Green Mandarins


I have a mated pair that both eat spirulina brine shrimp (thank god!) but I don't own a digital camera...sorry.


Originally Posted by 05xrunner
Here is mine

WOW what kind of camera you using man? ***)


Active Member
Here is my green mandarin. He is about 3 to 4 inches long and really chubby! The second pic is him hiding in one of my caves.



Active Member
Some people have said that these are very hard to care for. I know they need a big tank with A LOT of live rock. I am getting a 125 gallon and am planning on having a lot of live rock as well to support a green mandarin. Now if I wait 8 months before adding him to let the tank mature and make sure there are PLENTY of pods for him do you think we would be ok in there? It will be a reef tank and I was planning on getting a fuzzy dwarf lion but am starting to have second thoughts about it so there will most likely be no aggressive fish in with him. Any tips on keeping one of these?


Active Member
advice...pods, lots and lots of pods. You don't really need a huge tank to keep a mandarin, you need a huge amount of copepods. I would suggest getting as much live rock as you can and then ordering a couple of bags of pods from SWF, they sell them for like $12 for a bag of @200. Then play the waiting game to make sure that they are reproducing (look for them when theh lights first come on in the morning, when you start to see them scurrying away from all directions, you are pretty close to ready). A good idea to help in keeping them is also to have a refugium (I don't have one yet, so I am not too sure as to how to set one up or what other benefits they have)


Active Member
What about when you are quarentining a green mandarin? There is no LR in a QT and can pods live in one?


Hi, I just joined this forum last night. So please bear with me. I have a mandarin also. He almost starved to death. I put a piece of tubing onto a turkey baster. I wait untill he gets to a good spot and I target feed him live brine shrimp. I am pleased with the weight he has gained.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kg2qe
Looks like a good camera and Photo shop. Am I right?
Good camera and know how to use it..Typical Photoshop that all DSLR needs, unsharp mask and some saturation added.


Hi, I use the nikon d70. I love to use saturation because it makes colors look great. The only problem is that sometimes they are not accurate. Having a digital SLR and a salt water aqurium is nice because they go hand in hand.