Halliburton Thread


Active Member
what yards have/do you work out of, i've been to rock springs with bj and halliburton, gaylord mi, with bj, the town just outside of puxatawnie pa(yeah the groundhog place) can't remember the specific town name there, dunbar w.v w/bj hobbs n.m w/bj oh and vernal utah and if you haven't worked for the other companies no need to list them...tobin


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
I knew I shoulda bought some Halliburton stock.

You would have done WAY better buying Natianal Oilwell, Slumberger or getting away from oil and gas and buying Apple computer which has made around four times the profits,


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
You would have done WAY better buying Natianal Oilwell, Slumberger or getting away from oil and gas and buying Apple computer which has made around four times the profits,

Here is what would happen if I decided to purchase stock in ANY company.
1. I buy too much

2. Two hours after I do someone files suit against said company

3. Feds freeze all assets and seize stock

4. Said company files bankruptcy

5. I watch as my life savings is flushed down a distant toilet


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
You would have done WAY better buying Natianal Oilwell, Slumberger or getting away from oil and gas and buying Apple computer which has made around four times the profits,

Not being pushy


I have a bias :)
Frankly, Halliburton is a primary competitor in the oilfield services, and few companies really want the risk of setting foot there. More power to them.
It is sad, as just down the road from my office is a Halliburton "compound" which has fences and very high security. A pity that they have to work like that, in part because of the reactions of FELLOW AMERICANS. shame shame.

lil' tanker

Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Well there has been little discussion on other threads about Halliburton on other threads, but no one has gotten too far into it because they don't want to hijack a thread.
So I'm happy to volunteer for the job of starting it. Please people, let's not get into other issues like Hilary Clinton, or Immigration, or Abortion, etc.
I didn't start this issue on your threads, so please don't do it on mine.
This thread is just to debate the fact of Halliburton in Iraq and if they are a heroic patriotic company or a corrupt greedy company.
Why is this important? Because they have ties with the White House and the Cabniet(we can argue over this too).
Here's some sites and links to some helpful info I found:
There's more out there but I'd like to get a good debate going.

Man Michael come on, are you really that democratic that you can't seperate a good business from being blood thirsty? Seriously come on it was a good investment on Cheney's part just like many other people have made good investments and get rich


Active Member
I could really care less who does the work in Iraq so long as the jobs are bid out and all the players have an equal chance of getting the large contracts. If Halliburton offers the best bang for the buck then they are the best choice regardless of the VP's past ties. However, as a taxpayer I'd like to see how they billed the Government on their open ended contract (have read about some billing issues).
On a side note, I do sell a lot of maintenance contracts and service modifications and there's nothing I'd like better then a job that payed time and material! Unfortunetly, with all the competition in the market I am in that's a pipe dream and it should be a pipe dream in all markets where there is healthy competition to help regulate prices.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lil' tanker
Man Michael come on, are you really that democratic that you can't seperate a good business from being blood thirsty? Seriously come on it was a good investment on Cheney's part just like many other people have made good investments and get rich
Sorry guys, went to eat and got Halo 3.

I have no problem with business, except when it's running our country.
I mean come on, Halliburton is an oil business, Iraq does have lots of oil, we went into Iraq when D ick Cheney was in office and he did work for Halliburton, if your that stupid not to connect the dots then you guys aren't even worth debating. What did you say earlier Lil Tanker? You get your info from people and don't research it yourself? Sorry guys, I can't take people's word when they get it off Talk Radio.


Active Member
And which left wing blog are you getting your daily dose of crap from cause you seem to be keeping the tank rather full?

Not only did Bill Clinton use Halliburton in Bosnia and Kosovo he extended their contract to be there when another company had won the right to do the work. Last I looked Clinton had no ties to "big oil" so why did he do it? Could it be that Halliburton is one of like 3 companies in the world able to do the job and it made no sense to pull them out in the middle of the job or was it a donation to his presidential library?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
I could really care less who does the work in Iraq so long as the jobs are bid out and all the players have an equal chance of getting the large contracts. If Halliburton offers the best bang for the buck then they are the best choice regardless of the VP's past ties. However, as a taxpayer I'd like to see how they billed the Government on their open ended contract (have read about some billing issues).
Exactly right. I have also read about the creative funding and the waste/disappearance of millions of dollars of taxpayer money. If Halliburton is the best, or the only company capable of completing these projects then why shouldn't the bidding process be open to competetive bids?


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Exactly right. I have also read about the creative funding and the waste/disappearance of millions of dollars of taxpayer money. If Halliburton is the best, or the only company capable of completing these projects then why shouldn't the bidding process be open to competetive bids?
thereb was no time for a bidding war it hit the fan and they could do it, the other companies could not do it they do not have the rescources...tobin


