Girl Trouble :-( ...

37g joe

Wow alot of Bad sujestions. If your a person of quality you wont try any of these Malicious things. In five years you wont even know what you where upset about. If you do choose to act in such away as sujested expect not to get any further Girlfriends that are worth having anytime soon. Girls Talk.
How about you talk to her let her know that You want her to know that you wont be their for her to treat you like trash and You dont want to be angry at each other but you also dont want anything to do with her either. Trust me you well probably meet someone befor homecoming.


Active Member
Holy crap guys... this dude is like a high school kid and people are suggesting violence, making video tapes, etc.
If you guys want to talk about stuff like that you should take it over to stileproject or something.
I'm sure (hoping) it's only kidding, but keep this forum clean and make your suggestions appropriate/responsible. :mad:


if he's deemed mature enough by the state to operate a motor vehicle then i'm going to make a safe assumption that he's not stupid enough to put his ex girlfriend through a woodchipper and then videotape it because some sarcasm he picked up on a saltwater fish message board.
and if he IS that stupid then he was bound to due something equally dumb with or without his aquatic buddies suggestions. therefore nobody's guilty of anything regardless of our subject's actions. carry on and a good Tuesday mornin to you all!


actually soto you do make a damn good point.. but since i have read the paper at least twice this year and see what the moronic youth of america is capable of.. im no longer suggesting anything other than use a broom handle.... no wait... never mind.. just go get some tail kid... that always makes me feel better plow some ugly girl and dont tell any one.. haha.. just no fat girls... maintain some sort of self respect..


Active Member
This thread has turned crude and such discussion and terms are not welcome on this board.
This is NOT a "free speech" site where you can say whatever you like. Sorry folks, you crossed a line.