Halo 3

tru conch

Active Member
my wife, god bless her, suports my habits (SW fish and gaming) and picked up my copy of H3 yesterday. the only problem is i wont be back home for awhile yet, so i have to wait.
but im looking forward to sitting my butt on the couch drinking a few pints and laying down the law on some kids online.
im really amped about COD4 though. i love thier series, they've got the grittness of combat nailed.


Active Member
Hey, tru conch, it says your in Iraq? Just want to say thanks for all that you're doing over there. Ya COD4 looks awesome, can't wait.


Active Member
lol buncha haters on this site...
so far the game is decent. the reason why halo shines over most other FPS, is because of the multiplayer / xbox live play. period. they put so much thought, time , coding into the matchmaking system, and making sure the game runs great for it. There will be a large % of the people who have H3 and will never even play the campaign through. Yes, i have my qualms about the graphics. They never were photorealistic, as the game always had a stylized theme to it. it does seem like a sequel or a polished up H2, and not a whole new game on a whole new system. but in the end, the online competiveness of the game will probably be awesome for the long term.

tru conch

Active Member
yeah im over here, but i wont jack this theard. thats the reason i havent been on here in a long time.


Originally Posted by THEREEFER9
I cant wait for COD4 that game looks way better then halo
I've been playing the MP Beta. Its pretty fun, better than two, and leaps and bounds better than COD 3. I havn't played enough halo 3 to judge between them


Active Member
Halo 3 is awesome! The graphics are amazing, the campaign is 10x better, and the multi player is amazing as well!


well..my previous post was unfair. i got a little bit into to it with MIKE22cha's. help. the storyline is solid. and the cinematic scenes are spectacular. the graphics are decent yet like said before me its just polished version of the previous games ie more shadows, light ,detail. new weapons and vehicles to enjoy. and omg the multiplayer is packed with features. im still trying to figure them out.


Active Member
I hate to break it to everyone, but the leaps and bounds we've seen in graphics since Atari is only going to get better in the details from this point on. Thats what adds to the realism anyway, and to say that a game isnt far from its predecessor graphically is pretty much par for the course.


Active Member
Originally Posted by LazyPinoy
well..my previous post was unfair. i got a little bit into to it with MIKE22cha's. help. the storyline is solid. and the cinematic scenes are spectacular. the graphics are decent yet like said before me its just polished version of the previous games ie more shadows, light ,detail. new weapons and vehicles to enjoy. and omg the multiplayer is packed with features. im still trying to figure them out.
Ya that was fun. I love the story line, and the campaign's battles and graphics are great in my opinion.


Because of my tank expenses, I was not able to get any new gen consoles this year, but I do have friends who bought Halo 3
I wasn't very impressed by the graphics at all and I only played the first level of the story. Like the new vehicles thought
I do love the online play and I have already become addicted to online playing.


Active Member
The first level graphics aren't great, but once you get further in it seems to get better. I thought on the first level at the city place, those graphics were sweet, IMO.

ric maniac

Active Member
i didnt like it all that much. the multi player maps werent that creative. and the weapons didnt do much for me, especially the spartan laser. my friends and i played for 5 hours today and we decided that we would ratehr play gears or c.o.d


Active Member
i think the graphics are much better than the last two. the only think i dont care for is the start up menu change and the cut ins by kortana. other than that its a great shootem game.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rbrockm1
wtf did master chief die
no. if you watch the end credits, afterwards this is a final teaser / cgi movie.


Active Member
I'm jealous. I've never played a single Halo game at all. Traded my PS2 in for my wife and the two are not compatable.


Halo 3 is only for the 360 correct? If so that sucks b/c i enjoyed the first two (first one especially). We used to get tournaments going in my dorm building on the first one. I tried to get the gf to sell her xbox since i sold my PS2 so we could get a 360 but she won't go for it.....ughhhh!