girl help


I wasnt trying to say that he plays for the other team. More like just a play with myself kinda guy :) I say go for the movie ticket thing!!!


Active Member
I wish you the best of luck. It wasnt hard to ask my last GF out. We were playing online pool for a while and I asked her there and she said yes. I know it sounds stupid but hey it worked and we lasted 7 months almost 8.


Active Member
Good Luck...she wont say no. she has probably has never had anyone ask her out, then she will of course say yes. Because everyone wants to go out in 5th grade and then finally in 8th grade they get the guys. Good Luck man, even though you wont need it though


Active Member
Originally Posted by Yimmy
BTW dont lock your legs while your talking to her cuz you'll pass out, just to let ya no


Active Member
I say go for it. What do you have to lose? Worst case senario, she says no. If she says no, then at least you tried and atleast you know, and don't have to worry so much about it lol. I'm glad that you have decided to do it!


Active Member
ok thnx guys ill talk to y'all tomoro after school, ill be one of two things, a lil disappointed or really happy and doing lots of happy smileys such as


Active Member
Just be sure to swing by the cemetary to pick up some flowers on your way to see her. :hilarious


he's gonna do it! atta boy!!
ok i take back what i said. well all except that stuff about girls.


Active Member
:joy: :joy: ...i think... i asked her if she was doing anything tomoro and she said yes but maybe next weekend, and a girl that hates me said she heard her talking and said that she said that "she didnt no what she saw in me" altho im not sure if i believe her becuz shes done other things to try to make my life horrible


girlz are mean so what you would like to do is tell her shes fat and no one will ever touch her but then youll look like a jerk to the girl you like.. so what you should actually do... is when you see the too of them together go up to the

and say somthing along the lines of hey " your hair looks lovely today" is that a new shirt i really like it or some nice compliment and the girl you like will see you being nice and wont think your a scumbag and then girl thats bad mouthing you will have no choice but to say somthing nice and so on and so fourth but after you have scored accidently drop a hamburger on the mean girls head, or spill a soda on her and laugh


don't play the he said/she said game. that's for girls. don't even associate it. just keep it simple dude. anytime a 3rd party gets involved then it becomes a nuicense. the less games, the less headaches. hit her up for next weekend and if she says no then cut bait and on to a better one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by soto
don't play the he said/she said game. that's for girls. don't even associate it. just keep it simple dude. anytime a 3rd party gets involved then it becomes a nuicense. the less games, the less headaches. hit her up for next weekend and if she says no then cut bait and on to a better one.

well said !!