Hefner's 180 Thread


ermmm they last about a week, there freshwater shrimp so if you set up a tropical freshwater tank you could keep them for a long time. i've seen ones which have been kept in a tank for 3 years.
but in saltwater, its about a week.
and yehh my lion love the net now but when i try trick him with frozen he doesnt go near it.
he's got about a month in the QT before i put him in my main tank and i WANT him on frozen then lols.
but hef, just over him frozen one way or another, then if he refuses give him ghost shrimp, and just try trick him.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GTDAROCK
Hey Hef ! Any luck getting the Lion to eat-?
Yeah! Now eating from the net. But still will only touch the live ghost shrimp when she sees them move in the net. So we're still a ways away from getting her to eat frozen from the net... Fingers crossed


Active Member
Well, it's been a few *years* since my last update for my tank. Guess I'm a bit overdue, huh?! Sorry about that... I use to get so frustrated with others for doing that.

Anyway, the tank was moved to the new house in the summer of 2010. THAT was fun. A ton of 5 gallon buckets, a couple 50 gallon holding tanks... Had one casualty. Seriously, I don't think I'll ever move again. Since then, things have been status quo. All the fish got really big. I've lost a couple fish over the years and haven't replaced them yet. I'm not sure if they passed because of age (some were 6-7 yrs old) or because of small errors on my part. The large Queen and Emperor angels were the toughest to lose.

I recently started a renovation of the exterior of my tank. So we'll start with that. I simply added some trim and painted. The hood is coming next. Then I'm going to be working on my next additions. Currently I only have a large zebra eel (3+ foot long), a snowflake eel, a yellow tang, and a fox face. These guys have been here forever, and they miss their old tank mates. The quarantine tank is filling and will be cycled thereafter. So stay tuned for the progress.


Again, here's how the tank and stank use to look like (2008 photo):

After trim and legs were added:

Present, after paint:


Active Member
Any feedback on additions?

Here's my ultimate goal: to stop using fresh frozen seafood because my schedule is tight and feeding has become more of a chore than a hobby. Thus I hope to only use pellets and seaweed. I could supplement frozen every once in a while if needed...

SO... so far:
I have a foxface and a yellow tang. (Eels will hopefully find a new home soon)

Ideas for additions:

Hippo and Sailfin

Angel Dwarf:

Angel Large:
Queen and Emporer


2-3x false percula.

Any other recommendations? Thoughts about the current list?
