Green Mandarins


Active Member
more than likely if you have lr you have pods.
pods like to reproduce and live in safe places, chaeto creates this for them, the soap dish adds to the safe place. when you buy some you will probably see them crawling around in it.


Why not just put the Chaeto behind some LR in a tight place? That way you don't have an ugly soap dish in view?


Active Member
Originally Posted by joojoo
Why not just put the Chaeto behind some LR in a tight place? That way you don't have an ugly soap dish in view?
because then any fish can get in there and pick them off...its not really a safe place then.


New Member
oK im an newbie to these forums, but Ive had my AQ for yrs now. I recently purchased a Spotted Mandarin and he came to me a little deformed. The fins he usuallt uses to purch up on the sand or flutter around the sand on are deformed. So he drags himself on the sand to get from place to place. He is looking a little thin, so I bought some additional pods to try and entice him to eat, but it doesnt seem to be working. I have been putting garlic extract in the tank to help. Will he ever heal or am I fighting the inevitable? Thanks


Active Member
i am pretty sure..Once they get that real skinny look to they havnt had anything to eat in a while..its to late


Originally Posted by 05xrunner
because then any fish can get in there and pick them off...its not really a safe place then.
If there's enough Chaeto, fish can't get deep inside it where the pods are.


Originally Posted by 05xrunner
It gives a safe place for the pods to multiply and flow into the tank through the holes..

for the second pics that is that thing under the black power head, it is internal filter?


Active Member
its just the Aquaclear powerhead attachment thing..its 7.99 in most LFS..its basically just a filter pad in there to catch debris in the water.


hey, i have a question, since you were on the question of copepods. about 5 months ago i did something which basically killed off my tank. i put something in the tank which deprived it of oxygen, long story short ALOT of things died, so im not sure if my 85 lbs of rock even has copepods. does the ceato have copepods on it? will the ceato and soapdish work if i only have very few?


Originally Posted by 05xrunner
Here is mine

WOW...they are great pictures of a great looking fish! I've been toying with my DSLR attempting to get good pictures but I am not as successful as you. Are there typical settings that you use when photographing your tank?


Active Member
no ther eis no typical setting. Sometimes I have to bump up the ISO..change the fstop to get the look I want. there really is no perfect setting


Active Member
not a photographer, but heres mine. havent got one with the top fin flared up yet. Im thinking about getting him a spotted friend.



Originally Posted by 05xrunner
step 1
Go to walmart..spend 4.97 on the suction cup soapdish in the bathroom fixtures isle.
Step 2 shove cheato in it.
Step 3..have a beer and look at the tank
wow. .to the point and sounds like a really good idea.
.SOLD! I am getting a soap dish tomorrow.