gio28's 36 gallon tank diary


Active Member
hello everyone, i've posted my tank under reef tanks but i think it will get more attention here. anyways my tanks been up and running for about 6 months now and it still has a long way to go. im really excited to get it stocked with fish and turn it into a reef!

heres what i have so far:
-36 bowfront w/ stand
-20 gallon sump (in progress)
-aquaclear 50 filter (to be replaced by sump)
-100 watt heater
-2 koralia 2s
-DIY canopy w/ 150watt Phoenix 14K MH
all i have in my tank as of now is:
-10lbs of LR
-30lbs of base rock (its been seeded by now)
-40lbs of LS
-a misbar clown and its sebae anemone
-a cleaner shrimp
-an emerald crab
-a few nassarius and turbo snails
i need to get my fish some buddies and get some corals into my tank to add some color!


Active Member
i made my 1st purchase today from SWF...its mostly a new CUC. heres what i got:
1 X Little Bear Conch
1 X Hermits Assorted - Group of 10
1 X Chaeto (for sump)
1 X Cerith Snail - Group of 10
1 X Turbo/Astrea Snail - Group of 10
1 X Serpent Starfish
1 X 50 Empty Hermit Shells
1 X Emerald Crab
hopefully it will ship by/after Labor Day


Active Member
ok so here's the most recent shots of my tank.
as you can see i have that dumb center brace shadow. once i get my T5s they will hopefully fix it since they are much less concentrated into one spot (not right above the brace) like my MH is.
anyways...heres some pics...

my tank is pretty plain right now...once i get my sump hooked up i will hide all the extra equipment and then get some corals to brighten it up a whole lot. and some more fish!


Active Member
once i get my inverts i'll take some pics of those guys and hopefully in a week or so ill be able to take a pic of a clean tank.
anyways i have a rough idea of what fish i would like to keep...and the reason why...
-my misbar clown
-flame hawk (personable)
-midas blenny
-some sort of reef safe wrasse (ideas???)
-green clown goby (small and the only green fish i can find for my tank) (any other green fish???)
-blackcap basslet (cool purple and black + swims upsidedown i think)
-pygmy angel
its alot of fish i would think...but w/ my total water volume (50 gallons) i would think it would be ok...but ill move slowly and see how it goes. i would be more concerned that they arent all crowded.
i want active fish or ones that are real any suggestions at all?


Active Member
i made some changes to the stock list:
-my misbar clown
-yellow clown goby
-green clown goby
-flame hawk
-sixline wrasse
-royal gramma
-pygmy angel
i got rid of the midas cause they get pretty big (6") and i replaced it with a 1" yellow clown goby. i figure that the most aggressive fish in the tank will be the sixline and royal gramma but since most of the other fish are stationary and small (clown gobies are small, clown has its anemone, hawk is bigger, angel is bigger and semi-aggressive) there should be minimal problems. what do you guys think?
im about to add another fish after like 3 months probably of just my clown. the aggressive fish need to wait till the end and the angel needs good LR so i think i will get the 2 gobies and add them at the same time so there is no aggression. but do they needs SPS to feel at home? i wont get into those for a few months until i get good with LPS and softies first.


Active Member
update: i got my new CUC today and im impressed with how SWF handled getting them to me. they are acclimating now in the box they came in. the emerald, turbos, hermits, and the serpent star are moving around and our of their shells. the ceriths are all in theirs still for some reason and the conch is as well.


Active Member
good, thats what i thought. the conch is wiggling around bobbing its shell up and down now.
i also got some chaeto but my sump isnt ready yet, could i just throw it in the corner of my tank? and does it need to be acclimated?


Active Member
ok sounds good to me..ill stuff it behind my rocks for now.
ill have to post some new pics later...


Active Member
i think its time i finally get another fish so my clown isnt all by itself. i dont know which on my list to get first...some need a more estab. tank and others need to be added last...i think i will try adding one green and one yellow clown gobies together so they will hopefully get along better. everything else on my list has more requirements to when i put them in my tank.


Active Member
thats what i was thinking...since the hawk might eat the newcomer gobies since they are so small if he was added first.


Originally Posted by gio28
thats what i was thinking...since the hawk might eat the newcomer gobies since they are so small if he was added first.
I don't think the hawk would eat the gobies....maybe small shrimp..they are supposed to be a mostly peaceful fish...
I am going to get one for my 54G ....that is if SWF ever gets them back in stock

HEY SWF....I'm still waiting


Active Member
thats good...i dont want little bitty gobies being eaten by my hawk lol...but my shrimp may not be so lucky....
lol i wish they had those gobies i want in stock and the hawk for later really happy with SWF so id pick them over my LFS for sure.
im waiting too SWF!