Green Mandarins


I love madarins, had one in my first was a 29 gal..didn't live more than a couple weeks..I was just beginning then and of course knew very little and unfortunately listened to the guy at my LFS
...that was like 15 years ago..I have learned alot since then...I want another one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by addicted2
I love madarins, had one in my first was a 29 gal..didn't live more than a couple weeks..I was just beginning then and of course knew very little and unfortunately listened to the guy at my LFS
...that was like 15 years ago..I have learned alot since then...I want another one.
the pic of mine was in a 29g, it was in for around 4 months until i gave it to a relative. I didnt like endangering my scooter... cuz hes way cooler than the mandarin by far.


Originally Posted by nYgel
the pic of mine was in a 29g, it was in for around 4 months until i gave it to a relative. I didnt like endangering my scooter... cuz hes way cooler than the mandarin by far.
what do you mean "endangering oyur scooter" they not get along?..or you mean the pod population?


Active Member
Originally Posted by larryndana
do you think that will produce enough pods for a mandarin?
it will help keep a population, but you woudl still need a rather large tank and a good amoutn of live rock. It isnt a substitute for either, just helps the process.
also, id run some phosban when you first put that soapdish in to cover for any phosphates leaching.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishieness
it will help keep a population, but you woudl still need a rather large tank and a good amoutn of live rock. It isnt a substitute for either, just helps the process.
also, id run some phosban when you first put that soapdish in to cover for any phosphates leaching.
i think it will help but won't be enough to make a difference. so, i agree with you.
those who are using it, how is it going?


I had the same problem, wanted a mandarin, no refugium, so, I made one!
My tank is a room divider, so it can be seen from both sides, so my bak-pak protein skimmer is on the side.
I came up with this idea. I built a wood box on the end of my tank, put the protein skimmer at the back of the box, using pvc to hard line it in. I then took a 2 1/2 gallon betta tank and set it between the protein skimmer and the tank. I filled it with LR rubble and about 2 inches of sand and some calpura macroalge. I made the skimmer empty into the betta tank. I drilled a hole in the other side of the betta tank and used pvc to make it empty into the tank.
Whala! Instant refuge and nursery for copepods!

Ron's homemade cheap refugium!



Active Member
Originally Posted by addicted2
what do you mean "endangering oyur scooter" they not get along?..or you mean the pod population?
pods, even though both ate mysis regularly. I just really like my scooter.