Help Lots Of Questions & Pics!


Active Member
i checked your website, tank is lookin good, I've enver head of that purple stuff you were talking about, but I'm sure it will work good. Also your LFS packs your rock nice, my LFS just puts it in the bag and lets it sit on a scale etc.. they kind of suck... I wish I had a better LFS nearby. The one near o'hara airport is awesome!! They have like literally over 100 tanks of saltwater fish, about 50 tanks and 2 huge tanks with invertebraes and coral. And they inject oxygen into the fish backs and use good metal clips. But its like an hour away do'h


Active Member
About the rock, if the sponge and plants fell off and are in the sand, I'd say take them out. If they're still on the rock, leave them there.


Active Member
looks awsome!!
yes, you can just scrub any spounges off that touched air with a new toothbrush or a wire brush. You may even be able to pick it off if it is a spounge, but make sure it is gone. Tomorrow get a shrimp or two to set off the cycle and you'll be on your way! your cycled will be shorter since you have live rock and live sand too, so you already have some bacteria in there.
ill be at my dads tomorrow...
so ill talk to you later!


Active Member
doesn't 5 gallons of water weigh a lot? I think it does lol, I have regular 5 gallon like painter buckets and according to some people 1 gallon of water = 8 lb. So those 5 gallon buckets are 40 lbs each!


ya it did weigh alot lol and i hope the purple stuff works. how long until i should test the water and what should i test? and about my LFS i love it they injected oxy in my bags (i got FW fish for my sis) and the store for this site is only about an hour away from my house (check coming soon. it talks about the store) and i found out its based outta a city kinda close. ill have to go check it out soon. but ya when and what tests should i run?


starting tomorrow? then when do i start everything else? i got a master hagen kit (includes ph, iron, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, ammonia, calcium gf and kh). when do i test the rest?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Reefman22
starting tomorrow? then when do i start everything else? i got a master hagen kit (includes ph, iron, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, ammonia, calcium gf and kh). when do i test the rest?
Well you could check the pH now, it should be fine, between 8.1-8.4. You test the ammonia until it goes up and then down, then you check the nitrate + nitrites, when they are all 0. Do a 10% water change and then if they are all 0 after that you can get your first fish. If your not planning on having a lot of coral, which you can't have that many in a nanocube, then you really don't have to wory about calcium or phosphate or gf and kh (wutever gf and kh are....) and iron you really never need to test for, for a tank that size.


Active Member
You know whats horrible, theres a dude on here, with a 55 gallon tank, he has 8 tangs and a french angel that he caught from the ocean in it. Most people wouldn't put those in a 600 gallon let alone a 55. And he just caught that french angel from the ocean today while he was scubaing thats horrible!!!!!


Active Member
are you sure you did the test right? and it might be because of the sand in the water, try it again tommrow.


Active Member
wow.... that guys tank is NOT cool
that should never happen....
brown is a mix of all the primary colors, while the only primary colors in your testing kit is yellow and blue. In a normal pH scal, red is present, so is yellow, so is blue, but to do that youd have to have different pH's.... so now im confused.....


ya u got me confused. i just woke up and im gonna take pics cause is crystal clear now and test for ph amonia nitrate and nitrite and i think i gettin a shrimp today. its actually clearer with the lights off :notsure: anyways ill take pics, do the tests and post. be back in a bit. :)


ok here are the results: after one day of "cycling" the water is as clear as anything, the amonia levels are at .3, PH - 8.1, Nitrates - .5, and nitrites - .1. pictures are coming!


Active Member
Ok, you aren't cycling yet. Once you get something in your tank that will kick off an ammonia are cycling. You really don't need to test daily. Only test about every 3 days to save your test kit...the water isn't going anywhere and is doing its thing. Make sure you test your Specific Gravity/Salinity too. Keep that around 1.025.