Help Lots Of Questions & Pics!


Active Member
If your going with 22 lbs then you could probably just go with the cheapest, whichever it is. I've heard that has some awesome rock as well and its cured, but you stil have to rinse it before you put it in the tank. For the amount I bought the 44 lbs was much cheaper at Dr. then So I'd say go by the price.


:D nope didnt leave yet but am shortly thanks for the input ill be back in a lil over an hour (with pics fishiness) and ill post them on my site first ( ) then on this thread so check back in about an hour and a half or so for pics and an update!!! this is exiting! the first addition to my tank YESSSS!!!!! talk to you guys later. check back ill be on tonight!
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: hehe im excited :D


hey is anyone around? i just got back from my LFS and im wonderin if i can fill the tank up with a towel under it. my dad thinks the towel will leave impressions on the dresser. does anyone have any ideas or suggestions about what to put under my tank?


Active Member
You can get a foam pad-1/4" thick that will protect the dresser from water damage. Otherwise I would just put the tank directly on the dresser.


GET READY TO READ!!! because alot happened. :joy: I just got back from my LFS and man did they make a profit off of me! To start I got 20 gallons of water. I also got 40 lbs of live sand which takes up about 2 inches on the bottom of my tank (good for sand sifters, crabs, etc.) Then I bought about 12 pounds of live rock. I got about 10 pounds of a cheaper kind that does not have coraline alge, and 2 pounds of live rock with coraline alge. I got a 16 ounce bottle of purple-up which will speed up the coraline alge growth and to top it off I picked up a Hagen complete master testing kit. I put in the sand, then water, then rock. The water is cloudy, so I will continue to set up the rock as it clears. I plan on buying more LR in the near future but maybe after the tank is cycled. About the cycling, in the tank I have 40lbs of live sand and all the rock is live, along with the fact that the water I got was made by my LFS, so the cycling process should not be as long as I thought. :) Other than that, I got a lot of budget help from my dad :D and I will be posting pics momentarily. F1shman and Fishiness if youre here, Thanks for the help with everything and I will be posting all the rest of my threads in the Reef forum (I'm not all that much of a beginner anymore) but if I have a dumb question I'll post it here. Thats about it for now. Everyone that is reading this, check out my website because I will post my pictures there first the site is ( so check it out and bookmark it. I think im the most excited person right now hehe and I will post pics soon.


Active Member
A couple things I noticed in there was that you said 2" was good for sand sifters...they need a little more than that. Also, where did the LFS get the water from? Hopefully you saw them filter the water and mix it fresh and they didn't take it out of their tanks. Also, no matter where you get your water, it will take just as long cycling. You need something in your tank to kick off a cycle. The rock sounds like it is cured for the most part so you may need to add some flake fish food to kick off your ammonia spike.


Active Member
Any supermarket. Just go to the fish section and get a raw shrimp (about 4" and grey). Put it in and let it sit for a few days.


Active Member
No it wont. Just one is fine. There is no such thing as "speeding up" a cycle. You just need patience in this hobby.


question: i put the live rock in and alot of plants/sponges/things fell off. Is it good to leave them in the tank or should I take them out?


Active Member
If the rock touched air, all sponges should be scrubbed off. I would take the rock out and scrub it real well...but I'm still pretty new myself. Anyone else have an idea about this?