GET READY TO READ!!! because alot happened. :joy: I just got back from my LFS and man did they make a profit off of me! To start I got 20 gallons of water. I also got 40 lbs of live sand which takes up about 2 inches on the bottom of my tank (good for sand sifters, crabs, etc.) Then I bought about 12 pounds of live rock. I got about 10 pounds of a cheaper kind that does not have coraline alge, and 2 pounds of live rock with coraline alge. I got a 16 ounce bottle of purple-up which will speed up the coraline alge growth and to top it off I picked up a Hagen complete master testing kit. I put in the sand, then water, then rock. The water is cloudy, so I will continue to set up the rock as it clears. I plan on buying more LR in the near future but maybe after the tank is cycled. About the cycling, in the tank I have 40lbs of live sand and all the rock is live, along with the fact that the water I got was made by my LFS, so the cycling process should not be as long as I thought.
Other than that, I got a lot of budget help from my dad
and I will be posting pics momentarily. F1shman and Fishiness if youre here, Thanks for the help with everything and I will be posting all the rest of my threads in the Reef forum (I'm not all that much of a beginner anymore) but if I have a dumb question I'll post it here. Thats about it for now. Everyone that is reading this, check out my website because I will post my pictures there first the site is ( so check it out and bookmark it. I think im the most excited person right now hehe and I will post pics soon.