got remarried to a great man who adopted me a few years later. Then, after many years of being an intact family again, my parents got a divorce. Actually twice... they got back together and divorced again. Again, the divorce was devastating obviously.
Now, I am (somewhat) grown and as you know a dad myself. As difficult as my experiences were, they taught me a lot about what a father means to his child. I am very close with my dad today.
I tell you this, not to make you feel better, because your short term future is going to be difficult. It is going to be very hard seeing just one of your parents next christmas. But we always think just about the short term. The experiences I went through have made me stronger and taught me about what I can give to my daughter. I don't know if certain things are meant to be for a divine purpose, or they are a natural consequence of random events. But I do know that you will get through this tough time. And when you do, you will be stronger for it.
It is a fact that without some bitterness, you couldn't taste the sweet. Without the ugliness, you wouldn't know beauty when you see it. I know this sounds a little corney but it's true. In your life, you will see divorce, death, pain, etc. at times. These things are unavoidable. But these things can make us better. You cannot do anything about this turn your life is going to take, except decide how to react to it. There are 2 things that you can control in life... your character and your strength. Be strong and maybe in time you'll see that the toughest times in your life will help you in some way... or help your sister... or maybe even your future child.


Active Member
Thanks My Way. And Jcrim...thats not a boring story. Its a very sad lost your father and then went through divorces. And you still turned out the way you are today! I have a lot of respect for people like you...people who can overcome things like that. And, that didnt sound was a good point from a perspective I hadnt seen.

my way

Active Member
I almost forgot to thank you guys for your kind words regarding my nephew. Thank you. Dane sorry for your loss but glad to hear things are good now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by My Way
I almost forgot to thank you guys for your kind words regarding my nephew. Thank you. Dane sorry for your loss but glad to hear things are good now.
No problem!!


Originally Posted by Space_Geek
Thanks My Way. And Jcrim...thats not a boring story. Its a very sad lost your father and then went through divorces. And you still turned out the way you are today! I have a lot of respect for people like you...people who can overcome things like that. And, that didnt sound was a good point from a perspective I hadnt seen.
Thanks... but don't give me too much credit. Like you, I didn't ask for any of it to happen. But you will get through it and things will be better.


Back right after work checkin in on ya! I had to rush off so I wouldn't be late but I had so much I wanted to tell you. I was thinking about you all day. Now I come back only to find that all the things I was going to say have already been said!!
You guys are all wonderful! Definitely remember everything everyone here has said, Space Geek! It's all true, things will be ok and we're all here for you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DaneDodger
Back right after work checkin in on ya! I had to rush off so I wouldn't be late but I had so much I wanted to tell you. I was thinking about you all day. Now I come back only to find that all the things I was going to say have already been said!!
You guys are all wonderful! Definitely remember everything everyone here has said, Space Geek! It's all true, things will be ok and we're all here for you.
Thanks for checkin' in on me. Yep, this board rules...I have gotten a lot of great advice. I know it will all be okay...I just need time to heal. And I dont know how long that will take.


Originally Posted by My Way
It is SO much work to be married. And statistically the odds are against a marriage lasting forever, less than 50% now.
Dont freak the kid out and make him never get married lol j/k there are lots of perks


and sorry i wasnt home all day so i didnt get a chance to post. I would give you more advice but so many people have posted that i cant thinking of anything thats not repeating them. Are they still fighting alot or has it cooled down alittle? What happend when your mom came home this morning? Or did she come home?

my way

Active Member
Originally Posted by Madman133
Dont freak the kid out and make him never get married lol j/k there are lots of perks

I was'nt trying to scare him, more like letting him know it's not so unusal so he didn't feel like a freak or something. I know that was a joke too. And for the record I miss being married, being single at my age just plain SUCKS! Adam, if you can find the right girl, it's the greatest thing that could ever happen in your life.


Active Member
Originally Posted by My Way
I was'nt trying to scare him, more like letting him know it's not so unusal so he didn't feel like a freak or something. I know that was a joke too. And for the record I miss being married, being single at my age just plain SUCKS! Adam, if you can find the right girl, it's the greatest thing that could ever happen in your life.
You didn't scare me...I already knew the statistic. And I know...I hope someday I can have a beautiful woman who can be my best friend, and just have good qualities...a good sense of humor, brains, etc. Anyway, that is still several years off..I am only 13.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Madman133
and sorry i wasnt home all day so i didnt get a chance to post. I would give you more advice but so many people have posted that i cant thinking of anything thats not repeating them. Are they still fighting alot or has it cooled down alittle? What happend when your mom came home this morning? Or did she come home?
They aren't fighting anymore. My mom is beginning to move out. Most of her clothes are gone. She is living with a friend until she can afford to buy an apartment in Grandville...and houses around here aint cheap. She did come home today while my dad was at work...that was when she sat us down and talked things out with us kids. I am going to see a movie with her tomorrow.