girl help


Active Member
theres this girl i like at school who seems to kinda notice me, i was hoping to ask her out altho i am waaay to chicken. can any1 give any advice on how to do this or make it less of a do or die situation?


Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
theres this girl i like at school who seems to kinda notice me, i was hoping to ask her out altho i am waaay to chicken. can any1 give any advice on how to do this or make it less of a do or die situation?
well lookie here! it's time for more female advice from yours truely

you came to the right place me compadre so listen up:
ask her. don't think about it. ask her, or better yet SUGGEST to her. suggest to her that she should roll out w/ you (to the movies, or the mall, or wherever you kids like 2 go).
now she may reject you. get used to it. life's all about rejection. if she says yes, another girl will reject you down the road. and if she says no then another girl will say yes. you know who would say yes? one of her friends! ask em all out if you get rejected by her and one of em's bound to say yes. then you'll make her jealous, eventually date her too, and in the end you walked away with a 2-for-1 special.

you can't go through life trying to avoid rejection. get in there and get it done! don't worry about embarassment from rejection. you've been embarrassed before, it sucked, but guess what! you're still alive.
if she says NO and all yer friends clown you then you can at least have the satisfaction that you had the courage to ask her. and courage builds character. girls like characters with confidence. good looks, money, and popularity only come in 2nd. go in there full steam ahead and laugh at the fact that you may be rejected. now go make me proud!!


Active Member
don't do it. "going out" in 7th grade? What parent will let their daughter OR son date on 7th grade??


Best piece of advice....suck it up and dont be scare. Being scared is gonna get you a date with the girl!!

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by ryanhayes9
i do think 7th grade is a little young. im in 10th right now...
Not that you'd be ready to marry at 10th grade either.
Honestly, I don't mean to bash you, Sharkboy13, but do you have anything better to do than chase girls around? I am not saying this in a mean way at all. I am just wondering why?


Active Member
ahhh school...(speaking like I am 100 huh...only 24) Seems funny now kinda like a terrible soap opera...If you like her just ask her out..if she says no..spit on her...just kidding thats gross...walk it off and ask her friend out or maybe her mom? I did that one time..(didnt work)show some confidence and be proud to be you..


Active Member
i had a bunch of girl friends in seventh i'm in 10th. and frankly speaking i regret it. you dont want the stress and drama, just wait . I would still be friends with her as in you guys hang out go do whatever and then when your older and you want a girl friends you will have a girl friend that you truely like and care for wrather than one that you just think is hot. JMO