Help Lots Of Questions & Pics!


Active Member
Sounds great, but you don't necesarrily have to get that 10lb of sand off this site, start a quick new thread asking about if you can get sand from the ocean near you. that probably be better and obviously cheaper.


ya but i just started another thread in new hobbyists about upgrading my pump so if i put in another i think people will get annoyed. but u can start one for me if u want :D


Active Member
lol start another one people won't get annoyed. I have like 5 going right now lol. One for pics, one for questions, one about my cleaner crew. etc..


k ill start one but im not sure if people will reply. oh well i still have this one and it turned out alright so maybe ill have some luck in the next hang on ill start up another. :happy:


Active Member
haha as far as questions that f1shman and i cant awsner, a new thread would be good, becausae i doubt many other people are reading all these posts at the moment.
yes i was talking about aquac..
t.... well I wont be adding anything like that soon anyways. Im thinkin about getting 20 gallons of water today-LFS- $10, 20 lbs of live sand-LFS- $40, and the 45 lbs of rock -Dr.- $99
having a beutiful reef tank? Priceless


Active Member
oh yeah!! my birthday was oct 24. i got my lisence after 7 months instead of 6 as CT requires because the tests were so full. i could have gotten it after 4 if i finished drivers ed in time..... i still have one more class to make up... been doing it since november and have had my lisence for just over a month
now i can drive to my LFS al the time! they see me quite often :joy:


do you think if i try to sell LR on one of these message boards, anyone will buy it? Ill have to figure out shipping first


Active Member
ya maybe, just make sure you know how to ship it correctly. Dr. ships it damp with damp newspaper on it in a plastic bag thats in a styrofoam cooler thing.


Active Member
if you have enough left over and a good enough price, of course someone will!!
they have the classified section for that!


Active Member
haha you must be like me....
too busy looking into your tank to see anything else
or well.... your tank to be... and if not yet, you will be once you get something living like live rock in there


o dang i forgot about shipping so at dr. , its gonna cost me 158 for the 45? how much will it cost to ship for the 22 lb? and how do you know when your water is cycled?


Active Member
its $1.15 a lb for shipping. First your ammonia will spike, then your nitrites will spike or maybe nitrates one of those. Then once that is done, you do a 10% water change and if all the levels are still 0 your ready to add your first fish.


Active Member
but i caluculated that 22 lb at ur LFS would be $158. so basically your getting 22 lb for free lol.


Active Member
go there to see shipipng cost.
your water is cycled once your levels, nitrates, nitrites, and amonia arae all at 0
you will see a huge spike. most of the time off the chart for some levels, and then it will quickly dropp to 0
this is when your tank is cycled


Active Member
2 days after my rock have been added and my ammonia hasn't spiked yet! well im testing again right now, gotta wait a bit to see results. I hope it spiked, otherwise I'll try the shrimp thing. Just add a uncooked shrimp at the deli and put it in and let it deterioate?


Active Member
correct. jsut let it rot and get all nasty. the spike will occur though. A shrimp wouldnt hurt though. I put in 3 to cycle my 40 and the levels went off the chart! but as expected, they came back down. The spike will not occur quickly though, or do you mean that there has been no rise? a cycle usualy takes a few weeks. so after 2 days isnt a bad thing. lol


Active Member
Hey Reef!! I've got a good idea for the extra rock you have, you can take out the bioballs and put the extra back there, it works as a filter, and bioballs are known to be "nitrate factories"