I bought a frag that had 2 mushrooms on it and i turned it around today trying to find a good place for it to stay and I saw what looks like a small pincushion starfish on the rock.
I know i'm supposed to acclimate starfish for at least 4 hrs and i didn't do it nearly long enough. From my experience with the LFS and my tank, our parameters are almost the same.
Will it survive?
I also noticed that I have little white spots all over my glass, the spots have a yellow center and are NOT spiral.
What are they?
I know i'm supposed to acclimate starfish for at least 4 hrs and i didn't do it nearly long enough. From my experience with the LFS and my tank, our parameters are almost the same.
Will it survive?
I also noticed that I have little white spots all over my glass, the spots have a yellow center and are NOT spiral.
What are they?