Hello all I am new to your forum and need help Identifying something


New Member
can anyone tell me what those strange green bubbles on my live rock is?
I'm thinking it's algae related but I'm unsure...
I recently had some problems with red slime and am not as on top of my water changes as I should be... still... what is it?


AH YES....that there is green bubble algae.....emerald crabs are supposed to eat them.
OR....take a turkey baster and carefully siphon them out You DO NOT want to break them......that may cause them to spread more


Active Member
google "bubble algae" and see if thats it. If it is, you may consider getting Emerald Crab(s).
I'm sure others will be along shortly to confirm or deny this... hope it helps!!
edit: well, there you go...at least I was correct...trying to be helpful twice in one day....

bang guy

There are dozens of types of green Bubble Algae. The type shown is unlikely to reproduce out of control but it will continue to reproduce.
Usually this type can be simply pulled off the rock.


Active Member
when doing water change, try to siphon them off gently. be sure the diameter of the hose is wide to prevent any spores from escaping.