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ok so i just got home from school, and as soon as i walk through the door i see my aquaruim, and the water is white!!! and the tank smells BAD like a dog or chlorine!!! and my skimmer is going crazy and foam is running down the wall!!! well my mom is alseep so i call my dad to see if hes talked to her... he said it was like that when she got home from work so she threw a airstone in it thinking oxygenation was bad... and she saw my fish floating around gasping!!! so why she didnt call me im not sure... but anyways i got home and drained probably 5 gallons (its a 29) and removed my anemone which is still alive but i though it was probably a good idea. i put in about 1.5 gallons of fresh tap (i know! it was an emergency!) and the fish look bad but theyre alive... blahh im sooo stressed let me know any advide is GREAT!!!! help me save my fish!!!!