haliburton is a sorry excuse for a company!!!
my reasoning is this
a freind of mine worked for them as a driver in Iraq after the war started I read the contracts the had each driver sign before going over seas.
here are the main point
*under no circumstances is there weapons of any kind allowed to be carried or used by drivers.
* no personal pretection devices will be issued such as bullet proof vest etc.
*during off times the had to stay within military protected areas *which I could see*
the only problem is that the normally didnt have a military escort when carrying a load. some of these drivers were woman also if it came down to the driver quiting before the contract time for ANY reason if they got shot they had to repay all the sign on money that was given to start the job plus they had to come up with there own air fare money and way to get to the airport in the middle of a WAR.
This is no joke.
I understand a company going for profit completely but when its at other peoples expense then I have a problem. since the companie the drivers were hired out of was based out of country somewhere she is having a hard time getting any resolve for the issues plus has a very bad mark on her work history because of this company. I was around helping her family during her time away. They would not give her a leave of absence when her husband had several bad strokes and several daily small ones and a heart attack. her world here was literaly falling apart then she was shot over there and was flown home at HER expense fired and funds recollected out of her bank account for the sign on she was left pennyless and wounded doing her job in very harsh conditions. does this sound like a company you would work for!?? Not me.
anyway thats why I say the company isnt worth anything to speak of!!
I feel sorry for the people that get cought up there web of deceit and gets screwed by them.

tru conch

Active Member
i started to shed a little light on this in the other theard about hilldog.
im on my second tour as a grunt in iraq. i was here in 2003-2004. we ate MRE's and the same two T-Rats (big MREs they heat up in a field kitchen) until KBR (a company of halliburton) set up a proper chow hall. it was such a morale booster to eat just REAL food and have a cold drink.
this time around ive spent more time out in sector in small patrol bases. guess who brings the ice (which is cruical when its a 130 out wearing 80+ lbs of kit and walking 5 km), the building materials for builing up the bases properly, and other supplies (side note the army truck drivers do run supplies as well)? KBR=halliburton.
i could give a fiddler's fart how much they make. they run convoys nonstop to help keep the ground troops going. if you think chow isnt important, try this. go to and army navy store and buy a case of MRE's. now get a case of hot water, and fil a back pack up with 50lbs and sit in extreme heat. eat those mres, and tell me how great you feel. and you wont even be walking or fighting terrorists.
it's been over 4 years since we invaded iraq, and it's a moot point as to why we are here, cos we are here. but know this, we are kicking the everliving crap out of the bad guys here. no links to 9/11? who cares because when i snatch up or drill a memember of AQI (al-qaida iraq), thats one less scumbag who believes in their cause, to attack our way of life.
and one last bitter pill to swallow. you cannot support the troops but not the war. thats a contradicting statement, like saying you support football players but not football. my job is to locate. close with, and destroy the enemy, foreign or domestic. if you dont support the war, you dont support what im doing over here, what ive sweated, bled to do, and you dishonor the memories of all of my buddies who arent coming home.

tru conch

Active Member
oh MIKE22, that pic in front of the oil ministry is *old*. that was taken back during the invasion in '03, when all gov't buildings were being secured, they offer the best places to build bases. you can tell its old because:
1) wearing DCU's. nobody wears DCU's anymore, at least no one out in sector. two branches do, but heres a hint, one deals with airplanes, the other with ships
2) one guy has a pro mask (gas mask) on his hip. that was only mandatory in 2003, early on. we don't wear extra crap cos no need for the extra weight.
3) you cant run around like rambo with 7.62 ammo drapped across your body. it doesnt work like that anymore. ammo has to be in a secured pouch, bag, etc. this isnt hollywood.


Active Member
Originally Posted by tru conch
and one last bitter pill to swallow. you cannot support the troops but not the war. thats a contradicting statement, like saying you support football players but not football. my job is to locate. close with, and destroy the enemy, foreign or domestic. if you dont support the war, you dont support what im doing over here, what ive sweated, bled to do, and you dishonor the memories of all of my buddies who arent coming home.
I couldn't disagree with this more. I support the troops because I'm tired of seeing young boys dying everyday. Whether you agree or not, I'd like to see you home safe with your children (if you have any). Being a father is more important than sacrificing yourself to further Bush's arrogant legacy. The true dishonor to your buddies, IMO, will be for us to stay there another 5 years, lose another 10,000-20,000 boys, and come home with Iraq and terrorism no better off than when we started.


Active Member
I've heard recently that many of the businesses in Dubai have ties to terrorism, and that it is simply a front in many cases to raise funds to support these groups, and that the people who go there indirectly fund the terrorism that is waged against them. And now halliburton has moved there HQ there.
I've seen tv programs about the city/resort and its actually a place I would like to go to...its kind of like another Las Vegas, yet it seems more extravagant. But they allow things go on there such as prostitution, gambling, materialism, etc... the things that go on in the West that muslims hate or vow against.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
And which left wing blog are you getting your daily dose of crap from cause you seem to be keeping the tank rather full?

Not only did Bill Clinton use Halliburton in Bosnia and Kosovo he extended their contract to be there when another company had won the right to do the work. Last I looked Clinton had no ties to "big oil" so why did he do it? Could it be that Halliburton is one of like 3 companies in the world able to do the job and it made no sense to pull them out in the middle of the job or was it a donation to his presidential library?
Politcal lobbyist or Political contributions could be a large part of it? Maybe they give our gov't or president lots of $$$(Jack) Maybe there is some sort of corruption there?

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
If Halliburton is the best, or the only company capable of completing these projects then why shouldn't the bidding process be open to competetive bids?

Would you hold a (bidding sale) and go through the entire process if only one person showed up? Probably not.