Guides for New Hobbyists

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Perhaps a better title for this thread would have been. “things I have learned along the way that work for me”


Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///t/388776/snakes-methods/20#post_3431353
Honestly think that writing an article would be a better solution to multiple threads. Just a thought...
You know a lot of these THREADS have cause a lot of us to become "like family"
Why not just buy an encyclopedia.....I for one LOVE the camaraderie ....and if all we had were "stickys" that would all go away


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///t/388776/snakes-methods/40#post_3431357
You know a lot of these THREADS have cause a lot of us to become "like family"
Why not just buy an encyclopedia.....I for one LOVE the camaraderie ....and if all we had were "stickys" that would all go away
I think that Flower's sump build should become a sticky to remind us of the camaraderie that this site has. That thread demonstrates how we all pulled together to help another member.


Originally Posted by Gemmy http:///t/388776/snakes-methods/40#post_3431361
I think that Flower's sump build should become a sticky to remind us of the camaraderie that this site has. That thread demonstrates how we all pulled together to help another member.
Now imagine if we just linked her to a different informational thread...
that would take all our personalities out of everything....good and bad.....cute..and obnoxious too...LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///t/388776/snakes-methods/20#post_3431334
OK...I will say one thing....sometimes I get annoyed when I answer a poster....and you come behind me and TOTALLY ignore what I said....kinda repeat it..BUT just add one more thing
Instead of trying to say do as Snake says....LOL...WHy not acknowledge that a previous posters advice was GOOD, BUT they might also want to consider doing this...or that....
and TRAVELER...DO NOT agree or disagree with me

Haha.. good job adding that last line!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///t/388776/snakes-methods/20#post_3431334
OK...I will say one thing....sometimes I get annoyed when I answer a poster....and you come behind me and TOTALLY ignore what I said....kinda repeat it..BUT just add one more thing
Instead of trying to say do as Snake says....LOL...WHy not acknowledge that a previous posters advice was GOOD, BUT they might also want to consider doing this...or that....
and TRAVELER...DO NOT agree or disagree with me

Lois, thanks for making me aware of this. I will definitely work on it! I don't like making anyone mad, or feel left out. I'm sorry that I have done this to you in the past!



LOL... who would have thought that this thread would get so opinionated and controversial?
Lol, it wouldn't be SWF if it wasnt


Well-Known Member
You know what? If you don't like me and you don't want to read my advice or my threads, there is an ignore feature on this forum. You do not have to click on my threads or read my articles. Last time I checked, that was completely voluntary.
I am still going to work on the articles, and I am still going to post them in individual threads so that more people, and knowledgeable people can comment and make suggestions on those specific topics/threads. If you don't like it, don't participate. I don't care.


Well-Known Member
Oh, and I've never forced anyone to "Do as Snake says." I believe that all the information given on message boards is completely up to the individual hobbyist to read and decide what to use and do. I'm merely sharing the methods that have worked for me personally, in a more FORMAL way than typing it out to every single individual that comes on this site. Those articles, in no way, are intended to keep information from being shared on a daily basis. It's merely my own way that I am going to share information to new hobbyists.


The attitude is why I haven't thought this was a good idea but potential for an ugly situation. If people don't agree, you take it personally, there are dozens of ways to do thing and in this hobby, people are not going to agree. That leaves the option of just either agreeing with you or turning a blind eye.
Please next time, if you only want people to applaud you and pat you on the back, ask for what you want and not for people's opinions, because people's real opinions are not what you want. You have been arguing with people's opinions in this thread, but one is to believe that your threads are places for educated banter, I just don't see it sorry.
As far as people liking or not liking each other, that has little to do with the way we do things or this matter at all. I like plenty of people, even friendships that started here and go outside the forum who I don't agree with things they say, it happens. You asked for opinions, next time, I will keep my opinions to myself.


we will in no way tell anyone that wants to post information that they have done themselves not to post it and share it. As long as its good information that backed be back up.
It is up to the reader and member either to open it or not or to comment on any page or post.
With that being said personal attacks and rude behavior is also not TOLERATED by anyone and will be delt with appropriately.
With that being said I am locking this thread before it gets farther out of control and gets some people into some trouble.
Edit the last 3 posts have been removed.


Alright Since we have had a cool down period I am going to open this back up.
Please remember that even though you may not agree with someone or feel it would be better somewhere else on the site The truth is that this is where we all come and read and have fun. There is a fine line in being a critic and giving advise on your thoughts and another being rude and arrogant.
We are behind a computer screen and sometimes what we type can be taken wrong. If there is anything you feel is not in good taste or against the forum rules by all means flag that post all the moderators will get an email as will admin and we will take a look at it.
The best use of the forums is that we have fun give and get feedback and help each other make sound decisions about our tank. The only thing is that you decision may not be mine or the next persons even though we feel its the best decision.
This post is not about any one person just a general post.
So lets have fun!!