halimeda plant


Active Member
How hard is it to control the plant. Is it anything like caulpera??? The reason I ask is b/c i bought a tree coral that had the stuff on a couple of months ago. I thought the halimeda died but now its starting to grow. It looks pretty nice.


Active Member
yep...make sure you have plenty of calcium in the water or else the halimeda wont grow well, and would probably end up dead!
good luck


I have read that there are beaches made up of this stuff. When it dies it pretty much turns to sand. I had it in my tank pretty much the whole time, since I ran a Ca reactor and Kalk reactor calcium wasn't a problem. Its also supposed to use up nitrates just like most other algaes. Mine went A sexual (or is it sexual, I can never remember this stuff) a few times. When it does the tank clouded up big time. The stuff just died off, turned white then into sand. Other then a cloudy tank it never bothered the corals or fish.


Active Member
I have it in one specified place and one place as a hitchhiker. I gorw about a leaf every 2 days ... my calcium is @ the 480 range in my 20 ... so I just prune it occasionally!
They can choke out some of hte soft corals so I prune it regualrly where it hitch hiked in.


Active Member

Originally posted by SquishyFish
can someone post a pic of it?

Yeah when I get home I will try and post some different pictures for you


Active Member
Thanks guys. Yeah this is a hitchhiker on a tree coral rock that i thought died but it's growing quite well now.


Active Member
Here is a shot of some Halimeda Macro algae surrounding my one of My Tri-Color Acros. The Halimeda came in on my LR as a hitchhiker. IMO I don't like it at all! It sucks your calcium right out of the water robbing your corals of it (which is bad in a SPS Tank!) It seems to be spreading in my tank despite efforts to pull it frequently. Get some Spaghetti Macro and you'll be much happier!!!


Mine has since turned to white dust but it was nice while it lasted.
Still some small ones growing here and there but this mass was 6 or 7 inches across


Active Member
i have these same plants and some are turning white, could that be the white particles i see floating and attaching to the glass? or is this something else all together?


Active Member
Mine sometimes goes white then it gets green again I'm not sure about this stuff. It's strange