Help Lots Of Questions & Pics!


Active Member
hermits may not be exciting and you dont get as "attachted" to them as you would a fish, but they are still an important part of the ecosystem in your tank
and you guys got freakin far today!!
orph, sorry about the bio-balls comments. i know they do have their benifits. :joy:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Reefman22
hey fishman, i heard earlier taht it would be ok to put in a few snails and crabs during the cycling process because someone did and they lived and are fine, i also heard that it is not ok.
Just because they lived for someone, does not mean they will live for you. Every tank cycles different. I wouldn't waste the money, for one thing, but if you do know that you are putting animals (unnecessarily) into an extremely harsh/toxic environment on purpose which is not, IMO, the kindest thing to do.


pods? like amphripods and stuff? that will be fun. once the cycling is done, what is the order that you add livestock? cleanup crew, fish, corals ? also, i may replace the lights in my nano to be able to add more corals, where can i find lights that fit that? (they are 2 strips of 36 watt PC lighting


Active Member
Hmm, not too sure about that set-up. Can you take the top off and add a different fixture? 2x36 isn't too bad. You should be able to house the softest corals.


ya i can take them out. i know i can house some, but i wanted to upgrade. its alright, ill stick to these (im likin this hobby already, if i get this tank mastered i will probably end up upgrading)


Active Member
You would need to replace the ballast and all if you got stronger lighting. It would end up costing more to change your tank over than to get a new tank. I'd get used to the salt water hobby and then get a bigger tank down the road.


what is the highes Ca level you should have? i tested and mine is at about 620!!! (it is because i am adding purple up which speeds up coraline alge growth. what can i do to lower it if its too high?


Active Member
your Ca level should be somewhere around 400-450. higher than 450 and it could start building up on your equiptment and end up ruining them. You can do water changes, or check your ALK too. the problem may be that that is too low. test that then tell us what it is.
and make sure you dont overdose with the coraline stimulator


Active Member
its a drop tester
alkalinity is the buffering capasity or your water. This means how stable the pH is basicaly.