Happity's 8g Nano

left to right, mint stars, rainbows, 3rd one isnt open enough to tell what they are, fire and ice

eye of rah, green hulks, pinks, eagle eyes



Active Member
Originally Posted by happityLogan
all but a few were emily, i told you that. so, anyways, i hate to say it but check back later, im going to a bbq (like us texans do), and will post them as soon as i get back, assuming im sober enough too :)
plus, sorry to dissapoint yall, but it looks like a frag tank at the current moment. not anything too fancy or too easy on the eyes
haha good ole texans! Had us a good BBQ ourselves here in west texas lol
i want to see them to their fullest potential all open before i glue them down permanently. I need to figure out which ones are my favorites and put them in the choice places :)
thats why
generally, how long does it take for zoas to open in a new environment? Some of mine havn't even started to open, and others only have a few zoas open?
any advice on gluing? I had to cut my ricordea off of the rock they were on, it was covered in bryopsis. I couldnt get rid of the algae and didnt want to put it in my tiny nano, so i opted to frag the rics.
I thought i did a good job, used gel superglue, and glued them to lr rubble. They fell off that night. :(
so, that morning i glued them to the actual lr i wanted them on. Again, when i got home from work, they were on the ls. help!?!?
I already cant find one, and the other two are drifting all over. Should I try a different super glue?


Active Member
love it man!!!!!!!!!!!!! congrats on the frag man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my frags havent open yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i cant wait
Originally Posted by happityLogan
any advice on gluing? I had to cut my ricordea off of the rock they were on, it was covered in bryopsis. I couldnt get rid of the algae and didnt want to put it in my tiny nano, so i opted to frag the rics.
I thought i did a good job, used gel superglue, and glued them to lr rubble. They fell off that night. :(
so, that morning i glued them to the actual lr i wanted them on. Again, when i got home from work, they were on the ls. help!?!?
I already cant find one, and the other two are drifting all over. Should I try a different super glue?
just reasking
thanks nissan! what did you get?


Active Member
well you can see in my pics a few stuff that i got. to much to mention. well you know what i will mention:
some beautiful xenias (from peef) big time pumping
fire and ice
baby blue
zombie eyes
and other ones there i dont know the name
and idk what else