Hefner's 180 Thread


That is a neat group of fish there. I like the tusk. The clown looks just a little out of place in there.


Active Member
Originally Posted by IbanEz
That is a neat group of fish there. I like the tusk. The clown looks just a little out of place in there.
ha, yeah I know. A while ago, we had an electrical fire under my 55 gal reef tank (long story..) and I had to move everything asap - thus they ended up in the aggressive tank. It was one of two clowns in my reef. The other was slightly smaller and I assume the SFE got it. This one does fine though - it holds it's own with the big guys. But it is out of place for sure.


Active Member
Well, no luck feeding the radiata again tonight with small frozen krill on a line. I'm going to start trying to feed also at night while everyone else is sleeping. Going to pick up some ghost shrimp tomorrow and start gut feeding them... I was hoping to not need the ghost shrimp.
These guys are definitely harder to start feeding than the volitans.


Hey Hef ! Love the new aqua scaping ! I really like the columns.
As for the new additions, great choices, the Tusk is an awesome specimen, you'll enjoy him as time goes by :)


Active Member
Thanks man. Yeah - the Tusk is definitely my favorite now. It's really getting comfortable in the tank. Very beautiful fish.


ok cool, i think with the lion you should maybe stick him in a QT and try to get him to eat in there, there when you are happy with him eating stick him back into the DT


Active Member
I was just thinking about that this morning... that's probably the only way I'll be able to get to him easily enough. I'll prob have to catch him at night.


Active Member
Well, I ended up leaving the lion in the DT. I'm unsure, but think that it actually may be going around and picking up leftovers that float behind the rocks. Anyone know if how long a fish can make it without eating? I've had him for 17 days now... If it's made it this long, I would think that it would have to be getting some food here and there. Plus it doesn't looks really skinny.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hefner413
Anyone know if how long a fish can make it without eating? I've had him for 17 days now...
Depends on the type of fish. A Butterflyfish would have been dead before the end of the week. But for longetivity, lionfish and eels are at the top.


Sometimes it takes a long time to get lions to eat. It took me months with my fuzzy dwarf but luckily he was the only fish in the tank and I was able to keep him going with ghost shrimp. Then slowly coaxing him with frozen shrimp, krill, squid and silversides. But it took many months of trying. My suggestion is to move the lion in a tank by himself. That way you'll have an easier time trying to feed him and you can put some ghost shrimp in there so he won't starve.


Active Member
They can go a long time without food..... way longer than 17 days. If he's not eating dead from a line, he's probably not eating too much of it as it floats by. When I have a scorp that eats only live in with a fish who is trained, I go for net training. I can't outline it here while at work because I'll get booted from the server before I would finish.


net training: putting in live food with a net so over time the lion will actually come up to the net for the food, then when actually start to take the live food from the net, put a fish in a cup of water in the freezer for 2 or 5 mins? one of the two, so its not dead, but very still, so if the lion goes to test it, it will still swim away slightly, then finally after that, swap it with a dead shrimp or fish or watever it was that you were feeding, and then eventually it should just keep taking the dead food from then.
thats the theory anyway, when i put my net in my lion comes up to it but if i try fool it with frozen shrimp he doesnt go near it.
although it has worked for cranberry.
am i right there cranberry?


Active Member
wow. man... I hope this goes smoothly. Definitely sounds like I need to go ahead and get him out and into the QT by himself. I'm still not real clear on the net method... I'll read up on it some more.


Active Member
Well, got him out last PM after the lights were off for a couple hours. I let him settle in the QT until tonight. Went and got some ghost shrimp and gut loaded them with some pellets. Put a few in and he went right after a couple of them! I was so glad. Hopefully I'm not too late.
Funny though... he went up to a couple of the larger ghost shrimp, looked at them, and then swam away. I guess they were too big.


If he's eating ghost shrimp, he'll be fine. Now the challenge is to get him to eat frozen food like krill, shrimp, silversides and squid.


yehh, almost any fish will eat a ghost shrimp, but getting them from ghost shrimp to frozen is the real trick, just try add the ghost shrimp with a net, because then the lion will get used to seeing the net and thinking, food. so it gets it easier to get onto frozen, and its easier to catch them in future.
it may be worth getting like a 5g tank and stick in a filter and a heater and setting up a tropical tank and putting ghost shrimp in there, just feed them like formula one flakes or pellets becuase they are quite nutrient enriched.
and then atleast if the lion doesnt go onto frozen then he still gets nutrients.


Active Member
Originally Posted by RCreations
If he's eating ghost shrimp, he'll be fine. Now the challenge is to get him to eat frozen food like krill, shrimp, silversides and squid.
Hey rcreations, do you use the net training technique too?
Originally Posted by skate020

yehh, almost any fish will eat a ghost shrimp, but getting them from ghost shrimp to frozen is the real trick, just try add the ghost shrimp with a net, because then the lion will get used to seeing the net and thinking, food. so it gets it easier to get onto frozen, and its easier to catch them in future.
it may be worth getting like a 5g tank and stick in a filter and a heater and setting up a tropical tank and putting ghost shrimp in there, just feed them like formula one flakes or pellets becuase they are quite nutrient enriched.
and then atleast if the lion doesnt go onto frozen then he still gets nutrients.
yeah, I set up a little tank last pm. how long do they usually last? I was going to go buy a bunch but don't want to get too many.


The net training didn't work for me because my lion was afraid of the net. So every time I put it in the water, he'd freak out and run away from it. I finally got him to eat by putting krill on a feeding stick and moving it around the tank. Took a long time though but once he took that first bite, he ate everything.