gio28's 36 gallon tank diary


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so my inverts are acclimated and they all seem pretty active...except the ceriths...
my anemone also decided to slide between the rocks and go out of sight in the back of the tank
so now i cant see it anymore...


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just went to ***** to help trade in my sisters parakeets for adoption we've had for years
...anyways i couldnt help but go over in the saltwater section. i saw 1/2 the fish i want for my tank and was tempted to buy one...the firefish looked healthy and so did this tiny green clown goby (dime sized). there was also a flame hawk there as well. why cant my LFS have these fish in stock?! i reframed from buying though...although they were ich free and ate actively.


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my ceriths have still not come out of thier shells regardless of if they are on the rock or sand...and seem like they cant upright themselves like the stupid kinda starting to think that they arrived dead cause they havent moved an inch since i put them in. besides that all my other CUC is working good...besides the stupid turbos that move slow and need to be turned over several times a day...ugh lol.


Active Member
can the ceriths upright themselves? if not im gonna be getting mad that i have to upright them as well as those dumb turbos lol.
i was so tempted to buy that little dime sized clown goby...but didnt cause i have no QT and ***** is bad.


Active Member
YAY...i love ceriths then!

so i guess i will need a QT...
i think once i get my sump set up i will put an extra sponge filter in there to take out to put in the QT cause it will have beneficial bacteria on it so i dont need to keep my QT up and running all the time. that way my mom wont yell at me for having a tank on my bedroom floor since i have nowhere else to put it lol.


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so today i had my LFS test my didnt work out so good. they said my PH was 7.2!!!!!!
so i rushed to petsmart to buy test kits, cause i didnt have any i get the reef and saltwater packs of the API test kits. turns out all my water params are perfect
PH WAS 8.3, like always,
and since i got the chaeto i really think it lowered my nitrates to zero...and they were at zero when i tested. as well as all other params.
anyways...i guess they think im irresponsible in that store now cause im a 15 year old with a unhealthy tank, NOT TRUE! they messed up on the PH, not me...


Active Member
thanks nissan

and yup i retested and it was perfect again...i think the new girl mixed mine up with another customers water test or didnt add the right amount of drops
...oh well lol im just glad my tank is all good


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does anybody have any guesses as to why i have an algae are some details:
-i use tap but my water tests show 0 phosphates
-i have 0 nitrates
-my light is only 3 months old
-my glass all of a sudden gets algae on it like crazy and i have to use a mag float all the time
-my sand is all brown, so are my rocks
i dont know what is causing CUC consists of
-2 emeralds
-10 ceriths
-11 hermits
-1 serpent star
-1 conch
-12 turbo snails
-2 nassarius snails
-a cleaner shrimp CUC is kinda sluggish it seems...some of the ceriths i got about a week ago almost still dont come out and my turbos and anything but turbo...
so any ideas on the algae or CUC?


Active Member
i have 2 koralia 2's...i will position them better and more towards the sand...
my tank is 6 months old at idk why there would be another bloom...that would suck cause i just got over a huge red slime outbreak.


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well tonight i finally got all the stuff i need for my sump

after 3 months of slowly piecing things together im ready to fire things up!
-i got the sump under the tank
-the plumbing done
-some sponge filters, chemi pure, and purigen to go in the baffles, cheato, and new sand for a DSB.
all i need to know is if there is gonna be a mini cycle once the new sand is all added in the sump/fuge? if i mix it in a bucket and throw out the brown die off it should be fine right?


Active Member
so my sump is put on hold till i get a new pump...
but the good news anemone who disappeared behind the rocks decided to come out today!
not only that but it has regained all of its natural color from when i got it dyed.
its tentacles are also thicker and it seems happier!
i also have the netted lid thing almost done so i can get new fish...
new problem: why do i have so much stinkin algae everywhere! 0 nitrates and phospahtes...and an almost new wont go away...esp with my lazy CUC moving at literally...a few cm per day


Active Member
ohhhh...thats weird...i never used to have so much algae and i've always been using the same water source.