HELP HELP HELP my water is white!


Active Member
ok so i just got home from school, and as soon as i walk through the door i see my aquaruim, and the water is white!!! and the tank smells BAD like a dog or chlorine!!! and my skimmer is going crazy and foam is running down the wall!!! well my mom is alseep so i call my dad to see if hes talked to her... he said it was like that when she got home from work so she threw a airstone in it thinking oxygenation was bad... and she saw my fish floating around gasping!!! so why she didnt call me im not sure... but anyways i got home and drained probably 5 gallons (its a 29) and removed my anemone which is still alive but i though it was probably a good idea. i put in about 1.5 gallons of fresh tap (i know! it was an emergency!) and the fish look bad but theyre alive... blahh im sooo stressed let me know any advide is GREAT!!!! help me save my fish!!!!


Active Member
i added kent marine tech cb calcium buffer part a and b yesterday but it was the same dosage i do every week


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whatever it it theres a thin white film on my glass. i just noticed it when i moved my magnet.


Active Member
your anenome was probably MUCH better off in the tank than a tub of tap water... its likely dead by now.
do a massive water change, check your levels.


Active Member
its in tank water, just a seperate tank. i meant i put about 1 and a half gallons on fresh in the tank.


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these are the only tests i have or id test for calcium too...


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BUMP please everything looks OK in terms of fish my yt blue damsel is the right colors usually if shes stressed shell either turn black or very pale... i dont want everything to die!!! is it ok if i keep doing these big water changes with tap water i dont have any ro...


Active Member
damsel died.
i just got back i got carbon filter sheets, stress coat and ro water. calcium test cost too much. i am aerating the ro water and will add it when i get home tomorrow. unless anyone thinks i should add it now to diloute whatevers in the water now???
kaythanks. alix.


I would recommend against stress coat in a saltwater tank, especially when you should be trying to get stuff out of the tank, not put it in. It sounds to me like calcium precipitate, which could have been caused by the supplement. I would try to get your alk. mag. calc. tested as soon as possible, this is important and is much cheaper than your tank crashing. Most LFS will test water for free, just call around. I would keep doing small water changes of new ro salt water. The sooner the water change the better.


Active Member
Got any macro algea in this tank, like caulerpa? Mix up some fresh salt water and do a big change, maybe a couple until your water is clear. Stress coat is going to make your skimmer go crazy and pull out tank water so don't add.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alix2.0
these are the only tests i have or id test for calcium too...
You should be okay. Like stated below, do a decent size water change. Dont ever add something to your tank unless you test for it(adding calcium without testing it first).


Active Member
Originally Posted by petjunkie
Got any macro algea in this tank, like caulerpa? Mix up some fresh salt water and do a big change, maybe a couple until your water is clear. Stress coat is going to make your skimmer go crazy and pull out tank water so don't add.
i turned the skimmer off because it was just pulling out pale liquid anyways. but ok, i wont put any more in. no, no macro.


Active Member
just came home from school, water looks much clearer, i will put the anemone back in the tank an a couple hours.


Active Member
do not use tap water. use only RO or RO/ DI
you need to test certain levels of your water parameters, if you cant because the test kit cost is too much, then this is not the hobby for you, as this is a very expensive hobby.


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
do not use tap water. use only RO or RO/ DI
you need to test certain levels of your water parameters, if you cant because the test kit cost is too much, then this is not the hobby for you, as this is a very expensive hobby.
umm yeah. i know. i can support the tank. they are too expensive RIGHT NOW because some things are in fact more important than an aquarium, although i am not about to get into details here. when i can afford the test kit, believe me i will buy it as soon as i can.


New Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
do not use tap water. use only RO or RO/ DI
you need to test certain levels of your water parameters, if you cant because the test kit cost is too much, then this is not the hobby for you, as this is a very expensive hobby.
I agree with you. Saltwater tank is really fun, but if there is other more important priority (i.e. school, the preparation of your $$$ in the future), try freshwater tank!
If you think freshwater tank is easy, check out discus! That fish might be a chalenge~


Active Member
how often do you do water changes, reason why i ask is a long time ago i had a fw tank and the water turned milky white over night , had no idea what was happening so i took some water to the fish store and they tested it and said the am. was off the charts i had never done a water change, i didnt even know you had to , i lost a few fish but after the water changes everything was much better