Good Lord! No Smugish Threads about Obama's "Shellacking"?

scott t

Active Member
LOL that makes me laugh when people say she did horrible things in NY state as I have lived here all my life in Upstate. You must be from down state I would assume. I have to say that most all of the Senators that Have in My life time never looked out for Upstate NY, but have funneled all the monies to down state. We have a saying here in Upstate NY that Down State gets all our money and we get all their Trash and Sewage.
If I remember Correctly when Schumer First ran for Senate in NY, He made the Comment (To Sum it up) That NY state Starts from The Hudson down!!!!! I really wish that Clinton was still NY state Senator Because she did great Things for us little People here in forgotten UPSTATE NY!!
( OH BTW I interned in her Syracuse Regional Office for 3 Months while I was in College)

scott t

Active Member
Ha ha Meowzer that is funny as hell.
I couldnt tell ya I didnt have the Pleasure LMAO!!!! (Not That I ever would thats just EWWW)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scott T http:///forum/thread/381634/good-lord-no-smugish-threads-about-obama-s-shellacking#post_3325445
If you look back and see the Clinton Admin. It was the fist time in over 50 years that the Budget of this country was Balanced under a President, and the country/economy was thriving.!!!
Either Dem or Rep out of all the people in this country the ones that we have or have had are the best we can get/find?
I say put H. Clinton/Palin in there they could not do any worse of a job than any of the Males that are stuck in there. Hey they might do a better job of it seeing as a women over the centuries have been running the house holds of this country. They have been the ones that have reared the children, balanced the check books, ran the inner working of the total house hold ect. SO, maybe they could do it for this country and get it back on the right tract.
Just My .02
Households must be very different where you live than the places I've lived.
Jane Harmon of California is probably the only woman I'd think about voting for right now. Possibly Condalizza Rice. Both understand foreign policy and aren't married to Bill Clinton :)


Staff member
How could Hillary run against Obama?? That would be unprecedented. But I am sure hearing it in the media here and there. The only way I see that happening is if Obama chooses not to run again. It would be hard to imagine him not going for a second term.


Active Member
Hillary could resign as SOS and jump in against him. She'd have to leave pretty quick. For all the denials I think they might plan on flipping her and Bidumb's positions because he is unelectable to succeed Obama in 2016 should we be inflicted with a 2nd term. Even if the ticket were to lose it would set her up as the front runner for the 2016 ticket.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Scott T http:///forum/thread/381634/good-lord-no-smugish-threads-about-obama-s-shellacking/20#post_3325460
LOL that makes me laugh when people say she did horrible things in NY state as I have lived here all my life in Upstate. You must be from down state I would assume. I have to say that most all of the Senators that Have in My life time never looked out for Upstate NY, but have funneled all the monies to down state. We have a saying here in Upstate NY that Down State gets all our money and we get all their Trash and Sewage.
If I remember Correctly when Schumer First ran for Senate in NY, He made the Comment (To Sum it up) That NY state Starts from The Hudson down!!!!! I really wish that Clinton was still NY state Senator Because she did great Things for us little People here in forgotten UPSTATE NY!!
( OH BTW I interned in her Syracuse Regional Office for 3 Months while I was in College)
Oh, you must mean when she outsourced thousands of highly paid IT jobs from my area in upstate NY to India (google "Hillary Tata"). I have friends that are STILL unemployed from that because they didn't want to leave upstate NY. Most IT professionals that lost their job here because of Hillary simply left NY to find jobs in Atlanta. You, my friend, have had a drink of the Hillary kool-aid and believe what she told you instead of the truth.
However, if there is something she actually acomplished for upstate NY, I have an open mind and she should get the credit. What was it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scott T http:///forum/thread/381634/good-lord-no-smugish-threads-about-obama-s-shellacking#post_3325445
If you look back and see the Clinton Admin. It was the fist time in over 50 years that the Budget of this country was Balanced under a President, and the country/economy was thriving.!!!
Either Dem or Rep out of all the people in this country the ones that we have or have had are the best we can get/find?
I say put H. Clinton/Palin in there they could not do any worse of a job than any of the Males that are stuck in there. Hey they might do a better job of it seeing as a women over the centuries have been running the house holds of this country. They have been the ones that have reared the children, balanced the check books, ran the inner working of the total house hold ect. SO, maybe they could do it for this country and get it back on the right tract.
Just My .02
Let me help you out a little with your 02 cents there sport.
To promote "affordable" housing, Bill Clinton excused the two giant government-sponsored housing finance agencies, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, from normal banking rules, allowing them leverage ratios far in excess of the limits on ordinary lenders. Banks were forced to write risky mortgage loans, a large number of which were then folded into mortgage-backed securities that Fannie, Freddie and others sold internationally with triple-A ratings.
Your thriving economy in 1999 = global economic disaster in 2008.


Active Member
Also keep in mind the good Clinton years didn't happen until AFTER the Republicans came in to control of congress in January of 1995.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig http:///forum/thread/381634/good-lord-no-smugish-threads-about-obama-s-shellacking#post_3325420
You got a little of this right...However your boy Bill Clinton is just as responsible for the current economy as Bush. I'm being generous here, I really think his "Homes for everyone Act!!!" is the biggest reason, but Bush didn't do anything to stop it.
Your Dallas Cowboy analogy isn't bad, but I don't think the Cowboy personnel is that good though.
Out of fairness the republicans did bring up fanny and freddy, and point out that this was a ticking timebomb. But barney frank and the democrats cried racism, and the republicans as usual folded like a buncha pansies.
Originally Posted by Beth http:///forum/thread/381634/good-lord-no-smugish-threads-about-obama-s-shellacking/20#post_3325484
How could Hillary run against Obama?? That would be unprecedented. But I am sure hearing it in the media here and there. The only way I see that happening is if Obama chooses not to run again. It would be hard to imagine him not going for a second term.
Not really, more like rare...
Originally Posted by reefraff
Also keep in mind the good Clinton years didn't happen until AFTER the Republicans came in to control of congress in January of 1995.

darthtang aw

Active Member
She saved all those jobs upstate when she Pushed to allow a logging Company to burn Tires........Oh wait, that operation got shutdown due to environmental pollution and no one lost their job....But she did go against her environmental value for Up State New York....

bang guy

So far we have the fact that she voluntarily ceased her carpetbagging. That's a big plus and she should be praised.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy http:///forum/thread/381634/good-lord-no-smugish-threads-about-obama-s-shellacking/20#post_3326002
So far we have the fact that she voluntarily ceased her carpetbagging. That's a big plus and she should be praised.
Her and Bill did buy that house up there. Think of all the business the local restaurants and hotels get just off the secret service detail we have to provide for the rest of their lives. I am sure business at the local "escort" services has dropped off since Bills heart attack but I bet they are still doing well too.