girl help


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Originally Posted by lovethesea
with this same girl??? ***)
yes this is the same girl but dang it was a false alarm....her friend (who is also my best female friend) said she said to tell me quote "ur just not my type of guy" and when i called her to confirm she said it was true


Active Member
ditto..... I said, she didn't have enough consideration to say
it to your face and strung you along for a long time.


Active Member
well this may sound kinda weid but im sort of already eying another target, theres a girl in my music class and not tim ull have to go to some1 else other than seiffers


this thread has me laughing out loud. don't get me wrong, they're giving you sound advice. it's just funny to watch all of us vicariously re-live our junior high years here on this board.

you were right to ask her out and right to move on to the next girl. if you're attracted to her, don't be afraid to ask. i think the most important thing about dating (and a lot more) is to have confidence. if you're turned down, don't let it affect your self esteem -- it's their loss.
on the other hand, in my opinion, dating is more of a hassle than anything before you can drive.
i'm glad to see you're getting a head start though. other kids will wish they did the same thing in a few years.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
well this may sound kinda weid but im sort of already eying another target, theres a girl in my music class and not tim ull have to go to some1 else other than seiffers
if u know her and like her, then ask her out


Active Member
theres not any more girls in highschool than there is in middle school??? unless your school is differnt then mine


Originally Posted by onyxclown
ok im 15 n im tellin u wait til high skool SOOOO many more girls lol ur chances can go up 20-50percent more lol
wait'll you see the percentages in college. 2 words man: beer bong


Active Member
Originally Posted by soto
wait'll you see the percentages in college. 2 words man: beer bong
hahahaha Wow...that is really creepy..but sadly true..